libreoffice or onlyoffice?
libreoffice or onlyoffice?
libreoffice or onlyoffice?
Unfortunately, I don't think either is particularly great. LibreOffice looks horrendous, performs at or below average, and does not have fabulous compatibility with Microsoft Office formats. On the other hand, ONLYOFFICE has better compatibility but feels cheap and pushes web services.
If this is for personal use, I would go with LibreOffice. If you need to share documents with others using a common format, go with ONLYOFFICE.
I'm not sure if this is accurate OpenOffice appears to be abandonware with development stopped in 2011 while LibreOffice is the fork and still being developed.
edit...ah Oracle OpenOffice vs Apache OpenOffice
OpenOffice and OnlyOffice are two different things. We were talking about the latter.
OpenOffice is not a thing anymore, stop keeping it in your brains XD
LibreOffice literally looks exactly like MS Office in my computer, what are you talking about? It does take a little bit of configuration, but nothing you can't find with a quick search
They are probably using the default installed theme, which doesn't have scalable icons so everything is horribly pixelated. Not sure why it's still the default, but as you said it's pretty easy to change.
Yeah, I will admit that it looks much better on Linux than macOS. My other qualm is that it eats up my laptop battery, while Pages and Word use considerably less power
Dont agree on looks etc, but yes Onlyoffice feels like that and I would prefer Libreoffice+Web integration too.
I've been using LibreOffice for a number of years without issue. Literally takes care of all my word processing and spreadsheet needs. I don't miss MS Office at all, which I use daily at work.
Why not use LO at work?
LibreOffice unless MS Office comparability is the most important thing. Then maybe try ONLYOFFICE.
Both are good, but different focuses. OnlyOffice has fewer features, but extremely good MS Office cross-compatibility.
Libre Office has more features, but can run into compatibility issues when going back and forth between MS Office.
That being said, for the average user's needs, both are perfectly fine.
OnlyOffice is also able to be used in a cloud framework similar to Google docs, but to my knowledge Libre Office cannot do that.
I think Collabora Online uses or is built on LibreOffice. It's a subscription service but you can host it yourself for free (I think for personal use). I've not tried either. I'm pretty sure the Collabora team are big code contributors to LibreOffice. If I got anything wrong I hope someone will correct me.
Oh nice, thanks for the info!
I use OnlyOffice and enjoy it. I do notice some fancy features missing but as I'm not a power user it doesn't bother me. I've opened OnlyOffice docx files in MS Office and vice versa many times with no issues ever. I've also installed MS fonts on my Linux distro and they work in OnlyOffice. I don't notice it pushing online features like somebody else said
I was like "what the f" and then I read it
I use Libre Office. I have zero need if back and forth with enshitified MS Office.
Try both out as flatpaks if you're on Linux and keep the one you like as I did :). I think both flatpaks come with the full suite.
I ended up sticking with OnlyOffice and feel it will probably work better for most people doing things like writing documents and spreadsheets with various formatting, tables, charts, formulas and equations.
I am mainly a Google docs user (and in the past MS office) as most people are and the OnlyOffice UI and workflow is much more comfortable if you're coming from these products. Things work and look the way you would expect. LibreOffice UI feels very clunky and dated (even after trying different layouts). For example, charts look really bad by default in LibreOffice. OnlyOffice seems to work pretty much just as well as gDocs/MS office so far in my limited experience for most scenarios.
As part of my effort to reduce reliance on gDocs I am planning on setting up a self hosted Nextcloud office instance and it is based on OnlyOffice so it is more motivation for me to stick with it!
Is it possible to download just the word processor (libreoffice's) and nothing else?
Like abiword? Depends what you need
Sorry. Im asking about word processor from libreoffice
Not that I’m aware of.
And LibreOffice
LibreOffice should receive more updates than OnlyOffice OpenOffice.
I switched my uncle from OnlyOffice OpenOffice to LibreOffice (for work) and he never complained.
Edit: I've confused OnlyOffice with OpenOffice.
Anyway, I have both LibreOffice and OnlyOffice. I always use LibreOffice but for one file (yes it is an excel spreadsheet) I need to use OnlyOffice 'cause Libre can't open it.
You're sure you're talking about OnlyOffice, and not OpenOffice. OpenOffice and LibreOffice are related. OnlyOffice is not.
Ops, you're right. Sorry, I've answered on phone while on movement.
LibreOffice for local files, OnlyOffice for cloud
I had issues with Onlyoffice taking ages to load documents with lots of pages while Libreoffice did it instantly as expected. So back to Libreoffice for me.
@t0mri I have both. and i use both in different situations. depends on the specific document.
Why not both?
I use onlyoffice with nextcloud (at the time nextcloud docs + collabora was alpha level software that crashed the server) or when I need better Ms office compatibility
And then i use LibreOffice when I need better implemented features like CSV import or print dialog