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NASA Selects SpaceX to develop the International Space Station US Deorbit Vehicle
  • It’s way closer to burning up (like, it’ll do it soon and uncontrollably without intervention) than a typical graveyard orbit. And if (when) it started breaking up in a poorly-chosen museum orbit, things would get very messy very fast.

    I say send up a lil robot buddy that can hover around and 3D scan the interior for a few months and let anyone with a VR headset go hang out when they want to answer emails or whatever.

  • Brace for whole new levels of noncredibleness - this is not a drill!
  • And also that Lukashenko was widely known for preferring a more reasonable policy toward Ukraine, and he was set to inherit the presidency upon Putin’s death, and that Putin was like right about to die because he became the leader of Russia like 68 years ago

  • Outstanding idea.
  • clearing the launch tower during a test launch with an experimental rocket that has no payload and no humans aboard is success

    managing to get into the right orbit without aborting using a rocket that’s launched since the 60s and is lit with giant matchsticks is success

    You, an idiot: “these are comparable”

  • Friday Facts #416 - Fluids 2.0 | Factorio
  • They sort of do, or they do in a way that makes them almost useless once they hit their final low level. Are you suggesting that instead of asymptotically going to zero, they just hit zero at some point?

  • The Delusion of Advanced Plastics Recycling
  • I don’t think articles like this help that situation. “Plastic isn’t actually recyclable” is a pretty dangerous mind virus that’s basically already running rampant.

    Pyrolysis isn’t perfect. But it is absolutely better than throwing plastic in a landfill, and can handle otherwise impossible-to-recycle mixed feedstocks.

    The process I worked on recycled PET while leaving the other materials in the mix untouched, ready to go through a different specialized process. That was kind of the whole point of it. Those sorts of technologies are harder in the sense that the tech is more sophisticated, but realistically doesn’t cost more to run once you have it going. The future isn’t all doom and gloom. That’s why I hate these “don’t bother recycling” articles.

  • The Delusion of Advanced Plastics Recycling
  • There are alternatives to pyrolysis that are slowly coming online. They have their drawbacks – it’s certainly easier to chuck a bunch of mixed plastic into a reactor and heat it up until something happens – but they’re real.

    I worked on one of them for a few years. It’s pretty cool! They’re currently building a pilot plant to demonstrate the technology at scale.

  • Gavin Newsom wants to change the US constitution to stop gun violence – will he succeed?
  • Yes. Muzzle loaders. Shoot once, then spend a few minutes loading a powder charge and a bullet down the barrel. They weren’t flintlock muskets like it was the 1700s, they were modern rifles. Just loaded through the muzzles. It gives the deer a fighting chance. You have to hit on the first shot. Did you know that people also hunt with a bow and arrow? Those have been around since the Neolithic. Sometimes not using the most advanced tech is the point.

    It’s funny that you typed all that stuff trying to explain firearms to someone who you assume knows nothing about them. I’ve shot everything from pellet guns to the aforementioned muzzle loader to a .30-06 to, yes, an AR-15. I can pick up most guns and check to see if the chamber’s clear. I can disassemble and clean and put them back together.

    I want these things to go away. Not just AR-15’s. Anything semiautomatic with a magazine that can hold more than, let’s say, six rounds. Anything beyond a revolver is over the top for personal protection, and if you think that’s not true you’re a lunatic or just want to cosplay army guy. Duh, AR-15’s are the most commonly used firearm in shootings because there’s a lot of them. How about we make there be less of them and other guns that can kill so many people so quickly?

  • Gavin Newsom wants to change the US constitution to stop gun violence – will he succeed?
  • Okay, then. I guess I’ll ignore the muzzle loaders my dad and all his friends used to hunt with until the AR-15 became such a symbol of the “cold dead hands” crowd that they all went ahead and got one. And then a few more.

    I think the AR-15 should be banned because I think any semiautomatic rifle and pistol with a magazine capacity of more than a few rounds should be banned. That’s enough for the “guns are easier than getting medicated for anxiety” crowd to feel like they can engage in deadly personal defense without making it easy for someone to walk into a school or church or business and just unload.

