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"Go Woke, Go... uh..."
  • If we look at their perspective, engines that could block you from developing in them are more "woke" than an open source one that doesn't enforce any restriction on its developers by design. Going after godot for this feels so dumb.

  • Deleted
    You have been tasked with taking a character from any anime and turning them into a pokemon. What are their types, stats, and attacks they could learn?
  • Majin Buu as an evolution to Ditto. No type changes, moveset is Transform, Protect, Reflect and Chocolate Beam.

    For balancing reasons, Chocolate Beam always hits last, misses if opposing character uses a damaging move; but when hit it turns the opposing pokemon unable to move for 3 turns. If transform is applied in this state, the opposing pokemon faints.

    Why? A trick character where you have to sightread your opponent's moves to make use of it properly sounds really interesting for a game like Pokemon.

  • .dev It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language.
  • The biggest benefits of different programming languages, frameworks and technologies is to reduce code complexity. Sure, it's possible to write all the code in C or even Assembly; but at some point it doesnt become practical.

  • Removed
  • Valve does provide a better ecosystem for the players compared to other platforms, and it has a bigger reach. Its %30 is fair. Itch, Epic and GOG all offer less features for less cost to developers.

  • Cyprus leader says he is ready to resume peace talks 'today'
  • It's important to note that South were the ones refusing unification with North Cyprus first; a referandum was held in both countries to unify both countries as one, where North Cyprus had the majority vote to unite but South Cyprus didn't.

    A solution where any of the residents living there are not considered citizens is not a peaceful solution.

  • Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code
  • I was browsing a certain cheat market forum to see how fast would the new GTA 5 anticheat would get bypassed.

    6 hours. It took 6 hours for the first cheat, other mod menus soon came rolling down and its back to square one.

  • Thoughts on parental controls?
  • If I were a parent; I'd only install a DNS filter against malware/ads to any device my kid uses until my kid is capable of understanding how to detect one. While I can teach them how to use the internet; it should be up to my kids to determine what they decide to do with it in the end.

    But I do know the risks of having an infiltrated device on my local network; and I'm not having that.

  • Important information
  • Silverware inventors have sold the lie that you need the spoon and fork seperately for years; when a spork can do both of their jobs perfectly. Buy sporks and never look back.

  • Valve appear to be testing ARM64 and Android support for Steam on Linux
  • If this goes through, it'll be a game changer. I really was hoping a similar push from Epic considering they've pushed for alternative stores on mobile platforms and also can offer competitive pay shares to devs that use Unreal; but titles that joined its mobile store are very limited. They're cool titles for sure; but Steam really has a chance to compete really hard with this news. And Epic has no excuse of "no we can't use that backend Steam uses to translats games"; it's literally open source.

  • Deleted
    Disney is showing rainbows everywhere
  • I think the problem is uncreativity in adding those characteristics. There exists characters that are well written and LGBT; however being it alone shouldn't define a character just by that; similar to shouldn't be able to define a character "just a male" or "just a female".

  • Turkish main opposition party spokesman became a victim of SIM cloning. CHP Sözcüsü Deniz Yücel: Kimlik bilgilerimi ele geçiren kişilere ve Turkcell'e dava açacağım

    CHP Sözcüsü Deniz Yücel, SIM kartını kopyalayarak WhatsApp hesabını ele geçiren kişiler hakkında kişisel verilerin ele geçirilmesi, bilişim suçları ve haberleşme hürriyetinin ihlali suçlarından savcılığa suç duyurusunda bulunacağını açıkladı.

    CHP Sözcüsü Deniz Yücel: Kimlik bilgilerimi ele geçiren kişilere ve Turkcell'e dava açacağım

    Couldn't find international news coverage of this, so I'll do my best to translate it:

    CHP spokesman Deniz Yucel has made a statement about his SIM card getting duplicated and WhatsApp account being hijacked by malicious actors:

    "While the methods used by malicious actors are not fully clear, my phone number was taken over in 19 August 2024 around 14:40, via malicious actors pretending to be me to request a new SIM card for my 25 year old number. The SIM card on my phone has been automatically deactivated; the malicious actors first changed my Whatsapp profile picture to President Erdogan, then sending the people I've added or to the visible groups pictures of Alpay Ozalan captions similar to 'would you like Alpay Ozalan to hit you too?'(*), Soon after discovery, we've sent a warning message on social media channels about this incident and contacted to people I've added through WhatsApp, and soon after got the account terminated. We've been in official talks to fully resolve this situation.

    Note that this issue isn't caused by any security vulnerability caused by me or the party. This attack was done because of my position within the party. If malicious actors can do this to someone within my position, we can assume no one's communications and personal data is truly safe; but I am leaving what to think of this up to the public. I will be suing my operator turkcell for all damages, and will report this incident to the prosecution's office to pursue anyone involved in this attack.

