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Is there a programming specific distro?
  • I mean pretty much any distro that isn't locked down will be good for programming. All you really need is a package manager with a selection of at least somewhat modern dev tools, which almost all of them have.

  • Why are furry conventions offering HIV testing to attendees? - Dhole Moments
  • It was not (at least not entirely). It was mostly general frustration at the demonisation of lgbt folks and contraception in the past, mostly due to Catholocism. If there wasn't as much of that, then I think HIV probably wouldn't be as much of a "thing" as it is nowadays.

  • It do be like that
  • I was taking to my sister, who is an artist, about setting up Linux and warned them about poor Adobe support. Their response was "⭐ 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀 𝒶𝒹𝑜𝒷𝑒 ⭐" due to their AI shenanigans and high costs.

    So thanks modern Adobe for making it easier for people to switch to Linux.

  • Linux-friendly USB fingerprint reader?
  • Xkcd 538

    For most people, the only security they really need is against people either stealing devices or accessing them without permission. In those cases, biometrics (if implemented properly) and passwords are roughly equivalent.

  • Why are furry conventions offering HIV testing to attendees? - Dhole Moments
  • Maybe we wouldn't have to have so much testing if bigots hadn't pushed so hard to spread HIV around vulnerable people.


  • Ok guys, who games on an IoT version of Ubuntu?
  • I mean, I can kinda see it being useful for people wanting to sell a wee box that does nothing but launch a game on steam.

  • Locked
    Why do people on Lemmy seem to be less intelligent than other social media services users?
  • Ignoring the obvious bait in the title, I think it's mostly a numbers thing. On Reddit you can follow only communities that you vibe with, and the voting system works to keep low quality posts down. I'd be surprised if there wasn't the same proportion of people on Reddit that you find objectionable, but they're stuck in the bowels of downvote hell.

    Or maybe you're just surrounded by people with different views or life experiences and don't know how to process it. Idk.

  • Time Crisis Is Returning With A New AI Powered Gun That Works On Modern TVs | Retro Dodo
  • So I've thought about this a bit more. Games like this flash the screen black with a white square on the target, and then detects whether the lightgun is pointing at white or black. I guess they could take a picture of the TV and combine that with sensor data, put it into an AI and then figure out where on the screen the gun is pointed at? I guess that would count as "AI"?

    I'm sure the diehard lightgun fans won't find it accurate enough though.

  • Time Crisis Is Returning With A New AI Powered Gun That Works On Modern TVs | Retro Dodo
  • ... Does anyone know what the AI actually does?

    Honestly, the fact that the article writer is shilling an AI product without actually explaining what the AI does is kinda making me doubt their journalistic integrity.

  • Someone here that has never being in a date or asked someone to a date... Why?
  • Because people outside are scary and confusing.

    Also, I have a fwb and it would be awkward to bring up.

  • (dnd 5e) Prove me wrong, RAW
  • AI GM be like: "Yep. Seems legit."

  • The Dislike to Ubuntu
  • Honestly, IMO Mint is just Ubuntu without all the scetchy stuff. The only real major difference (besides the packaging debate) is the default graphical shell.

    If you like gnome shell, I wonder if it's worth installing Mint and then gnome-shell...

  • What is something tuat has given you hope for humanity?
  • I like to think that people, on the whole, are becoming more accepting of those that are different.

    I don't know how true that is, and there's certainly loud arseholes out there, but maybe the common non-chronically-online person is more welcoming than 10 years ago.

  • NSFW Removed
    Odd psychological issue - UCS = Used Condom Syndrome
  • Just as an fyi: If you want people to read huge blocks of text like this, please break it into paragraphs.

  • Firewalls: what SHOULD I block?
  • Worth noting that if you're trying to block telemetery or ads or things like that, using an adblocking dns is probably the better option. Either through a pihole on your network or some online adblocking dns.

    Other than that, if you're looking for one because you think you "need" one, don't worry too much if it's just a personal computer connected to a router. Most distros ship with sensible defaults for security.

    If you actually want to use a firewall, block all incoming and allow all outgoing is a reasonable rule of thumb if you aren't running a server. Note that "block incoming" doesn't block connections that the system itself started.

  • A word about systemd
  • Wonder if we'll have another good ol' browser war when/if Ladybird releases.

  • A word about systemd
  • Yeah, was more poking fun of people who cling to the while Unix Philosophy stuff like it's some unwritten rule that must be followed.

    I honestly think there's tons of Linux software that could be broadly defined as "multiple things".

    Even looking at the links other responders have posted, I even think a lot of linux software is made up of components which are tightly coupled together.

  • A word about systemd
  • Praise be the Unix Philosophy. May all your projects do precisely one thing, and let they not be tempted by forbidden fruit and do two things.

  • Does anyone actually use the windows key on their keyboard as intended by the OS?
  • I used to use Super to open the application selector menu thing (similar to the start menu on my system). But I recently tweaked my keyboard shortcuts to add a bunch of ones using Super for application switching and stuff, so rebound it to Super+w.

