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Los Angeles’s Mayor Was Contemplating a Mask Ban. She Just Got Covid.
  • The considered ban on masks was for protesters.

    The idea of not allowing anonymity for protesters has its origins in combating racial violence and the KKK. Klan members suddenly lost a lot of their motivation to assemble in public, once they had to show their faces, those that did were less likely to commit illegal acts and the ones that did break the law were more likely to face legal reprocutions.

    The contemplated ban on masks for protesters in Los Angeles was considered following increased violence by masked protesters and was not motivated by covid denial.

  • 22 June 2024
  • Anybody else see this as a commentary on political elections?

  • Ontario man can't collect lottery prize after he forgets where he bought ticket
  • If these answers are not provided, the claim then undergoes further review, which extends the time a winner must wait in order to receive their prize.

    So the prize was delayed, not denied. Misleading headlines like this really make it difficult to trust the source.

  • Voters have no right to fair elections, NC lawmakers say as they seek to dismiss gerrymandering suit
  • I'm sure that it will be fixed after this election and broken again before the next. The Supreme Court made sure of that back in 2022 with the Merrill v Milligan verdict where they admited that the racially gerrymandered districts were illegal, but allowed to be used anyways so long as it's relatively close to an election.

    When an election is close at hand, the rules of the road must be clear and settled. Late judicial tinkering with election laws can lead to disruption and to unanticipated and unfair consequences for candidates, political parties, and voters, among others.

    • Brett Kavanaugh
  • What is your favourite poem, and why?
  • Invictus by William Ernst Henley

    When I was younger I clung to it's message of perseverance. It ended up being the first poem that I ever memorized.

    Out of the night that covers me
    Black as the pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.
    In the fell clutch of circumstance,
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.
    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate
    I am the captain of my soul.
  • Self-driving cars will never be popular as you can't speed in them.
  • Ride share is very popular and it offers a similar service to what most people expect from self driving cars.

    I think that the majority of people want a vehicle for transportation and those who want a car for recreation are a minority.

  • How am I supposed to decide who to vote for in local elections?
  • Have you tried contacting them with questions about issues that concern you?

  • Breaking: Trump Verdict Livethread
  • He might run out the clock.

  • What are the minimum things you need to be willing to live for eternity?
  • For me, it would essentially need to be a TARDIS.

    Whenever I think of immortality I immediately go to the end of all other life and the idea of knowing that I would eventually be doomed to an inescapable existence of total isolation. Long before that, but hundreds of years from now, I am sure that I would go literally insane with boredom. I need to know that there will always be something new, different, and interesting. A TARDIS would allow me to go anywhere, anytime, with anyone.

    I also fear eternal life in some preeminent imprisonment, either some form of external confinement, like being trapped at the bottom of the ocean by the crushing weight of the water around me, some form of locked-in syndrome. A TARDIS could operate on its own to save me from such a fate.

    If eternity ever becomes too much, a TARDIS would also give some options to potentially end my existence.

  • Uncanny Valley
  • Trump’s Ugly, Hateful Attacks on Media Suddenly Take a Dangerous Turn
  • "suddenly take a dangerous turn"?

    What direction did they think his actions were headed?

  • Apple, SpaceX, Microsoft return-to-office mandates drove senior talent away
  • A survey of 18,000 Americans released in March pointed to flexible work schedules helping mental health.

    It's almost like the work force actually values the quality of their lives more than ... umm, honestly I've never been able to figure out a positive side for companies pushing RTO. Report after report show remote work improves productivity, employee retention, is perceived as a significant perk to attract new talent, and reduces corporate overhead (that last one is just an assumption on my part).

    Seriously, what is the attraction for RTO?

  • Is “diversity hire” a slur? If not, then why don’t we question the competence or qualifications of non-POC hires? Like why are non-POC hires not “cronyism hire” or “familiarity hire”?
  • The phrase "diversity hire" implies that they were not hired for their abilities. It attacks the person looking for a job rather than one making the hiring decision. So yes, it is a slur.

    The purpose of phrases like "diversity hire" is to dehumanize and marginalize without ever having to learn anything about the person you don't like and you won't bring about inclusion by embracing those tactics, but it is noticed and called out, but it is done as a conversation and against the individual doing the hiring, not against a group of people who were hired and did nothing wrong.

    At least that has been my experience.

  • Donald Trump Jr. visited Peter Navarro in federal prison: Sources
  • As I understand it, the warden as the authority to add such monitoring, but regulations only require supervision to the degree of preventing contraband from being passed between visitors and inmates. While I found no confirmation for this, I cannot imagine the warden of a minimum security facility wanting to spend a portion of their budget on this level of surveillance.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This sounds like it was a bad match for you and you are better off without them.

