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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • I think you are looking too narrowly at explicit mention of specific things and missing the forest for the trees a bit. It's smaller and in places but look at his appeal to widows and the unmarried in Corinthians

    "To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion."

    Marriage and sexuallity is a failure state for Paul. A lack of control over one's Holy Temple of a body. He outlines the only circumstances one can have sex that isn't a complete affront to God because he veiws the desire and need for it at all as weakness that is a tough sell a lot of his followers. It's not so much a guidebook to pleasure, it's creation of a roped off private circumstances to indulge a shameful human desire.

    If you're interested I recommend going back and reading his letters again but from the imagined perspective that Paul is a sex repulsed asexual who holds his own perspective on sex as the most sacred option. There's some interesting queer discussion on the matter out there.

  • For me it's been longer than that. I am a queer Canadian and anytime I have travelled the US or stayed with friends and seen any group carrying or wearing American flags that hasn't given me the "ick" so much as rung alarm bells that those people are not safe.

    Thing is, it's the same thing with the Canadian flag. Any group flying too many Canadian flags outside of Canada Day is likely to be Conservative and anti-queer. Anti-Trans protesters or anti-vaxxers on highway overpasses? Canadian flag. Lifted truck soaring down the highway with a "Fuck Trudeau" bumper sticker - Canada flag. Hoard of protesters demanding book bans, group of people protesting Pride with a "you are gunna burn pedos" sign, antiDEI crusader mob - Canadian flag. It doesn't take long before one starts to draw certain conclusions about a person's character when they wave it around. For those of us trans folk who can it's a sign to hide. A literal red flag.

    Amoungst the left up here the flag is a complicated symbol. Many of us on the West Coast see it as a symbol of colonial practice and an insensitive declaration of an occupying nation on stolen territory for people who are still here and whose original sovereignty is still not properly acknowledged. It's not a symbol of pride and if personally used as such it's a sign of insensitivity and work to be done. At the same time I would not say that I am not proud of my Country for how far we've come. We are a nation in therapy who has the opportunity to put the work in to getting over some really bad murderous and selfish flaws and try new things to make things right. When I had an American friend up here it took a bit for him to understand how seriously the effort is to recon with our past and he treated us like a utopia of leftist sentiment but it is like therapy, yeah we might be putting the work in - but we can see how much further we need to go and praise doesn't hit us as "job well done" it's a reminder of how shitty it still is. But if anyone ever thinks that this complicated and nuanced relationship to country would stop us from rallying together to fight to preserve our rights to keep working towards that better future they would be dead wrong.

    So I understand pretty well where you're coming from but for a lot of us this isn't a particularly new thing. It just is affecting more and more people as they wake up to realizing how these symbols are used.

  • Yup, already had the "flee or stand and die" convo with my partner a few weeks ago. I am firmly willing to risk death to defend the progress we've made as a Province and Nation. We aren't perfect and are early in the process but we're trying to recon with our history of colonial genocide and embrace a truer multiculturalism which the US refuses to even acknowledge. We have made commitments to the health and well-being of all citizens, not just the productive bodies which fuel the markets. It's incomplete but aspirational and walking it back would be a disgrace.

    The American democracy is an outdated shambles that has fallen into ruin and I will not be bound by it by choice. There is no freedom or opportunity the USA can offer us. Only more oppression on rights we already have enshrined.

  • Dude... You're about 10 years too late on this sentiment. We tried it before and all we got was screamed at and mocked. Patience ran out and yet more was always demanded "You shouldn't be upset when we call you pedos, learn to take a joke, you are so weak with your mamby pamby kumbaya bullshit. Come to dinner, shut up and let us get away with ruining your mental health over and over and over... " Constantly being asked, dickered reall, to put up with this behavior and be all peace and love so that there never be any consequences.

    A lot of us learned that the only way people will learn is if they stick their hand on the burner of the stove themselves. We tried dialogue, we tried appeals to empathy we tried to lead them gently away but you know what? All we did was waste our time and patience and those resources are not endless. Now after all the harm they've done to us directly and independently they come to us with burnt hands now that they are the ones effected and they want us to kiss it all better.

