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  • I forget who it was, but according to ancestry, I'm related to an old US president 3 different times (dad's great grandad, dad's great grandma, moms great, great grandma). And similarly related to one of the singers of the declaration of Independence, I think from NH on both sides of my family. By marriage I am also related to a couple figures that are very famous in my local area, but I'm not gonna name because self doxxing.

    But for real, my family tree has no branches, apparently.

  • I can't get too specific for privacy reasons, but I'm very, very distantly related to a few doges of Venice, by maternal side. (I'm not from Italy.)

    Also my grand-grandma has a street named in her honour.

  • According to my online family tree my 11th Great Grandmother is Joan Shakespeare, William Shakespeare’a sister, making The Bard my 11th Great Granduncle. When I was looking around that was the only notable one I could find who is a direct relative…if you allow 9 times removed and shit basically everyone is related to Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga and Abraham Lincoln.

  • One was exiled after failing a plot to assassinate Spanish colonizers.

  • Well Charlemagne waved his jonkheer around a lot so most of us Dutch or Europeans in general are royal decendants, nothing special really.

  • Yes but saying so would be revealing because of the last name, and I’d doxx myself