    In my opinion, the criteria for a successful relationship is one that encourages growth. It should provides a safe space where differences, changes and mistakes are accepted without judgement. Above all, you feel loved and supported. From your limited description it does not sound like he provided any of that.

    I think I’m just meant to be single.

    You are 20. You are likely still discovering the type of person you are and developing the strength and tools to be that person in the face of adversity. I think that you should enjoy being single and focus on you, not some "us".

    Love who you are, build a strong and healthy relationship with yourself, and realize that you deserve somebody who will honor and respect all of you not just the bits that are convenient for them.

  • Locked Removed Deleted
    United Nations halves estimate of women and children killed in Gaza
  • Odd response. I am curious to know what reportable offense OP thinks I committed.

  • Locked Removed Deleted
    United Nations halves estimate of women and children killed in Gaza
  • You seemed really confused why somebody would be upset about 8,000 dead children and also stated that you were "happy" about the updated numbers.

  • Do you dream? How often?
  • I dream most nights, though the dreams themselves very rarely make it into my long term memory and are forgotten within minutes of waking up.

  • Locked Removed Deleted
    United Nations halves estimate of women and children killed in Gaza
  • You are "happy" about 8,000 dead children?

  • Donald Trump Jr. visited Peter Navarro in federal prison: Sources
  • It's a minimum security Federal Prison Camp where inmates can escape by simply waking away. Even when convicted, these traitors don't do hard time.

    I cannot find confirmation on this, but I suspect the reason for the visit is that in-person visits are less likely to be monitored and "safer" for discussing illegal or incriminating topics. Can't imagine any other reason for Donnie Jr to go there in person.

  • How Banks Work

    It somehow makes more and less sense, all at the same time.

    True Crime EndOfLine
    A woman escaped a makeshift cinder block 'dungeon' in Oregon, police say. The FBI believes there are more victims in other states | CNN A woman escaped a makeshift cinder block 'dungeon' in Oregon, police say. The FBI believes there are more victims in other states | CNN

    After a woman escaped from a makeshift “dungeon” made of cinder blocks in a man’s Oregon home, the FBI says it is looking for additional victims in other states.

    A woman escaped a makeshift cinder block 'dungeon' in Oregon, police say. The FBI believes there are more victims in other states | CNN

    cross-posted from:

    > After a woman escaped from a makeshift “dungeon” made of cinder blocks in a man’s Oregon home, the FBI says it is looking for additional victims in other states. > > The man, 29-year-old Negasi Zuberi, was taken into federal custody on suspicion of kidnapping across state lines after a woman from Seattle escaped from his home in Klamath Falls, Oregon, according to a news release from the FBI Portland Field Office. The woman also said she was sexually assaulted, the FBI said. > > Zuberi, who has lived in at least 10 states since 2016, has been linked to violent assaults in at least four states, according to the FBI. Investigators have reason to believe there could be several other victims, the agency said. Zuberi was indicted by a federal grand jury in Oregon on one count of kidnapping and one count of transportation with intent to engage in sexual activity, court documents filed Wednesday show.

    A woman escaped a makeshift cinder block 'dungeon' in Oregon, police say. The FBI believes there are more victims in other states | CNN A woman escaped a makeshift cinder block 'dungeon' in Oregon, police say. The FBI believes there are more victims in other states | CNN

    After a woman escaped from a makeshift “dungeon” made of cinder blocks in a man’s Oregon home, the FBI says it is looking for additional victims in other states.

    A woman escaped a makeshift cinder block 'dungeon' in Oregon, police say. The FBI believes there are more victims in other states | CNN

    > After a woman escaped from a makeshift “dungeon” made of cinder blocks in a man’s Oregon home, the FBI says it is looking for additional victims in other states.

    > The man, 29-year-old Negasi Zuberi, was taken into federal custody on suspicion of kidnapping across state lines after a woman from Seattle escaped from his home in Klamath Falls, Oregon, according to a news release from the FBI Portland Field Office. The woman also said she was sexually assaulted, the FBI said.

    > Zuberi, who has lived in at least 10 states since 2016, has been linked to violent assaults in at least four states, according to the FBI. Investigators have reason to believe there could be several other victims, the agency said. Zuberi was indicted by a federal grand jury in Oregon on one count of kidnapping and one count of transportation with intent to engage in sexual activity, court documents filed Wednesday show.

