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What was the formative horror game of your childhood?

For me it was Dead Space 2 when I was 12-ish. For reference, at this point the most gruesome/gorey/violent media I was exposed to was the Halo 3 Flood levels and the original 2 Alien movies.

I had way too much fun playing it to be traumatized by it at the time, although when i was old enough to understand the horror of the whole "your memories and experience becoming food for a god-like being that has absolutely zero respect for your existance", that did inform my perspective of other media such as Evangelion or Childhood's end when I watched them for the 1st time.

What was your equivalent to this? I've heard the Resident Evil games are quite common for this but I want to hear your perspective.

  • Silent Hill 2 was creepy as hell. We'd all budle up around a TV and start it after the parents went to bed and turn off all the lights.

    F.E.A.R. as well.

    I also couldn't finish the Bioshock demo because I was too sacred so I made my brother play it for me.

  • Definitely RE for me. I couldn't sleep after the first time I saw a crimson head. The sharks were terrifying too

  • Slenderman. The OG. I didn't like horror of any type and was always so scared. I was in early college years and chaperoning for a church trip and the two kids in my room were high schoolers I was friends with. They wanted to okay it but we're too scared. Idk what, something about them being too scared to play and making me do it gave me the courage to. Slenderman just looked so goofy in this game. I finally couldn't take it seriously. These two kids were like cowering behind the hotel bed though lol.

    Later it was Amnesia: the Dark Descent. It was tough but I got through it. I played it during 4he middle of the day with the lights on lol. I would pause whenever anything scary happened but I got through it!

  • Growing up with the NES, horror games weren't really a thing.

    Some were spooky themed, but I doubt they qualify as horror by any standard. Like Castlevania, Ghost & Goblins and such.

    The first real horror game I remember playing was Phantasmagoria. But I was a teen at that point, so it's not really from my childhood.

    Edit: Remembered my actual first horror game.

  • I loved Resident Evil but it was the third one that really got me, with the havoc in the streets and the scare where you realize Nemesis can literally chase you from room-to-room and/or show up literally anywhere at any time.

  • It was a little later than 'childhood' because I didn't really get into gaming until I was in college, but I would have to say Outlast was my foundation when it came to horror games. I had so much fun playing it over and over, and I still revisit to this day, even through I know it like the back of my hand.
    Oddly enough, because I hold Outlast in such high regard, it's kinda of difficult for me to play walking sim-esque horror games that I truly enjoy because I have yet to find one that give me the same sense of satisfaction while playing it (the only exception being the first two Amnesia games).

  • My childhood originally consisted of the SNES and N64, but I mostly remember things from the N64. I don't recall a lot of true horror games for the platform. There was Resident Evil 2, but the scariest things I remember were specific areas of Ocarina of Time such as the shadow temple or beneath the well.

  • Resident Evil 1. I saw bits and pieces of my older brother playing it on the PS1, but was too scared to watch very long. I remember the iconic opening up to the zombie looking over its shoulder and then standing up right in front of you.

    I rented it years later for the Gamecube and tried to play it while my little brother watched. I was playing super slowly and wasting all my ammo on every zombie because I was so scared. I remember one part vividly, I was in the long hallway where you pick up the arrowhead and theres a zombie just around the corner. I could hear the zombie so I baited him down the hallway so I could shoot him from a distance. I started shooting when he was off-camera and coming towards me, and when he appeared at the bottom of the screen and his head rotting head being very large in the perpective, I said "woah look at his head" at the exact moment before I got a headshot and the zombies head exploded. Me and my brother were really shocked, so I just paused and quit out. That was enough resident evil for me.

    More years later I got resident evil for the DS for cheap at EB games and it became the first game I ever beat repeatedly for different endings and faster times, eventually leading me to now say that horror is my favorite genre.

    Also, I never got into Silent Hill as a kid but since playing them in recent years I think they perfectly encapsulate my love for that age of gaming and survival horror in general.

    And The Evil Within 1 is the best survival-horror action game ever made. In all its extreme jankiness and difficulty. I did a challenge run of no keys, no upgrades, no cheese in the cheese spots, single segment, no dlcs items, AKUMU difficulty and got 5 deaths. Shit is hard.

  • What do you mean by formative horror? A horror game that had ultimately planted your interest in the horror genre?

    • That, or really anything that you were exposed to at an early enough age to influence your tastes or how you contextualized the themes it explored later in your life.

  • Fallout 3 isn't a horror game but man that atmosphere is crazy. I remember one of the very first missions has you go to galaxy news radio from the first settlement, megaton to talk to the DJ. It's a really long journey through subway tunnels and ruined DC streets. The wasteland is pretty horrific and lots of enemies are disgusting and almost disturbing to look at.

    As much as Bethesda gets shit for that game, they did an amazing job converting the atmosphere from the first two games into a 3D world.

  • I had played other horror games before it but the first one I became obsessed with was Resident Evil 4. I think I mostly just enjoy survival horror type games for the challenge, because other horror games have never really held much of an interest to me unless they have some kind of survival aspect.

  • Eternal Darkness for the Gamecube. Got me more into Lovecraftian horror and horror in general.

  • Resident Evil 1 and 2 were the games that I always went over to a friend's place to play, and when Resident Evil 3 came out I got my own copy, and it felt much more like "my game".

    Those, plus the original Silent Hill games (1 and 2) really helped define my taste in games, and they've got something I feel even the more recent throwback Survival Horror games don't have, in that they, and the original Alone in the Dark, shared some DNA with the old Point and Click adventure games, like Monkey Island, and Myst. Puzzles based on collecting things, and combining or using things on or with other things, often in mind-bending, nonsensical ways.

    The Spencer Mansion, RPD Station, Raccoon City, and Silent Hill were all big explorable areas that opened up as you progressed, and you really got to know them. Games these days feel like they're scared of being accused of "backtracking", so you never spend long enough in any one area to really get to know it.