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2 yr. ago

  • 100% yes, Even if it's not the heiling and endorsing AfD, Musk is the CEO of Tesla, and has made false promises about the car for a decade.
    And many other false promises like hyperloop not being that hard, manned missions to Mars 2024. Completely failing on any of his "visions" with X may be minor, but still another drop that helped the glass pour over.
    Even if you initially trust a car from an untrustworthy company with a liar for CEO, the truth will dawn at you at some point.
    And this is all on Elon Musk, Everything bad about Tesla is on Elon Musk. FSD not really being FSD 7 years after it was promised. Failing to present new models for years apart from the Cybertruck being a gigantic failure and a joke, Musk laughing about the competition before losing to them, the same way Steve Balmer laughed of iPhone when Jobs presented it.

    Apologists claim the model Y facelift will restore sales, but will it also restore failing sales of model 3?
    Even without the heiling Tesla marketshare would have dropped off a cliff in January YOY. Because the trend was started already from January 2024!!
    What's worse for Tesla is that with only 6%, their profit margins are now SMALLER than the competition.

    Of course profits could be helped a bit just by firing Musk! Which they probably will have to do at some point soon anyway. Because Musk is getting ever more erratic, and if his behavior on social media and in public is any indication, it may be only a matter of time before he turns to physical violence.
    He actually challenged Zuckerberg, but copped out when Zuckerberg accepted, probably because Musk is pussy that doesn't do any training, he just takes the hormones without the training.
    He also threatened Johnny Depp, threatening to chop off Musk's "lower appendage". Musk completely failed to see how insane Amber heard was when she was unfaithful with him, and maybe believed the lies that were later revealed in court?

    He is a complete failure as a human being, and people are beginning to see his lies, and he can't stand it, it's probably driving him ever more insane, maybe helped by the abuse of ketamine and other substances that aren't helpful for a man losing his senses.

  • So can a President also change street names?
    Knowing how little Trump likes California, he might change names like Hollywood Boulevard, to Asshole Boulevard, Castro Street to Pussy Street.
    How the fuck can a President decide on names at all? Is it written somewhere in law or the constitution that he has authority for that?
    Can he also rename planets like Mercury to Melania, just because he thinks it's cool?

    I know the law isn't intended for a toddler to become president, but really? The president can decide arbitrary shit willy-nilly? that's a recipe for an authoritarian president to abuse it, on top of the political system not being very democratic!! It's like adding toxic to poisonous.

    I've been warning against American democracy being dysfunctional for 2 decades now (and UK), and nothing has been done, Americans must have been aware of this for a long time, and yet they've done nothing. Those that claim the American people do not deserve the current administration are wrong IMO, they've accepted this could happen election after election and done NOTHING!!

  • Thanks. 😀
    Going off grid was absolutely a consideration, but only for a very short while. There are too many downsides. We would need twice as much solar capacity, and a way bigger battery, and batteries are still pretty expensive, but even with that, we would still need a generator. And we wouldn't be able to sell surplus energy. It would more than double the cost, and only provide 25% better self sufficiency for the whole year than we have now.
    We live in Denmark, and we can risk to have to go through almost all of December with only a few days sun. Running a diesel generator for power would be both noisy and smelly, It would also require more work to maintain, and it would actually cost slightly more to us a generator than to simply buy the electricity from the grid.

    Remember doubling our capacity will not bring us from 41 to 82% self sufficiency. Because there is some loss in storage, and even double our battery capacity would not be enough to store 48 kWh like we made today in the span of only 7 hours. (Today was the best day of the year yet. 😎)
    Even in January on a perfect day, we can make twice what we use, but such days are rare in January. (we use about 15 kWh per day.)

    The final problem with a generator is that we would never be able to achieve remotely the stability we have with the grid. We've been living here for 6½ year, and the power has only been out once!!!

    The problem with making it bigger than we have at all, is that after you've reached a point of above 50% self sufficiency, you are entering the area of diminishing returns quickly. On a yearly basis we are about 72% self sufficient. To reach that extra 22% probably cost 50% extra.