    Green eggs and cheese croissant sandwich

    Green eggs are made by running spinach, feta cheese and egg run through the blender.

    True Crime EndOfLine
    Leslie Van Houten, follower of cult leader Charles Manson, is one big step closer to freedom

    cross-posted from:

    > California’s governor announced Friday that he won’t ask the state Supreme Court to block parole for Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten, paving the way for her release after serving 53 years in prison for two infamous murders. > > nbclosangeles > > In a brief statement, the governor’s office said an appeal was unlikely to succeed. > > Newsom is disappointed, the statement said. > > “More than 50 years after the Manson cult committed these brutal killings, the victims’ families still feel the impact,” the statement said. > > Van Houten, now in her 70s, is serving a life sentence for helping Manson and other followers in the 1969 killings of Leno LaBianca, a grocer in Los Angeles, and his wife, Rosemary. > > Van Houten could be freed in about two weeks after the parole board reviews her record and processes paperwork for her release from the California Institution for Women in Corona, her attorney Nancy Tetreault said. > > She was recommended for parole five times since 2016 but Newsom and former Gov. Jerry Brown rejected all those recommendations. > > However, a state appeals court ruled in May that Van Houten should be released, noting what it called her “extraordinary rehabilitative efforts, insight, remorse, realistic parole plans, support from family and friends” and favorable behavior reports while in prison. > > “She’s thrilled and she’s overwhelmed,” Tetreault said. > > “She’s just grateful that people are recognizing that she’s not the same person that she was when she committed the murders,” she said. > > After she's released, Van Houten will spend about a year in a halfway house, learning basic life skills such as how to go to the grocery and get a debit card, Tetreault said. > > “She’s been in prison for 53 years. ... She just needs to learn how to use an ATM machine, let alone a cell phone, let alone a computer,” her attorney said. > The Manson Family > > Van Houten and other Manson followers killed the LaBiancas in their home in August 1969, smearing their blood on the walls after. Van Houten later described holding Rosemary LaBianca down with a pillowcase over her head as others stabbed her, before herself stabbing the woman more than a dozen times. > > “My family and I are heartbroken because we’re once again reminded of all the years that we have not had my father and my stepmother with us,” Cory LaBianca, Leno LaBianca's daughter, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Friday. > > “My children and my grandchildren never got an opportunity to get to know either of them, which has been a huge void for my family,” said Cory La Bianca, who is 75. > > The LaBianca murders happened the day after Manson followers killed actress Sharon Tate and four others. Van Houten did not participate in the Tate killings.

    WYR nobody be capable of lying to you, or have a device that allows you to witness any event that happened on Earth more than 10 years ago?

    Everybody that speaks, writes, sings, etc to you directly or as part of a group would be physically incapable of saying something they knew to be untrue. Anybody attempting to lie would uncontrollably tell the truth instead. This only applies if you are physically in the audience. Example, btoadcasts and pre-recordings would not be covered by this, but all live performances would.


    You have a device, about the size of a mobile phone, that allows you to see and hear any event that has occurred. You only need to provide coordinates and a date to observe what happened at that place and time. Only events that are occurred 10 years or more ago and occurred on the planet Earth (up to 5 mi / 8 km above the surface) are accessible. You can swivel your perspective, but you cannot move around (so no following if your subject leaves the area or moving to peak behind / under anything). Once you start viewing a moment, events play out in real time and you can watch as long as you want. Nobody but you is able to witness the events and you cannot make any recordings.

    Tourist who allegedly carved names into Rome’s Colosseum says he didn’t know the ‘antiquity of the monument’ | CNN Tourist who allegedly carved names into Rome’s Colosseum says he didn’t know the ‘antiquity of the monument’ | CNN

    The tourist who was filmed apparently carving his name into a wall of Rome’s 2,000-year-old Colosseum late last month has sent a letter of apology to the local prosecutor’s office, his defense lawyer told CNN on Thursday.

    Tourist who allegedly carved names into Rome’s Colosseum says he didn’t know the ‘antiquity of the monument’ | CNN

    The tourist who was filmed apparently carving his name into a wall of Rome’s 2,000-year-old Colosseum late last month has sent a letter of apology to the local prosecutor’s office, his defense lawyer told CNN on Thursday.

    “I admit with the deepest embarrassment that only after what regrettably happened, I learned of the antiquity of the monument,” the alleged perpetrator wrote in his letter to the prosecutor, his lawyer, Alexandro Maria Tirelli, told CNN. The tourist’s name is Ivan Dimitrov, his lawyer told CNN.

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