It feels EXACTLY like this!
It feels EXACTLY like this!
It feels EXACTLY like this!
Well, the picture comes from a TV receiving random bullshit radio waves. That's basically the same thing that happens when you hit that nerve. It's not meant to convey pain, so it's essentially just a random bullshit signal.
1% of analog tv static is due to the cosmic microwave background, remnants of the early formation of the universe and critical evidence of the big bang. The og random bullshit signal.
Is this a universal experience? I agree with the image, but I also have synaesthesia so I wouldn't rely on my experience to be the norm
Yeah it's pretty universal. Similar feeling when a limb "falls asleep."
A family friend's kid named this as feeling "pintingular" and I think he nailed it.
Wow! He really did nail it. I'll have to remember that! Thanks for sharing :)