    Don't doubt that we will follow this all the way through and ensure similar incidents won't happen against any of 85 million Turkish citizens."

    (*) The message is a reference to the previous parliament crisis in Turkey

    UEFA'dan Merih Demiral'a men cezası iddiası UEFA'dan Merih Demiral'a men cezası - Sözcü Gazetesi

    Avusturya maçında attığı golden sonra 'bozkurt' işareti yapan ve UEFA tarafından disiplin soruşturması açılan Merih Demiral, Alman Bild gazetesinin iddiasına göre 2 maç men cezası aldı.

    UEFA'dan Merih Demiral'a men cezası - Sözcü Gazetesi

    cross-posted from:

    > Bozkurt işareti yaptığı için bunu siyasi hareket olarak tanımlayan UEFA, Bild'in haberine göre EURO 2024'teki kritik Hollanda maçı öncesi 2 maç cezası verdi

    Edit: TFF, bu haberin gerçeği yansıtmadığını belirtti

    Rekabet Kurumu, Apple'a Soruşturma Başlattı: Avrupa'dan Sonra Türkiye de Apple'ı Köşeye Sıkıştırıyor! Rekabet Kurumu, Apple'a Soruşturma Başlattı

    Rekabet Kurumu, App Store'da kendi ödeme sistemlerini zorunlu tuttuğu gerekçesiyle Apple'a soruşturma başlattı.

    Rekabet Kurumu, Apple'a Soruşturma Başlattı

    cross-posted from:

    > > >

    [Bug] Sorting by old crashes the app, and sends to crash again after start

    Crash output shows this:

    java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.startsWith(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference at com.rubenmayayo.reddit.models.reddit.SubmissionModel.X0( at com.rubenmayayo.reddit.models.reddit.SubmissionModel.t2( at com.rubenmayayo.reddit.models.reddit.SubmissionModel.n2( at com.rubenmayayo.reddit.models.reddit.SubmissionModel.d3( at yb.l.l( at yb.l.f( at yb.h$a.a( at retrofit2.e$b$a$ at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at

    Device Name: Redmi Note 8 / Android 10


    If you as a user encountered this, you can disable it via turning off the internet and switching the sorting method to something different; then turning on the network again.

    Milletvekili Açıkladı: TikTok'un Türkiye'de Yasaklanması İçin Teklif Hazırlanıyor! TikTok'un Türkiye'de Yasaklanması İçin Teklif Hazırlanıyor!

    Milletvekili Halil Öztürk, TikTok'un Türkiye'de yasaklanması için teklif üzerinde çalıştıklarını açıkladı.

    TikTok'un Türkiye'de Yasaklanması İçin Teklif Hazırlanıyor!

    cross-posted from:

    > >

    Major Apex Tournament ALGS got compromised by hackers

    On the video it shows highlights of hackers taking control of players Genburton and ImperialHal.

    Really sad to see this imo

    [Classroom of the Elite S3 E10] About the last chess scene

    The position as PEN text is: 6k1/pp2Qpp1/2br3p/2p5/8/1P3q2/PBP2PPP/R4RK1 w Q - 0 1

    A position where both kings are under heavy pressure. I paused here, not seeing a way out for the White player at all. After finishing the episode I threw the same position to a chess engine; and there was indeed an exit out of the checkmate.


    Reccomended Move: Qg5

    I like the detail that this was a really tough move to see, on a pretty open board with not much moves that seem visible. I've been playing chess for years as a hobby and I wouldn't see it in that heat. This move essentially forces a queen trade to be the best move for Black, as any other move could result in White doing massive attacks; and after that with two versus one rook advantage could change the game's tides.

    I kinda wish they didn't animate away the actual moves; I'd love to see the all the moves that lead to the scene, but still a very cool detail.


    Hello, Legends!  Get ready for the next patch ahead of tomorrow’s launch with our full Patch Notes.   The Apex Legends & FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH Event brings two gaming icons to the same universe from January 9-30, 2024. So gather your crew and drop in, merc. Read the full breakd...