    This isn't a "difference of opinion" they fucking burnt us over and over and yes, we'll forgive them because we need them to do something useful for a change but if they valued us and our health and well-being like we cared enough about theirs to try so hard for so damned long to get through to them then maybe they would have grace. So if you are the freshly burned, welcome to the movement, a lot of us are not interested in cooing over your wounds and making you feel good because we're past that.

    At this point if supporters are still clinging to the identity they made as supporters then it's legitimately dangerous to court them. They are authoritarians who have spent the past decade programmed to dismiss every source and citation outside their own as illegitimate and to pervert debate into stupid circus tricks. They are a waste of our time because every minute spent arguing with brick walls is a minute that could be spent bypassing them and organizing to mount a resistance.

    While it's true the best way to deradicalize is to keep a line of communication open and leave them a path out it's only viable if they actually valued you already. If you think you can get someone out all the power to you but the time is past for new applications and appeals to be nice. Nice got us here.

  • There are some aspects of Paul which tick the conservative box in that he comes across as a sex negative asexual who uses part of his soapbox to preach his own distain by insisting that pleasure in sex is bad and linking the idea of anything but purely reproductive sex with a spiritual uncleanliness and immorality. It fuels a lot of bad shit from purity doctrine to anti-same sex relationship rhetoric.

    Not that sexual control over women and reproduction particularly hasn't been a worldwide phenomenon but instilling pleasure and sex directly to sin really linked in to all the conservative bullshit that Paul's hijacked letters contained so I feel like there's a bit of a "depends on your definition of conservative" thing.

  • Not bad. I get most of my veg from local Chinese grocery where everything is a little closer to spoil but cheaper by half and all the sourcing info is in a language I don't read so I basically wrote that off as a whole in the name of scraping by.

    But was decently happy to learn that my spending habits were mostly Canadian centric by default anyway exempting snacks. Mind you I live in a chunk of Van where most of my fav stuff is imported from Asia through local companies and ports so my easy solve was just segwaying hard into Korean and Japanese imports.

  • Isolation really is an American mentality but it's not particularly great for actually striking out. If you want to atop things from getting worse Collectivist activities and thinking is your best chance.

    Reach out to the people who are already doing stuff. If you have a union or a political action group, go to it and start organizing. If someone has already started organizing then join them and be subordinate. Find people who understand democratic systems and collective action and offer your time. In fighting is the luxury of peacetime so learn to do that which is not your own exact process. Set aside differences and petty disagreement and work to mutual benefit.

    Learn the Roberts rules of order or how your local and state governments function and utilize channels that exist. If you have a gardening or farmers market society reach out and looking at replacing your lawn for gardens and pool with like minded neighbours. Learn first aid and stock a kit. Train your body to be fit and learn self defense. Prepare yourself to be disobedient on someone else's behalf.

    Your votes at a federal level are no longer being considered but will your protest be toothless? If you are feeling doom, reach out and find hope in solidarity.

  • Because they are a Canadian and your dumbass president keeps trying to start the process of annexation. Do you have any idea how angry folk up here have become?

    We are a tiny country in terms of people and a massive one in terms of land. We cannot legally participate in your systems of government in a meaningful way but we have always been effected by US political decisions and the lack of co-ordinated resistance nessisary from it's citizens to fix the issues that affect all of us. We've been Cassandra warning you of what doom is about to befall us all and so often we've been dismissed.

    I have compassion that you guys honestly didn't want this. That this was a co-ordinated attack on your freedoms.

    But I am also angry that it was slacktivist feel good measures of defiance that was the go to for so many on the left when a lot of folk on the right were using the system against you directly because finding the way to apply and lobby and interface with the system directly gets poo pooed as having to deal with and act like a Democrat...but is how the system is designed to function.

    The truth is that other countries can't help you. The only legal interface we have is through proper channels because there are bodies of law and military systems that keep us in check from interference. Technically your country hasn't tripped the switch where we can directly meddle because that would mean a war during which we would need be defending because we have a total citizen count only slightly larger than California.

