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Anon receives guidance
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(A 4chan "green-text")

back when I was first starting, like 4 months in

at my gym there was always this super jacked black guy that would put up huge numbers

every time he's done with his set he yells out "ooooooo BABY"

it was never obnoxious or anything, I found it funny

he catches me smirking at him after he did it once

he tells me that it helps with the next set

I laugh

a few weeks pass and I'm on a hard set of deadlifts

was still doing strong-lifts so these are my max

push through them and for some reason yell out "oooooo BABY"

I hear "DAS RIGHT" from across the gym

my next was easier

Thank you jacked black man

Triangle rule
  • me_irl Sjmarf


  • Sus
  • not() is a base function that negates what’s inside (turning True to False and vice versa) giving it no parameter returns “True” (because no parameter counts as False)

    Actually, not is an operator. It makes more sense if you write not() as not () - the () is an empty tuple. An empty tuple is falsy in Python, so not () evaluates to True.

  • Loophole!
  • Ahh... hearing programmer audiobooks before sleep feels relaxing
  • Oh, really? That's disappointing to hear; I had no idea he was like that.

  • Changes coming to how Minecraft is being developed:
  • I’m glad the mob vote is gone

  • Ahh... hearing programmer audiobooks before sleep feels relaxing
  • Oh hey, it's the Minecraft guy

  • [OC] Statue of Major-General Nathanael Greene
  • Does he know the kings of England, does he quote the fights historical?

  • Anon becomes a cat person
    Image Transcription

    (A 4Chan "green-text" titled "Take the cat pill anons" with a photograph of a black cat lying on the carpet)

    be me

    depressed, loner, NEET, live at my parents house

    one day we get a cat, whatever

    cat hates me for whatever reason

    is always super cuddly with parents but constantly barfs near me or on my things

    never lets me pet him or play with him

    also meows really aggressively around me for no reason

    try playing with him, he isn't interested and keeps meowing

    try feeding him, he keeps meowing

    literally just always meowing as loud as he can around me, it's annoying as hell

    trying to play clone hero while parents are gone and cat is meowing like always

    starts walking all over my desk, I've had it with this fucker

    just start meowing back at him, louder than him, it scares him off and he goes hiding somewhere

    parents get home and look for him, can't find him anywhere, ask if I let him out

    we tear the house apart trying to find him, look everywhere, we came to the conclusion that he must've got out somehow and that was that

    ffw tomorrow night, cat comes out of nowhere from upstairs and rubs all over my legs as l'm standing in the kitchen


    cat is suddenly very friendly with me and always wants to be near me

    I start warming up to him as well, it's nice having a cat on your lap while gaming/watching TV

    noticed I'm feeling less depressed lately, cat is still super friendly with me, even sleeps in my bed now

    Mfw no longer depressed cause I meowed at a cat in frustration

    Guess I'm a cat person now bots

  • Let's not forget Hitachi

  • Reasonable Blackman

    Anon's new friends
    Image Transcription

    (A 4Chan "green-text", with a picture of Pepe crying)

    be me 3 years ago

    16 years old

    Not many friends.

    Feel alone as hell, see everyone partying and shit and I'm sitting around at home.

    Classmate at school talking about going out for a drive with friends.

    Looks at me

    "Hey anon! Your a funny dude, how about you join us"

    Heart skips a beat, this is all I have ever wanted.

    We go out eat some Chipotle, go too Walmart and fuck around there. Buy like 15 king sized kit Kats for shits n giggles.

    Finally they dropped me off at home

    I hate home, mom is terrible.

    Obvious frown

    Friendo looks at me "hey.. we'll see you around anon. You fit right in.

    Smiled and nodded

    Walked inside room and cried happiness cry.

    Anon joins friend on stream
    Image Transcription

    (A 4Chan "green-text", with a picture of Pepe crying)

    friend invites me to his twitch stream

    has a decent following

    we start playing some Vydia and talking

    people start commenting about how funny l am

    the next day people ask if he can have me on the stream again

    Wow, it felt nice.

    Out of curiosity why is BeeHaw defederated from shitjustworks?
  • Last I heard they want to switch to another platform, and don't consider it worth upgrading to 0.19 because they're leaving soon so it wouldn't be worth the hassle.

    This is pure guesswork on my part, but they could be waiting for Sublinks (a Lemmy-compatible backend) to get up to speed before switching to that. They say that the new platform is "compatible with all Lemmy apps", and Sublinks is the only project I know of that fits that criteria.

  • If you have more than 2 conditions, and do not want to recreate an element with if else statement, what do you do since ternary operations might get too confusing?
  • One option would be to use an enum with a label computed property.

    enum TransitionState {
        case stageOne, stageTwo, stageThree
        var label: String {
            switch self {
                 case .stageOne: "Stage one!"
                 case .stageTwo: "Stage two!"
                 case .stageThree: "Stage three!"
    struct MyView: View {
        @State var transitionState: TransitionState = .stageOne
        var body: some View {
  • Crowdstrike
  • It’s a joke.

  • App or community for "Is this AI?"
  • I don’t think a community for it is an unreasonable idea - at least for now, many AI images are easily identifiable by defects / lack of reasoning in the image. Though there isn’t a good computer program that can do this, I agree.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The community is a copy of the subreddit r/whitepeopletwitter, which is a spin-off of r/blackpeopletwitter. It’s not meant for exclusively white-person tweets - rather, it’s just meant to be a funny name to those who are aware of r/blackpeopletwitter. The omission of “white” in the display name is probably to reflect that they accept tweets from people of any ethnicity.

  • sjmarf Sjmarf

    Hello world

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