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What's a thing that increased your power?

Doesn't have to be a thing you bought. Just some thing you didn't have but then once you did it expanded your scope of actions.

The first obvious example that comes to mind is a car. Plenty of drawbacks to prevalence of cars, but being able to go where I want when I want, and far away, is very transformative.

I'm interested in other examples of things that aren't just useful, but that open new possibilities.

  • I am handicapped and in early retirement. I had a hard time going on walks, got tired fast, there was always the fear of stumbling/falling again and carrying a bag was painful using a backpack made me getting tired faster.

    I bought an expensive walking helper /walker with 4 wheels (not something you sit on and drive, but walk behind), a seat and a big bag for shopping. I feel like superwoman now when I am on a walk, because I can walk longer, buy stuff and just put it on the thing and it is so easy to get even heavy stuff home and whenever I get tired and no matter where I am, I just sit down, relax, power comes back and I can keep going.

    The best thing I have ever bought in my whole life.

    I was told this is only for very old people and that it looks ridiculous at my age and that I would not need it by everyone, fuck them. It is pure quality of life and increases my power to over 9000! I have been more outside in the last 12 months, than in the 5 years before that because of it.

  • Money.

    • As sad as it is, it's true. I was broke for so many years that I even today, after years of having some, it eats at me paying so much for a car or other stuff. And I don't know if I should change. I think I'll never will anyways. Just trying to help without being exploited. First: tell no one how much money your project (or whatever) made. Wife and kid know, obviously, no one else. ESPECIALLY not "family". But it's a super power in our world that one could get lawful justice if anybody does you wrong. Without any money, you won't. From experience. And the daily anxiety is gone. Ok, not gone, but very, very small. Completely without I'd be too lazy in the long run, I presume.

  • The first was my bike. Totally changed life. It opened up the entire county to me, though the far end was not viable time wise.

    Then my first car.

    After that, I suppose it was a cell phone. Gave me the freedom to travel and stay in communication on my terms. However, part of that was caller ID by default. The freedom to ignore calls and make the decision based on who was calling without having to worry about missing an important call was big time. Since I could do this anywhere my car could reach, it was the pinnacle of freedom, with subsequent iterations only expanding the use.

    After that? My cane.

    After my body fucked up, and I was on a walker for a while, being able to walk steadily without the walker was freedom again. It may seem like the walker was that, but it never felt like it. I went from jogging and walking and hiking freely to crawling, literally in a second.

    From crawling, a walker sure was better, but it was as much a symbol of limitations as it granted more mobility.

    But the cane? That's when I knew I would be able to have something resembling the life I had lost. It isn't the same as it was and never will be. But the difference between having the cane and not having it is what makes it powerful.

  • Literally, tyrosine and iodine, because my thyroid gland was running slow and I was feeling cold most of the year. Now my body's idling power is higher.

  • Lets see uh falling into a vat of acid, suffering intense radiation , getting bit by radioactive insects and a lion ?

  • learning from mistakes. sadly took me longer than a lot of people I know, and as a result, I've seen shit get so fucked up that I finally learned my lesson a year or so ago to have some self awareness.