    You have no such restrictions. You can use sabotage, soft resistance, legal avenues, press to leave the union, show up at your municipal and state governments with petitions, organize into actual milltias like your own constitutional documents say is a good thing for when your country had gone rogue. Your founders were edgy mistrustful bastards who designed your country with the idea that it might need to be overthrown. None of this is easy. Up here a lot of people are preparing - taking relevant coursework, getting firearm licencing and training proficiency, working with aid programs to assist refugees and using measures that change our behaviour, sometimes at personal cost to future plans or to pocketbooks.

    You can ignore Canadian and Mexican voices in this squabble. Let's face it, we're used to it as most of your discourse likes to pretend we don't exist. But everybody gets an opinion here and we are relevant... Because your country will crush us with the combined weight of individual inaction eventually.

  • If you want to oversimplify it into a slogan sure.

    "The systems of law and systemic oppression currently in place mean that it is virtually impossible to be a net good to society while trying to serve it in the capacity of cop even if you are well intentioned and want to stop violence." doesn't fit nicely on a shirt.

    Problem being is when you take the slogan as nothing but axiomatic truth you kind of miss the point the slogan was made for. The cops whether some or all were never the point. It's the overlaping systems we have to dismantle.

  • Sometimes. Paramedics deal with a lot of people who react to life saving stuff with violence. Sometimes this is because the person is afraid and in fight mode, sometimes it's drugs sometimes it's because they face consequences after they get better. Anytime you mix violence with other stressors, low pay, overtime, threats of legal or financial censure for not dealing being proactive with violence when you have to prioritize something else more than running away, PTSD from bad experiences... Even good people get hard hearted.

    The same pressures that turn cops into monsters are present in paramedic work, it's just there's different priorities. The same initiatives that change laws to be more health focused and the movement to defund and demilliterize cops in favour of using those resources to provide communities with additional compassionate supports and services for wider multitude of different responses also benefit paramedics. The problem with cops isn't always that they exist. If someone is trying to murder someone then it is kind of nice to have someone you can call - it's what the design of the system turns people into and how they become tools of oppression and an escalating force of violence. To not become a jaded paramedic willing to solve problems "the easy way" takes sustained willpower that some systems make into a superhuman feat.

  • The above poster used "Their awkwardness" as well which isn't a confrontational use of singular they and establishes a habit for distancing themselves from using the known correct pronouns.

    In the trans community this is sometimes known as "The coward's they". A soft form of transphobic behavior that refuses someone's gender when a trans person is well known enough or their gender is self evident by their presentation and behaviour but the person referring to them really doesn't want to use the correct pronoun. Sometimes it's a not intentional thing the brain does when outright transphobia mashes up against the brain coding someone they see as passing so "they" starts getting used so the speaker doesn't trip up and accidentally use the correct pronoun. When done intentionally it's designed to be subtle enough to not be caught by people just on the outside edge of trans inclusive communities but to trans people and their nearest and dearest it's usually pretty obvious. Basically a dogwhistle.

    You do not need to be a white knight for this person by trying to pour over their diction to try and find some pretext to defend them. Challenges to a coward's they are usually no more than a reminder of a person's actual pronouns. Short and sweet and over with quickly. Either the person gets the hint or they don't care. It's only when this response starts happening that people think using "they" dismissively to trans people works the same way as using "they" dismissively to cis people and the coward's they finds the camouflage it needs to live on because even if this was not a coward's they it functions exactly the same to a trans listener.

  • Safe

  • C-3P0, our translator for R2's boopspeak uses he/him pronouns for the little guy and so does at least Luke so he's effectively masc presenting. One could argue he's a man but the society he's in effectively classes sentient droids as property without the reserve they do for non-artificial species and are unlikely to confer the other cultural aspects "manhood" onto a droid.

  • We can't. We're way too small. There are only marginally more Canadians than there are Californians spread out over a country 1.6% larger than the entire US.

    We're gunna try to land some lawsuits against the administration and accept refugees from the States like we did last time but it's unfortunately asking a mouse to take on a cat.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Received this from a friend in Oregon today. She has been refused any kind of passport and is effectively under travel ban.

  • This is a holdover of gay hookup codes.

