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This is real rule.
  • As if we needed more proof that the british are a fallen civilization.

  • Based
  • How?

  • Thoughts on the game Timberborn
  • Yeah the gameplay loop in that game is definitely an issue, IMO what they need is a 'optional' victory condition like in Anno 1800 or Factorio where you have the option to keep playing after winning.

  • do UAPs investigate fusion sites like they do for fission?
  • Always wondered, what other things would they investigate? Certain other kinds of research that aren't as 'flashy' as nuclear stuff? Multinational oligarchs? Systemically engineered mass murder events?

  • Saruman also blocks Rowan's military assistance to Gondor
  • What's the deal with this certainty that this is the result of people's will? I'm more inclined to beleive it is a systemic result of 'winner takes all' logic and the penetration of political and media institutions by bad actors.

  • Saruman also blocks Rowan's military assistance to Gondor
  • I'm beginning to believe that a large portion of this society doesn't actually see anything wrong with genocide, they just don't like the word and are content with telling themselves that the victims deserved it.

    Isreal and the US government know what they are doing, the killing is deliberate, it is the only viable explanation for things like the treatment of UNRWA and the clear targeting of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. Claiming that these targets are somehow militants would be laughable if the consequences weren't so saturated with human blood.

    It's obvious to me that both parties would make the same choices here, party politics are only to blame here as far as they enabled themselves to be so throughly penetrated by foreign interests. Only real difference with Trumptard VS genocide Joe is that trump would be more transparent with his support for genocide.

  • US House Republicans win impeachment of Biden's top border official
  • Not Dr Breen!

    Seeing his Breencast waiting In line at TSA almost let's me pretend I just arrived in city 17, probably the most use anyone who's not a politician has ever gotten out of TSA.

  • Karl Nell on The Schumer Amendment And Controlled Disclosure
  • If they can tolerate the mask-off of the fed government happening right now because of Palestine right now (media and government knowingly enabling and covering up mass murder and manufactueing consent for it, forced relocations, criminalizing violent resistance to violent repression, the complete lack of agency the American people have had over everyhting i just mentioned and how insanely disenfranchised we all actually are), what do they even have to worry about?

    For real, even speaking just hypothetically, what could actually make a UFO/UAP cover-up worse than that?

  • ‘I Don't Believe Deepfakes Should Be Regulated,' Says Man Who Is the Reason Deepfakes Should Be Regulated
  • "Don't you know that our plans have your interest - not ours - in mind"?

    Unironically if it's a struggle to understand why regulation of AI is far more dangerous than AI than I have a pair of boots to sell you. They go on your neck, and you'll be the one who asks for them to go there. But don't worry, they'll keep you safe, and if you don't unconditionally beleive me you are somehow wrong.

  • 4 years
  • U gotta be shitting me, like honestly if you are a grown ass adult who can't tell this is AI generated or at the least heavily edited, you never had any agency over yourself and deserve to be exploited.

  • Are you enjoying Palworld?
  • Hosted a multiplayer world and didn't have any serious issues, but according to everyone else playing with me it was laggy as shit (and I'm kown for having the best internet in my group)

    Despite trying I never got Into pokemon as a kid so my judgment isn't worth much in that regard, but it's still very much an unfinished game, as everyone buying it should know in advance.

    It was fun but I probably never would have bought it without friends to play it with, and I probably won't launch it again until it's far more complete.

  • What games would you reccomend to someone who really enjoyed Industries of Titan and was immensely disappointed by it's incomplete release?
  • I've actually already got a couple hundred hours in CoI lol, but it's definitely something to check out for others reading this.

    I will also say that it's VERY dangerous to play while stoned lol.

  • What games would you reccomend to someone who really enjoyed Industries of Titan and was immensely disappointed by it's incomplete release?

    What the title says. If I was to best describe what I liked so much about it, I would say that it was how it had both a serious 'cozy factor' (ex: anno 1800) while still being difficult and requiring effort+skill to win. What other games scratch that itch?

    Nexus Mods update regarding Palworld and Pokémon
  • We're smoking filtered crack you stupid peice of shit.

