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  • First computer in about '99, which I'd "built" (I was 8, so I mostly just watched while my dad's friend built it and occasionally let me plug some wires in)

    First phone, Nokia 3310 in 2003, with a Simpsons case, I think I've got it in a box somewhere...

  • My first computer was a Commodore 128. Of course it mainly ran in C64 mode for all the games.

    I used an old TV as the monitor. I secretly bought an antenna cable so that I could watch TV. Through some in-house cabling stuff I could also see the BMX videos my older brother was watching. Good times.

  • In December of 1994, in Greece, finally my parents agreed to get me a computer, as I was finishing college (was studying to be a computer programmer). I come from a very poor family, so it took some convincing. I ordered a modest 486 DX-40 Mhz, with 4 MB of RAM (10 months later it had to be updated to 8 MB in order to run Win95), 4x CD-ROM, 1.44 floppy drive, and a 420 MB Conner HDD. It had a Cirrus Logic graphics card (which I later upgraded to an S3), and a plain soundblaster sound card. The monitor was an 800x600 14" CRT monitor, and I think I also got a joystick with it too. I ran Win3.1 originally, and DOS. I was programming mainly in Turbo Pascal, and dBase III.

    The only "computer" we had at home before that, was an Atari 2600, that I bought my brother as a gift, in a yard sale in 1991, Germany. Already extremely outdated by that time, but that was the only one I could afford (I was in Germany for 8 months in early 1990s, before I went to college back in Greece, working menial jobs: janitor, kitchen help).

    I installed a bunch of shareware games found on magazines when I got the 486, so I got viruses a couple of times too because of that (Greek PC magazines at the time weren't as careful as they should have been). I had no access to the internet or BBS, you see. It had to be through magazines, especially since almost no one else in my small town had a computer at the time to share software with.

    That's the computer I had when I moved to the UK in late 1996, to go work as a programmer there. I got paid well there, so I upgraded a few times, particularly the graphics card (at one point I had a voodoo SLI).

    When I got married and left for the US in 2001, I had a dual Celeron at 333 Mhz, 128 MB RAM, and an nVidia TNT2 Ultra.

    I got a cellphone for the first time in 2003 I think, some Nokia ones I think. I was writing tech reviews online, so companies were sending me loaners to review. However, my phone usage was spotty, since I was on a pay-as-you-go (with limited, or no data plan) for about 10 years. It took the 2010s for me to get a family plan, with enough data. I did get my hands on the first iphone though, and the first android too (my husband was part of the original android team at the time, at Google). These days, I'm back in Greece as of the beginning of this year, and I run Murena e/OS, the de-googled version of Android that is privacy-focused (based on LineageOS).

  • 1995

    • Pentium 75 MHz
    • 8 MB RAM
    • 700 MB HDD
    • CD-ROM drive
  • My first computer was a ZX81 - in 1982 - which, with my brother, I built from a kit and was astonished when it actually worked. We eventually added the 16k ram pack too: how could anyone possibly use all that?!

    First phone. I think it was a Nokia 5110 or similar in 2000.

  • Phone, probably in 2012 or 2013: Sony Ericsson W200i.

    Proper computer in 2020: (Laptop) eMachines e627. A very slow AMD Athlon 64 powered laptop. It broke after 2 months of use. It's what got me to Linux. I barely got any understanding of what OS is, less so a difference between Linux and Windows, but I needed one. I found the UI of Windows 10 too complicated, so I went with Linux Mint 20 MATE.
    Of course, that is only after learning what "distribution" is.
    My ass was trying to find "just Linux".

    Thankfully, it already had Windows installed (used, unclean, untrusted, potentially unsafe to use) and I managed to dig out some DVD-RW which used to have some cartoon on it. Of course I had 0 flash drives.

    For the reference, I am 18 now.

  • First computer though a console Atari 2600 when I was 5

    Proper computer Acorn electron at 7

    Phone 6610 at 14

  • I remember us having an Atari computer along with some Compac computer running DOS in the late 80s. The computers I grew up with were models that we got for free from my dad's workplace whenever they upgraded. We ran Win 3.1 until about '98. Win 95 was prevalent in the house until the mid '00s. Due to my dad's job, we always had a computer of some sort in the house.

    The computers in my elementary school's computer lab were Apple 2es - in the 90s.

    I didn't get a cellphone until around 2004/2005, and then it was a hand-me-down from my older sister. The Nokia 5110 - the brick, complete with extendable antenna.

  • When I turned 13, I got my first computer, a laptop (a gaming computer, originally running Windows 10, ran Windows 11 for a very short time when it came out and it's been Linux ever since), although I'd had use of my family's desktop for a few years previously (10 year old very slow computer, running Windows). I was given a dumb phone at 11 (some Nokia), got my first smartphone at 14 (an iPhone), and the first smartphone I actually owned at 16 (a Motorola).

  • Apple ][e, it became “mine” in 90 after we moved. It’s still at my sister’s house, needs anew drive cable (we think). I bought a P2 350MHz a few years later so I could do something useful…those were the days…

    First phone was (I think) a Razr, in 03. My dad was more than happy to buy me a phone so he wasn’t worried about me driving back and forth from college.

  • First kompoder, I'm not sure what it was called or who made it but it definitely had a Pentium 4 in it. It was rubbish. And I had to spend 4 years with it before taking the leap to Vista, and man what a leap it was.

    First phone... it was definitely a Samsung Star from 2009. It was pretty good, but then I got an iPhone 4 and never looked back... until 2 years into the flattening.

  • 1987: Amiga 500, and it had the extra 1MB RAM module to plug in the side.
    1997: built my first PC, Pentium 150, also had a voodoo 2 graphics accelerator and a 2.1GB quantum fireball HDD.
    1997: got my first cell phone, Alcatel one touch easy.
    2003: first laptop, had a pentium 3 800?