If legends like this couldn’t survive 18th century The Purge then I don’t like my chances
Oh, man, that'd be me. But not in a smug way. More like in an OCD way where my hanging before they could be corrected was the greatest injustice of all.
I wonder if they fired the person who wrote out the death sentence.
A noble French name, with a death sentence in 1790. There’s a good chance that the radical republican that issued the sentence was accused of being a monarchist by another even more radical republican a year or two later and executed as well.
The Revolution ate a lot of her children.
Seems unlikely. Wikipedia:
Upon the reading of his death warrant, he supposedly remarked, "I see that you have made three spelling mistakes."[4] However, this version appears to derive from a five act play Marion de Lorme by Victor Hugo, written in 1828 and performed in 1831.[5] Ferdinand Rothschild gives the quotation as "Permit me to point out that you have made three mistakes in spelling".[6] One source says merely that "Favras then quietly corrects the spelling and punctuation errors made by the clerk in his statement".[7]
Before I'm hanged: "also, this death sentence is a whole-ass paragraph."
Honestly, whatever. France at this point had barely even begun its process of centralizing the French language. The idea of universal public schooling wouldn't even be considered until years later, but wouldn't be created until much later because France during this time be warring, and they be warring a lot. So not even there wasn't an universal French language to proudly declare that yours and yours alone was grammatically correct, most people wouldn't have even be properly taught to read. The guy should have gotten guillotined twice. Somehow.
Of course, Monsieur le Marquis de SuddenDownpour.
Also, it's obviously inaccurate as he would have said it in French, not English. Duh!
Celebrating the spirit of the French Revolution, you're getting the guillotine too.
And we know for why he was hanged.
Do you think he would have corrected you if you had said he was hung? 🤔
Well, both could be correct. I can't find the relevant info on Wikipedia though.
I would have shot him like a dog if he corrected me.
if his buddies didn't call him "le Marquis de Foie Gras" they would have missed a wonderful opportunity. I mean it's right there.