    This is if you live as high north as we do, because the extra capacity is only usable in the winter, in the summer it's all surplus, and you get so little for selling the power it's basically irrelevant. There is too much solar now, so when solar panels have high yields, prices often go down to almost zero.

    Going off grid is a lot easier if you live further south.

  • When we bought the house, that was one of the parameters on our list for "the perfect house". So the roof to the garden is also almost perfectly towards the south. 😀
    Even in January we've made 41% of our power consumption from the solar panels. 😎 You are right that it is a bit oversized according to "normal" recommendations which are 8 kWh for a house the size of ours, but we went a bit bigger in preparation for air to water heat pump, so warming the house will be electric, (currently wood pellets), and also we plan to buy an electric car within the next 2 years.

    Also it was a bit for fun, because of the movie spinal tap, so our panels go to 11 instead of just 10, because we need that little bit extra. 😋

  • Stellantis is fucking up so badly, they only have 1 car in top 20 here now. This is a Peugeot placed 19, but Stellantis used to have a couple in top 10! (Denmark)
    It's really sad, because they now also have Opel, which used to be a brand known for good quality, and I'm still rolling with an 18 year old Opel Vectra that is still going strong and drives almost as new, but this is a car from BEFORE Opel became Stellantis.
    We are considering buying an electric soon, and there is NOTHING from Stelantis we are considering, because we have lost trust in them.
    There are lots of bad stories with Stellantis cars here, cars breaking down and dealers not honoring warranties!! And extremely expensive repairs.
    The only car that is worse is Tesla. With 30% failure rate at the 4 year legally mandated safety check!!

  • No the price was not including installation, We have 11.2 kW panels and 7.5 kWh batteries. Installation was almost $5000.- !! That was probably mostly the 28 panels on the roof. But we had one installer handling everything, who was also responsible for the electrician.

  • You need a suitable electricity meter

    That makes sense, we also needed new meter, and that was about €200.- with installation. Not a big deal for a big installation, but for a system that can cost only €300.- an extra 200.- would be pretty significant.

  • Still very cool, because selling surplus power is almost completely worthless anyway. (at least it is here)
    In the summer when you can sell, prices are generally extremely low, we have sold about twice what we use, but the value of selling is only about 5-10% on average, compared to the savings of using it ourselves. That's because the price often drop to close to zero in the middle of the day, and sometimes even below.
    Electricity itself is dirt cheap, the reason the prices are high are transportation and taxes, and short peak prices in the evening. Here transportation alone is more than the electricity itself during winter.
    And we are only paid the pure electricity price here, which I suppose is the case most places.

  • Thanks really good info. 👍😀

    A layman can literally plug it in to an existing wall socket

    That's amazing, I had no idea that is possible??? Is that special for Germany? (sorry for keeping on with new questions). 😋 I've never heard of that option here in Denmark.

    cost between 299€ and 800€

    No wonder it's a popular option, our system is of course bigger with 11.2 kWh and 7.5 kWh battery. but it was $17000 1½ year ago. Prices have dropped to $12500 for a similar system, but still such an 800W system is dirt cheap by comparison.

  • OK thanks, so they are indeed complete systems including inverter, so it can be connected to the grid.
    I suppose they've made some cheap low power inverters then, but the power still needs to have stable voltage an frequency and synchronization. So I wonder how cheap it's possible to make?
    I also suppose it still needs an authorized electrician to connect it? Unless Germany has some fancy system that is prepared for "plug in" connection of a local power source.

  • “Plug-in solar is part of the whole array of options,”

    I don't understand how this works? For our system we need an inverter that cost about $3000.- (half if it doesn't have to handle a battery), and it needs to be installed by an authorized electrician.
    For a small system as the one shown, the price of panels are peanuts, the 2 panels shown should cost less than $150 combined. While the cost of inverter and getting it connected is way way higher. There's a lot more to this than not being on the roof!?! But which isn't disclosed.

    The article says nothing about how the power from those panels is made usable.

  • This is not a matter for personal action.
    It's up to environmental scientists to figure out how we can deal with it, and then it's up to lawmakers to make regulations accordingly.

    Of course if you are in the USA you are probably on your own. 🤔

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