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37 yorumlar
  • If you can only do this on long rests it basically doesn't affect balance, right? You don't ever get extra resources, just different ones.

    We let somebody do this in our 4e campaign and it was fun. They had like 4 different character sheets that all represented the same character, they just picked one for each adventure. It let us vary our party composition without having to introduce new characters to the narrative.

    (The conceit was that they were experimented on by a mad mage who imbued them with elemental essences in a failed attempt to create a pan-elemental being; instead they manifested one element at a time, and each of their forms had its own abilities. Mechanically their race was genasi, with a different elemental aspect for each class.)

  • I think this would be pretty cool with some more rules behind it. Like they can shift into another body within range and literally gain everything that creature has, but it has limited range and a save to resist being taken over based on the hitdie, level, both, etc.

    • we can go further: what if the ONLY way they have to progress is copying another creature? and they can't just go back, they'd have to find the creature they previously copied to do so again.

      now they can become powerful sure, but most powerful creatures aren't something you can just walz into a town as, and every time you change form you have to abandon your previous powers.

37 yorumlar