  • Protestors Shut Down BAE Systems Testing Center in Sterling Heights, Disrupting Profits to the War Machine
  • It isn't about expressing how I feel or "making your voice heard".

    It's about directly attacking and eliminating the agency of those in positions of power and replacing it with your own.

    Anything else is a fool's errand.

  • QLINE touts big ridership boost in '23
  • Every time I have used the Q me and the group i was with had to get out and walk because some invalid had parked on the tracks. We beat the train every time.

  • Get another job
  • Permanently Deleted

  • What are some good games that have a bad reputation due to unreasonable expectations?

    For consistency sake, let's say that any game that's >or=7/10 at what it's trying to do while having a popular perception of being a <5/10 game in general would count. Want to specify that this is more about the perception of the game compared to, say, a game just being really niche.

    My personal Go-to for this would probably be the Callisto Protocol, because while it certainly did have some troubles at launch they were massively overblown. IMO most of the hate for it comes down to people expecting it to be Dead Space 4 with a new name, ignoring the devs the multitude of times they said that it's something else before release, and then getting mad when it released and wasn't dead space 4 under a new name.

    What are the best multiplayer games to try if me and my friends are looking for a similar experience to a Bungie Halo campaign marathon on Heroic+ difficulty?

    PC. We played through all of the 3+ player ones around a year or two ago in chronological order and it was stupid fun, what we liked about it and are hoping to find elsewhere is it being a shooter with an emphasis on movement and it's physics sandbox (AKA CHAOS) while still having at least 3 full campaigns to play through in a continuous way.

    I'm wondering if there are any other games/franchises out there that meet these same criteria, or at least come close?


    What are some games similar to They are Billions other than Age of Darkness and Alien Marauder?

    I know this is a very specific question, but does anyone know anything like this?

    What I mean by "like TAB" is that it's an RTS and/or citybuilder where you're constantly under attack from all sides, and taking + holding more of the map is the primary thing that enables you to progress in the game.

    Age of Darkness is really fun and I know another update is in the works but I've already played it to death much like TAB. Alien marauder just felt like off-brand TAB and I got bored of it after beating each map once.

    What was the formative horror game of your childhood?

    For me it was Dead Space 2 when I was 12-ish. For reference, at this point the most gruesome/gorey/violent media I was exposed to was the Halo 3 Flood levels and the original 2 Alien movies.

    I had way too much fun playing it to be traumatized by it at the time, although when i was old enough to understand the horror of the whole "your memories and experience becoming food for a god-like being that has absolutely zero respect for your existance", that did inform my perspective of other media such as Evangelion or Childhood's end when I watched them for the 1st time.

    What was your equivalent to this? I've heard the Resident Evil games are quite common for this but I want to hear your perspective.

    Are there still any solid, updated minecraft modpacks around?

    What the title says.

    I remember these were everywhere back in the mid 2010's. I was super into the industrialcraft and buildcraft stuff, but a lot of the ones I was really into at the time ended up abandoned and eventually I just moved on to other games.

    I'm wondering of there are any still around that are actively updated?

    I heard there was one out there somewhere that had a couple of the industrial/automation mods mixed with some world gen stuff and a mod that turned it into a city/colony builder (not Millenaire), but this was just a thing I heard so I'm well aware it's little more than wishful thinking.

    Any info would be appreciated, thank for reading!

    How would one go about getting personally involved in the study/recovery/observation of UAP/UFO's?

    Assume you were born with a medical disability that prevents you from serving in the military but doesn't typically interfere with physical fitness/ability, are in it purely for the money/connections, are in your early-mid 20's, have a practical STEM degree, and have meaningful experience in genuinely hazardous work environments.

    Where to start?

    where can I learn how to make fake AI voice clips of famous people?

    Looking for both the process and any software I may need. My day job involves teaching image-pattern recognition algorithms on industrial robots so I'm not afraid of any learning curve, I simply don't know where to get started.


    What are some games with similar soudtracks to RUINER?

    Absolutely dig the dank indutrial vibe of that game, and the soundtrack is probably the best reason for that. What are some other games with similar soudtracks?