    Basically every generation of queer folk back when being queer meant a legitimate threat to life (imprisonment, castration, torture or violence) or through precarity (being disowned, losing one's job or benefits) queer folk lived like spies and used codes to quietly signal their status to others. There are some that have been easily lost to history but some would either be decoded and then become too dangerous to use openly... Or the straights would think it's neat and adopt the fashion without realizing what it actually was being used for likewise making it too dangerous to openly use. So there's these layers of abandoned code.

    Modern codes are more complex and not as covert as folk have realized that a lot of straights wouldn't know queer code if it came up and performed a drag routine on their nose. Like Pride events people wear flag colors that tell you what their deal is but straight folk only really tend to recognize maybe a handful. Others are less obvious, there's a club color code of bandana that is very specific to kink and sexual orientation depending on what color and how you wear it.

  • It's hard not to take offense to your comment. Millennials did not spearhead shit. You were GIVEN the opportunity to be yourselves.

    As a Millennial hard agree there. The old guard had to deal with mobs running the bars, institutions letting them die and in select places forming militia to prevent people from going out and beating queer people for fun. Millennials aren't the spearhead, we're like mid shaft of the spear at best.

    That being said we're all gunna have to go back to the hardcore roots if we want to uphold the civil rights wins of the past. This all is gunna get messy.

  • Aww that's so sweet! I am the transmasc Non-binary half of a very devoted 16 year relationship and freely admit my fella's is the only safeguard the rest of y'all have stopping me from warcrimes.

    I recognize your public service to humanity. Keep up the good work!

  • Elon Musk has a well documented track record of supporting far right causes that mirror Nazi ideology. At the Inauguration he performed two Nazi salutes (one to the crowd and one to the flag). He routinely promotes the methods of genocides of trans people and Palistinians through both verbal parlance and through direct funding and uses well known euphemisms in support of white supremacy causes. He has authoritarian leanings tasked with removing from government service entire administrative arms that previously were not electable or apointable positions (because they were staffed with experts whose task is to stick to their guns of scientific or proven best practice and not simply be yes men telling the administration what they want to hear).

    He also has never denied making a Nazi salute in the days since it's happened instead deciding to make Holocaust and Nazi featured jokes.

    At this point what evidence can be put forward that he is not a Nazi?

  • Sorry, read too much and live with a programmer who uses me as a soundboard and forgot how to talk like a human. I'll simplify.

    It was implied above being an "actual" Nazi is linked somehow to being brave. I suggested that being a Nazi isn't linked to being ballsy. A coward Nazi doesn't just exist it's just as deserving of being smacked in the face as a brave Nazi the only difference is their defense tactic is make you feel bad about doing so.

    Maybe a downgrade from a punch to an open hand slap for legal retaliation reasons? Season to taste? Won't tell you how to live your life.

  • Framing being a Nazi as having a defining rubric of out and proud suggests a false spectrum linking being brave and cowardly to a range between Nazi and Not Nazi. It's more of a boolean function. A Nazi coward hiding in linen cupboard and an audacious Nazi in the streets willing to take a punch are still both just Nazis.

  • It's either a party brand name in which case it's meant to invoke a vibe of progressivism that it may or may not live up to because it's just part of political word salad...

    Or its a political system that premiered back in the day of John Locke and Stuart Mill before fundamental rights were a widely accepted thing for the average joe that advocated for a series of basic human rights that from the start was very very focused on individual property rights and protection from government seizure because there was a habit monarchs had of doing that shit all the god damn time. Exceptions to these rights always existed but how the government interacts with those property rights particularly when it comes to "rights of corporations" is kind of up in the air. Socialism can optionally dovetail into liberalism by socializing different aspects of property and services but is not compatible with Communism because individual property rights are in direct conflict with allocation of resources based on government calculated need.

    Technically Republicans and Liberals in the US are both liberals just Republicans are "neo-liberals" an ideology that became vogue with the likes of Regan and Thatcher where government regulatory bodies are looked at as an enemy and chunks of what were government are privatized... Which these parties sell as a cost cutting austerity measure but this has never been historically known to do anything but make things worse quality, not less expensive anf line the pockets of contractors and shareholders who are usually unsurprisingly ex politicians.

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