  • Gavin Newsom wants to change the US constitution to stop gun violence – will he succeed?
  • I mean depending on who the wellness check is for, the answer may be “they are not well, because they were shot by a cop for no reason, and whoops that was their neighbor, and also the cop shot the neighbor’s dog too”

  • Gavin Newsom wants to change the US constitution to stop gun violence – will he succeed?
  • same as any other rifle

    I’m sure the use of AR-15s in shootings has nothing to do with its magazine capacity, firing rate, and deadliness at relatively short out to intermediate range. Not a lot of kids in elementary schools getting killed by people wielding muzzle loaders.

  • Looking for cross device RSS reader (not self-hosted)
  • Inoreader worked okay for me, syncs with the client apps I use, and was fairly Feedly-like. But I eventually went to a self-hosted FreshRSS install due to the ads that got inserted into feeds.

    If you’re concerned about things like FOSS, you should consider finding a way to self-host, either on hardware you own or using a cloud VPS. Any service that can sync and keep client compatibility updated is going to incur costs, and they’ll extract that value from you somehow - ads, data slurping, whatever. Better to pay for it yourself so you at least have a clear idea what the relationship is.

  • ACAB.
  • It sounds like you’re breaking down cops into several categories:

    1. Cops that do bad things on purpose
    2. Cops that do bad things on accident
    3. Cops that work alongside groups 1 and 2

    Sure, group 3 cops may use that discretion for good. Maybe they don’t pull someone over for going one over the speed limit, or decide to look the other way when a homeless guy tries to sell cigarettes. I agree with you, this is the kind of discretion that’s supposed to happen.

    But when people say ACAB, they’re saying that when cops that don’t do terrible things work alongside cops that do, they are complicit. One cop slowly, agonizingly kills a guy. Three cops watch and do nothing to stop him. That’s an extreme example. But there’s a million small versions of that, in every big city and small town, where a cop uses either their legal authority or “I’m a person with a gun” authority to do something bad, and their coworkers let it happen.

    Cops that don’t stop their coworkers from doing bad things are just as bad as those doing the bad things. So, ACAB.

  • ACAB.
  • Discretion is just selective enforcement. Lots of people do a thing. But cops only think it’s damaging to society when the wrong kind of people do it. That thing might just be existing.

    Maybe that punishment involves jail time, but more likely it means being harassed, or put in cuffs for a while but let off, or just be intimidated by a guy who can legally whisper “I fear for my life” into a body cam and then kill you.

    ACAB means cops either participate in that system, do nothing to stop it, or try to stop it and get forced out.

  • Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?
  • It was a scan during upload to their cloud photos system. Everyone else does it on their servers, Apple was going to run the scan before so they didn’t have to ever have them. To not have images scanned before upload, a user would just not have to use their cloud photos service.

    The messaging was really badly handled. They almost certainly just scan all the same photos on their servers instead now.

  • How dense would the atmosphere need to be to result in a cataclysmic chain reaction during a nuclear explosion?

    Famously, Oppenheimer and co worked out how close a nuclear bomb test would be to causing a chain reaction of nitrogen fusion in the atmosphere. They made a lot of worst-case-scenario assumptions and still came to the conclusion that no, a nuclear bomb test wouldn’t scour the surface of the world.

    But let’s say the atmosphere was twice as dense as it is. Or ten times as dense. At what point would that calculation turn very, very scary?

    Obligatory xkcd

    Edit: man, seriously, most of the people ‘answering’ this question didn’t even read it.

    Pretty Bummed to Lose Minshew Raiders agree to terms with QB Gardner Minshew on two-year, $25M contract

    The Las Vegas Raiders have agreed to terms with quarterback Gardner Minshew on a two-year, $25 million deal with $15 million full guaranteed, NFL Network Insiders Ian Rapoport and Tom Pelissero reported Monday.

    Raiders agree to terms with QB Gardner Minshew on two-year, $25M contract

    Clearly, AR is the way forward. And Minshew played as well as he could last year and has been rewarded with a likely starting role.

    But man, I’m gonna miss that guy. And if AR gets hurt again it’s hard to imagine a backup who will step up like Minshew did.

    Request: Comment and Post Filters by Domain

    Not everyone wants to defederate with trolls, which is fine. But I’d like to hide posts and comments from instances that never seem to make Lemmy a nicer place.

    For instance, it would be cool to configure Avalon such that any comment by a user from hexbear be hidden until tapped. (And I’d probably never tap it.)

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