    Crafting Rotation

    R-301 and Volt leave the crafter and are back on the floor

    Hemlok and Alternator enter the crafter



    Tactical reload time reduced to 0.9 (was 1.03)

    Empty reload time reduced to 1.6 (was 1.7)

    Draw Time reduced to 0.45 (was 0.8)


    Damage reduced to 11 (was 12)


    Damage reduced to 12 (was 13)



    Piercing Spikes

    Now require line-of-sight to an enemy player to activate

    Spikes that have not been activated will still slow players


    Improved Horizon audio to make “falls” less silent

    Hard landing audio adjusted to match other legends

    Soft Landings now play audio in world ( not just for Horizon )

    Gravity Lift exit audio range increased to make it easier to hear characters who exit


    Castle Wall: impact will now destroy Conduit’s Energy Barricade mines

    Mobile Shield: can now be destroyed by enemy Crypto EMP

    Delayed balance adjustments from the season 19.0 patch are now fully integrated


    Amped Walls are no longer destroyed by friendly Crypto EMP or Mad Maggie’s Wrecking Ball


    Storm Point

    Added and adjusted cover at ZEUS Station & ECHO HQ

    Added Ring Console to Coastal Camp

    Added Trident to Barometer

    Adjusted the position of the Ring Console, Survey Beacon and Crafting Station at Lightning Rod

    Reduced volume of ambient audio at ZEUS Station & ECHO HQ

    Removed Ring Console, Survey Beacon and Crafting Station from Thunder Watch

    Resolved a number of additional bugs and rat spots

    Restored missing Ring Console at Command Center


    Added four new staircases at ECHO HQ to improve vertical navigation around the perimeter

    Rooftop of ECHO HQ is now out of bounds, Zipline and rooftop hatch has been removed

    Wattson’s Pylon

    Adjusted position of the ziplines at Wattson's Pylon to improve consistency of mantle jumping

    Reduced amount of ultra rare loot at Wattson's Pylon

    ZEUS Station

    Added additional cover and ziplines at ZEUS Station for mixtape modes only

    Increased the speed of the redeploy balloon zipline at ZEUS Station by 25%


    Map Rotation


    Hammond Labs and Production Yard are out

    Lava Siphon and Caustic Treatment are in

    Gun Run

    The Core, Estates, and Wattson’s Pylon are out

    Skulltown, Fragment East, and ZEUS Station are in


    ZEUS Station, Skulltown, and Phase Runner are out

    Wattson’s Pylon, Party Crasher, and Overflow are in


    Added new Legend voice lines that occasionally play on respawn

    Lowered Ratings reward for assists in Control 5 per assist (was 20)

    This is in response to a recent change where we started counting assists in Control and TDM based on the whole team and not just within your individual squad


    Extended Supply Bins

    Added a cap to the number of heat shields a team can receive from the secret drawer

    Added a cap to the number of medkits a team can receive from the secret drawer


    Firing Range: players dying with a Nessie in their inventory will no longer find the Nessie deleted. Sorry Nessie Hunters!

    Players no longer get stuck due to spamming holosprays while skydiving

    Players no longer drop out of Wraith’s portal before reaching the other side

    Resolved small chance of getting 5 items in secret drawer of Extended Supply Bins

    Resolved bug preventing audio engine from properly utilizing fast storage drives when reading compressed audio data

    Startup logo video audio volume now respects the master volume slider

    Storm Point: players should now be able to use Evac Tower through the ceiling hatch in Command Center

    Trident collision should no longer occasionally push players through walls and floors


    Ash: Ultimate can no longer be used with Tridents to get under map

    Bloodhound: Niflheim Hundr skin’s raven now white (was black)


    Piercing Spikes ability description now shows the correct max number of traps

    Piercing Spikes can now be pinged again

    Ultimate no longer shows as ready in inventory without being fully charged


    Fixed Energy Barricade V-Shape deployment when looking directly at the ground

    Tactical can no longer be used on respawning team still in dropship

    Crypto: fixed Crypto taking ring damage while standing in a heat shield if controlling his drone in the ring

    Loba: restored movement speed while holding Tactical if it was activated while standing still

    Mad Maggie

    Fixed damage numbers not showing correctly when hitting Revenant’s ultimate shroud with Wrecking Ball

    Passive no longer works through Catalyst’s walls

    Revenant: no longer occasionally becomes invincible during his ultimate if his shroud is broken while marked by Vantage’s Sniper

    Vantage: corrected Sniper Ult bullets damage to marked targets when breaking Gibraltar’s arm shield or Revenant’s ultimate shroud

    Wattson: Ultimate correctly recharges shields when placed after Bangalore’s smoke


    Abilities that outline players should no longer stop functioning after killing an enemy

    Silence abilities should no longer cancel auto healing

    Voice chat is no longer heard outside of the squad in TDM and Control


    Caustic Treatment: weapons cannot be used on the supply ship

    Damage not taken while inside the respawn ship

    Players no longer occasionally spawn in a skydive state when respawning on Kings Canyon

    Players no longer lose invulnerability while still on the dropship when spawning on the MRB


    Fixed issue with dynamic resolution not reacting fast enough to high graphics load. Improves frame rate stability on consoles

    DX12 (PC) video memory (VRAM) usage is now reduced by 1.5 - 2GB

    DX12 (PC) improved graphics performance with parallelization of rendering workloads

    Upgraded Nvidia Reflex SDK to v1.8 and adds support for latency markers




    Improved visibility for jammers

    Ultimate SFX can no longer be heard in other Firing Range instances

    Mirage’s Decoys

    Improved issues against terrain that would cause destruction/floating

    Any destroyed by terrain will now be refunded

    Improved to more correctly copy the ADS state of the player

    No longer mimic reviving or execution animations


    Voice line added when Newcastle removes one of his own Castle Wall segments

    Is this correct? If so, this is not acceptable.

