Mom's phone, Trek edition
Mom's phone, Trek edition
Mom's phone, Trek edition
I was at my parents this week and my dad said his tablet got slow.
I checked the running apps and open tabs and the phone couldn't even express it in a number (normally it does up to 999).
Then I hit the clear background apps button and the thing just straight up spazed straight to a full cold boot.
An hour later, dad said it was much much faster now, but that I "removed his apps". (I didn't and they were still there, just not running all the time!)
When my dad had a desktop, for some reason beyond my comprehension, he’d seemingly download every toolbar offered to him. Opening up his internet browser on desktop and literally half of the screen was just toolbars.
He also insisted that I not touch it because he needed them.
Your dad is Jen from IT Crowd?
Gosh. That’s much more the fault of the os developer than your father.
That reminded me of a time at work where some testing on our project required opening some large XML files. We were using Notepad++ to open them and format them so we could easily examine them. My boss complained about how bad Notepad++ sucked because it was sooooo slooooow to open.
I checked his computer and it turned out that while he would close Notepad++, he never actually closed the file tabs. So every time he opened a new file, it was adding to the hundreds of open XML files. He was literally opening several GBs of XML files every time he launched the app. Frankly, it made me even more impressed with Notepad++ because I would have assumed most other apps would've been crushed.
Lol, that's similar as to how I suggested Microsoft Code to someone I worked with for their personal laptop since they mainly used MSVS at work.
Were bitching they didn't like Code because it "didn't work half the time".
Turns out they were doing the same thing, opening files, sometimes editing them and then just closing the application.
Had a whole smorgasbord of open files and most of them were in an edited but unsaved state.
This concept of explicit saves rather than closing an app and having it force save was horrible to them.
If it's more convenient, then what you're doing isn't wrong. Everyone has different input systems.
Mine is to email myself notes, and to use subject header as tags for later sorting. At some point I will setup an email scraper to automatically flag and parse these into actual todo lists.
But for now an email to myself just keeps me focused, and it just works!
I find email is a better tool for that use case scenario.
At least with email, its cross platform, can be accessed by any of your devices and you can go back and do a search of your previous notes. I sometimes use it but only when I don't have access to anything else .... that or I'm just lazy.
Up your game. Create a WhatsApp group specifically for notes related to specific topics with another person, immediately remove that other person, and use the empty group chat as a note app. It's not on your phone and your tablet/PC, and you never have to bother remembering a note app exists. I may or may not have dozens of empty Whatsapp groups for this...
Signals' note to self chat is really convenient, ngl. A linear chat history is obviously not the most organized way of writing notes, but for some small save-for-later type infos here and there, I like it a lot.
Sometimes I text myself a picture on my phone so I can get it on my desktop without bothering fuffing with a file transfer.
God I was helping one of my kids with their tablet the other day, the browser had 196 tabs open.. thats not even an exaggeration, 196. It was literally the first time I've ever used the close all tabs function on any browser.
I don't keep too many tabs open on desktop unless I'm researching something. But on mobile it's just too easy to ignore. I've hit 1000 tabs a few times. It opens a new tab every time I click a link in an app. I don't see the tabs unless I really want to. So I forget.
Yeah I'm the same. Never really hit more than 10 tabs on desktop unless researching, and I reset them on restart anyway so they can't accumulate. On my phone I think I'm currently at 89, and that's only because i closed all when it went above 100.
Also notepad++ I probably have 100+ open for the same reason. Opening something new makes a new tab, and they never reset.
We switched my daughter to online school recently and she never closes tabs. I have to keep telling her, "you don't need to keep the tab of story we read for English 3 days ago open. You're never going to read it again. You didn't even like it."
Wow, definitely different school learning protocol here.
Our kids were fussing at me to close my tabs as I go by the time they hit middle school, and when they were younger we had a ‘clear tabs automatically on closing’ set up in their browsers.
Remaining RAM:
Unused RAM is wasted RAM.
Plus you can just download more if you need it.
That's why I recommend getting no more than 8GB or you will just have some extra RAM you aren't using.
How hot the phone feels:
Haptic feedback
To be fair, the screen is bright and the fonts are big because she's an old lady and her eyesight is bad and the volume is loud because her hearing is also bad.
If this was a human being, I'd shoot it in the face.
God, whenever I help my mom with something on her phone or get it for her, I always see she has tons and tons of notifications. I could never do that. She also has many apps open usually and that also is something I couldn't do. I have more than maybe 4 notifications and 4 apps open at a time and it drives me insane.