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  • Elona+ my beloved

  • Okay which one of you is this
  • Average electrician's workwear

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  • Machamp

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Oh boy, this is going to be one of those +600 New Posts kind of days

  • Youtube has fully blocked Invidious
  • Vance works for me

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • I think I've said it before, but Norway is a playground for American and British intelligence.

    Israel has spent several years trying to built datasenters in Rogaland and the US has a military airport in Sola, where the owners got granted permission to operate without having to follow norwegian law.

    We are cooked.

  • lizard people
  • "You take the blue Lunchly... the stream ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red Lunchly... you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the pedo allegations go."

  • Ladies, is it masculine to use flashlights??
  • This is what happens when someone is so hollowed out by hyperconsumerism that buying a fucking flashlight becomes a substitution for an identity.

    This sad motherfucker soyfaces over flashlights like they were funko pops and knows more "boutique" flashlight brands than he knows people.

    He has strong opinions on every minute detail of his purchases like the bevelling on the glass rims or the best method to turn the fucking light on.

    He probably follows the companies' management on twitter and has intense opinions on the companies, in the way a lib redditor will know every minutiae of his political party's niche actors and figures.

    A perfect consumerist zombie with no thoughts or actions that aren't filtered through consuming his Product(tm).

    Absolutely horrifying.

  • Locked
    FTL: Faster than Light, 12th anniversary - New General Megathread for the 14th-15th of September
  • I just discovered the remake of Car Seat Headrest's Face To Face album after sleeping on the original when it came out in 2011.

    God damn, why am I getting these feels? I'm not even gay and I'm all like >tfw no bf

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • Yup. I've said it before, but Norwegians take russia-hysteria to a whole other level.

  • (CW: death) American healthcare is fun
  • "Are you sure, doc?"

    The doctor pulls out his Smith & Wesson and turns the boy's brains into meat confetti.

    "I am now. 800 bucks, please."

  • Hexbear has really lost its way, untrue to its roots
  • When did we stop lusting after Judy Hopps?


  • What are some pod casts worth checking out and why?
  • Pendejo Time.

    Jake and Thomas are two guys with fucked up pasts, just shooting the shit and improvising.

    The only podcast that scratches the cumtown itch.

    My favourite bit:

  • Crystals
  • Speak for yourself. My JO crystal is so supercharged I can levitate up to 6 cm from the ground and yell louder than a police siren.

    I have won several fights by blinding my opponent with the flash of the JO crystal as I crank my hog with one hand and swing my crystal with the other.

    My seed has become so powerful, I'm banned from donating semen in 17 countries, including Papua New Guinea and the Pharoe Island.

    I have channeled the unholy energies from my magnetic wristbands and wooden bracelets to erect a dark labyrinth to contain me so I won't accidentally break reality apart when I crank my hawg too hard.

    Do not underestimate the power of crystals.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 12th to August 18th, 2024 - Marshall Plan: Now As Farce - COTW: Ireland
  • Posting a video of you roasting an unidentified roadkill over a disposable charcoal grill during a gender reveal party was not okay, dude.

  • We staan voor een wereldwijde koffiecrisis, zeggen experts
  • Man, Dutch is such a fucked up language.

    I don't even speak it, but I understand like 80% of it if I just imagine the speaker is a drunk Dane trying to speak English.

  • Niche Distro Users: Why?
  • Just saying, I've never had a virus with Temple OS.

  • Not beating the whitest woman alive allegations
  • Damn, even breakdancing has become gentrified

  • Classic rock hate thread
  • My local classic rock radio station played Welcome To The Black Parade.

    It's truly over, bros.

  • Big_Bob Big_Bob [any]
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