How do I enable proper word formatting in neovim?
How do I enable proper word formatting in neovim?
As seen in the image, neovim just yanks the exact next letter into the line below. How do I make it so words get properly formatted?
How do I enable proper word formatting in neovim?
As seen in the image, neovim just yanks the exact next letter into the line below. How do I make it so words get properly formatted?
:set linebreak
Thanks, exactly what I needed
I’m not too sure about neovim, but in regular vim you can do yy
and grab the entire line (including the line break).
Do you want all data to be in one string?
Gosh. How will you figure that out? Searching up "neovim docs" in a search engine only gets you to the neovim documentation. THEN, you have to search the documentation for "paste". It's TWO WHOLE STEPS.
Wow, that's so hard. It’s no wonder that you posted to Lemmy to make someone else do the hard work of ...
<checks notes>
using a search engine with your own two unbroken hands.
Yo dawg. You could’ve just downvoted and moved on with your day. But instead, you decided to show the entire internet what a self-important dick you are.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: not everybody learns the same way that you do. Also, not everyone has the same level of experience. Being kind is free. Being an ass is… well, embarrassing. Do better.
I'm not that good at English, so I had no idea what to call it. You can't search for something if you don't know what it's called. My results pointed to other unrelated stuff (It gave me tutorials on how to make text bold, italic, etc).
In an ideal world, a search engine will point to this thread, where the answer is the topvoted comment.
With the death of Stackoverflow and Reddit, hopefully Lemmy can fill the void of an information archive. :P
Allow me to introduce you to Wheaton's Law
I bet you also like taking candy from babies.