wild kittens may not waddle up to a human
Our last cat did exactly that. Not that young, but she was a very young kitten and she made a beeline for us across the street and never left us for the next 12 years.
Or this is staged crap posted by a user on YouTube called KittySOS who appears to repost rescue videos.
Well okay, that's possible. But the kitten was still cute in that video, regardless of whether or not it was stages. Surely it wasn't paid to meow...
So many people are so cynical about everything on the internet. I don't know man... I just enjoyed watching the cute cat myself.

.ml isn't great but it's nothing compared to Hexbear. If the hexbears lose their madhouse and start disseminating to other tankie instances, it's gonna make them ten times worse.

The magaques demand genuine respect for slavery, not pretend.

lol great image!

Basically Finland asked for military assistance from Nazi Germany to keep the Soviet Union at bay. German troops fought the Soviets on Finnish soil. And then when the war turned sour for Germany, Finland turned against Germany and kicked them out - more or less at the behest of the United States.
Finland's problem has always been its gigantic aggressive neighbor to the east - and it still has that problem today. It explained its cozy relationship with Nazi Germany by the need to keep a bigger problem at bay. And it was completely true and completely rational.
But what was also true - and I know it for a fact because I talked to Finns who lived through the war and housed Germans - is that the German troops behaved impeccably in Finland and left a very good impression, even today. The Finns aren't too proud of that but it's a fact, and it's even understandable from the point of view of individual Finns of the time.
After the war, not wanting to lose a potential ally in the newly-established Cold War, the US sort of accepted Finland's rationale and let it slide. Kind of like they did with France too, which equally deserved a lot more flak than they got.

Oui je suis bien au courant 🙂
Le Français est comme le Finnois - que je suis toujours en train d'apprendre: il y a le language écrit et le language parlé non-soutenu est complètement différent. C'est comme devoir apprendre deux langues. L'Espagnol pour comparaison est bien plus simple: c'est plus ou moins identique parlé et écrit. Enfin pas vraiment mais pas loin.

Tiny stray kitten wobbled over to me and stopped at my feet, as if asking to be adopted

French is very easy to learn: all kids in France master it without any problem.
FEMA disaster funds were illegally funneled to the Pakistani Government, receiving $100 million.

I would take any story of a scandal involving Pakistan reported by an Indian newspaper with a giant salt crystal.

I don't know how the pro-life religious crazies can look at themselves in the mirror.

My neighbor has a smart TV and it keeps bitching and moaning when it's not connected to the internet.

It's a store in Sweden where I reside 6 months per year, and the brand is Finlux.

It's exactly what I got: it has the telltale PCMCIA connector on the side and a store mode in the menu.

Steve Bannon can rot in hell.
He might start rotting before that: he dresses and looks like a tramp who doesn't shower too often...

I'll tell you what makes me feel old:
When I was a kid in the 70s, everybody was talking about the year 2000, and I kept thinking "That like in 25 years, it's like a quarter century. It's like in forever!"
2000 was 25 years ago, and it feels like half a century went by in the blink of an eye.

Wow, if Steve Bannon is being the reasonable adult in the magade, that says something about how out there the maga-in-chief is...

Zelensky should agree: he can always renege after the war, claiming he did what he had to do to stay independent like the Finns did after WW2 to justify inviting the Nazis in, and pointing to Trump himself as the quintessential untrustworthy ruler who readily goes back on his word.

Wouldn't be funny if Russia interjected "Hey, we have rare earths. Want some?"

I was seven years old, we visited the Vatican
That's a scary thought right there.

...and the price of eggs still hasn't gone down.
I wonder at what point the magats will realize they've been had.

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