    Edit: Replies to this thread indicate this is not fully correct as it exists on all browsers; and is likely an ad thing.

    Filenin Sultanları, 2023 CEV Kadınlar Avrupa Voleybol Şampiyonu oldu!

    Finaldeki rakipleri olan Sırbistan'a karşı yüksek çekişmeli bir maçın ardından 3-2 ile galibiyeti elde ettiler.

    Bolu’daki orman yangını 3’üncü günde kontrol altına alındı Bolu’daki orman yangını 3’üncü günde kontrol altına alındı

    Bolu’daki orman yangını 3’üncü günde kontrol altına alındı - Bolu'nun Göynük ilçesinde, önceki gün saat 17.00 sıralarında yıldırım düşmesi sonucu çıkan orman yangını, bugün saat 13.00 sıralarında kontrol altına alındı.

    Bolu’daki orman yangını 3’üncü günde kontrol altına alındı
    İstanbul’da iş yerine silahlı saldırı: 2 ölü İstanbul’da iş yerine silahlı saldırı: 2 ölü

    İstanbul’da iş yerine silahlı saldırı: 2 ölü - İstanbul Esenyurt'ta iki ay önce ateş açılan tekel bayisine, bu gece de silahlı saldırı düzenlendi. Saldırıda, Batuhan Bayındır ile Yunus Emre Erzen hayatını kaybetti.

    İstanbul’da iş yerine silahlı saldırı: 2 ölü
    Bahçeli’den ‘Muharrem ayı’ mesajı: Kerbela’dan ibret alınmalı Bahçeli’den ‘Muharrem ayı’ mesajı: Kerbela’dan ibret alınmalı

    Bahçeli’den ‘Muharrem ayı’ mesajı: Kerbela’dan ibret alınmalı - MHP Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli, 'Muharrem ayı' mesajında, 'Bize düşen Kerbela hadisesinden ders ve ibret almak; birliğimizi, dirliğimizi ve kardeşliğimizi tahrip etmeye niyetlenip heveslenen karanlık odaklara geri adım atmadan direnme...

    Bahçeli’den ‘Muharrem ayı’ mesajı: Kerbela’dan ibret alınmalı
    Marmaris’te büyük yangının yıl dönümünde yükselen alevler korkuttu Marmaris’te büyük yangının yıl dönümünde yükselen alevler korkuttu

    Marmaris’te büyük yangının yıl dönümünde yükselen alevler korkuttu - Muğla’nın Marmaris ilçesi 2 yıl önceki büyük yangınların yıl dönümü olan 29 Temmuz’a yine yangınla uyandı. Sabah Sarıana Mahallesi TV vericileri ile atıksu arıtma tesisi arasında kalan noktada çıkan orman yangını bu kez kısa sürede...

    Marmaris’te büyük yangının yıl dönümünde yükselen alevler korkuttu
    Yerlikaya: 5 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi Yerlikaya: 5 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi

    Yerlikaya: 5 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi - İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya, Şırnak Uludere'de gerçekleştirilen operasyonda 5 teröristin silahları ile birlikte etkisiz hale getirildiğini duyurdu.

    Yerlikaya: 5 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi
    Kapatılan üretim çiftliğindeki köpekler ölüme terk edilmiş Kapatılan üretim çiftliğindeki köpekler ölüme terk edilmiş

    Kapatılan üretim çiftliğindeki köpekler ölüme terk edilmiş - Bursa'da terk edilmiş bir çiftlikte, 16 köpek bulundu. İhbar üzerine bulundukları yerden kurtarılan, aralarında yavruların da olduğu cins köpekler tedavi altına alındı.

    Kapatılan üretim çiftliğindeki köpekler ölüme terk edilmiş

    Bursa'da terk edilmiş bir çiftlikte, 16 köpek bulundu. İhbar üzerine bulundukları yerden kurtarılan, aralarında yavruların da olduğu cins köpekler tedavi altına alındı.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    News posts on /c/Turkey are automatically made by a bot I wrote under my account.

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