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  • I'm a big white guy living in Korea. I've been walking daily the same route about 9 km to get our daughter from school and bring her to afterschool.

    Normally I have her little brother in a strawler with me but he nowadays is in a dayvare at that time and I'm getting him afterwards.

    Today close to the school a older woman started talking to me and asking me where I left the cute baby I normally have with me, if he is asleep or something. I've never seen her before but she seems to have seen me many times walking there with the strawler.

    Like they say: "The monkey knows no one, but everyone knows the monkey."

  • Took a 6 day vacation with the wife and our only child, a five year old. Long story short, we learned vacationing with an only child is a lot of work and next time to bring her a friend or cousins to occupy her attention so that responsibility isn't on a parent. Still learning how to vacation!

  • I gave away my entire freezer stash to a new mom whose milk was medically delayed. End of an era. The Chestburster is still nursing, but old enough now that solids and water can hold him should we be apart for any length of time.

    (I take him to work with me, so I'm basically around him 24/7 in the normal course of our life.)

    Oh yeah, lessons. Um ... It is developmentally normal at around 10 months for a nursing kiddo, especially one who is used to straw cups (which they should be, for oralmotor development), to go a bit chompy chompy on the nipple. Especially the left nipple. This constitutes an income stream for IBCLCs. Just have them latch by dragging the nipple down from the kid's nose to their mouth. This forces them to stick out their tongue to cover the bottom teeth and the top teeth will be at an angle which makes nipple damage challenging - not impossible, but challenging. The problem is "nipple confusion" of a sort. Their world schema only has "I get liquid out of this thing" and they've learned straw technique and are applying it to nipple. Within a week or two of forcing a correct latch on them, their world schema changes to "this is a nipple and that is a straw". And now you don't have to pay for an IBCLC visit!