  • Video Games SavvyWolf
    Critter Cove: A furry animalcrossinglike Save 20% on Critter Cove on Steam

    A deep, open world life sim and town building game set in a cozy post-apocalyptic paradise. Restore an old town, sail across a mysterious archipelago. Hunt for relics and farm, fish & craft everything you need. Can you help turn Critter Cove into a thriving tourist town once again?

    Save 20% on Critter Cove on Steam

    Stumbled upon this game and had fun with the demo. Might be up some people's alley.

    How much do Americans actually pay for healthcare?

    Hey all, I'm British so I don't really know the ins and outs of the US healthcare system. Apologies for asking what is probably a rather simple question.

    So like most of you, I see many posts and gofundmes about people having astronomically high medical bills. Most recently, someone having a $27k bill even after his death.

    However, I have an American friend who is quick to point out that apparently nobody actually pays those bills. They're just some elaborate dance between insurance companies and hospitals. If you don't have insurance, the cost is lower or removed entirely. Supposedly.

    So I'm just asking... How accurate is that? Consider someone without insurance, a minor physical ailment, a neurodivergent mind and no interest in fighting off harassing people for the rest of their life.

    How much would such a person expect to pay, out of their own pocket, for things like check ups, x rays, meds, counselling and so on?

    Know any good pinball video games?

    I recently played through a demo for a game called Pinball Spire on steam, and it put me in the mood for playing pinball games. Unfortunately, and I don't know if this is just due to me having bad google-foo, there don't seem to be that many on Steam that catch my interest.

    So figured I may as well make a thread asking about what the "state of the art" of pinball video games is. Some of the ones I've played:

    • Sonic Spinball: Very janky, but very unique and I don't think I've seen anyone try to do anything similar to it.
    • Pokémon Pinball and Sonic Pinball Party: Fairly standard pinball games, tbh. They're both on handhelds so they can't do that much.
    • Demon's Tilt and Xenotilt: Just really fun feeling arcade pinball games with a really fun tilt mechanic.

    So yeah, know any good PC or console pinball games?

    Oh, and can someone help me: I vaguely remember seeing a stream of a pinball game for the Mega Drive/SNES where the ball goes through multiple tables. Does anyone know what that game was called, if it even exists?

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Fursuit Dance / Glitch / ‘Wasteland’ //

    So popped up in my feed and I had to find the full version. Sharing here because it's really nice.

    Would you move to another country?

    So another thread ( ) got me wondering... How many people would want to move to another country?

    Just to provide a concrete scenario, let's assume that in your current country you (magically) have a decent-ish job. They open up offices in another country of your choosing, and you have the option of moving there and work for an equivalent living wage.

    They're able to get visas set up (however improbable that may be) for you and any family, but you have to go through the process of finding housing, physically moving your belongings and anything else you need to set up.

    What countries would you take the offer to move to, if any?

    Furry Technologists SavvyWolf
    Why is there a huge IT outage? Quick explanation
    Protogen meet photoshoot Tapewolf (

    Attached: 3 images Protogen meet photoshoot at Anthrocon 2024. Photos by Aisha DeCabre #FursuitFriday #furry #fursuit #protogen #Anthrocon

    Tapewolf (

    Not my photo or mastodon, but figured it would be worth sharing.

    I love the cardboard visor.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Athena the Goofball
    Furry SavvyWolf
    I just stumbled upon Accell's art

    Stumbled upon this artist on bluesky ( ), and their art is adorable.

    Not sure how well known they are, but look at how soft everything is!

    Xenia Desktop by

    Source: Full version on their Ko-Fi:

    It's very nice!

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Pipefox Box
    Has exercise helped your mental health?

    Just a simple question to those of you suffering from depression, anxiety or are just going through a tough time. Now or sometime in the past.

    Have you tried exercising, and did it help? What kind, and how did it make you feel?

    Advocacy and those with severe difficulties

    Content Warning: This is a post detailing arguing with a friend about ND rights. It's probably going to cover topics of discrimination, eugenics, conversion therapy/ABA and other serious topics.

    Hey. So I have this friend, let's call him Woof, who I'm close to. Like, close in an almost-dating-but-its-complicated way. I find it difficult to find new friends, so basically he was the only real person I could lean on and confide in as a friend.

    Due to various things, I've kinda gotten emotionally invested in the whole neurodivergence movement thing recently. The idea that things like autism should be treated as diversity rather than disability.

    Woof... Doesn't see the same way. He works as an ambulance driver and as such has seen a lot of people who have all sorts of difficulties... My understanding is that he thinks the whole ND movement thing is a bit naive and ignores some people who really need help and support.

    It's something we've butted heads about before, but it's gotten really bad the past two weeks. I just... Think there's something we're miscommunicating and misunderstanding. What he's saying sounds logically sound, but feels uncomfortable to me...

    I know I probably shouldn't rant about this stuff to the internet, but I could really use some comments by a neutral party. Especially since it feels like I'm strawmanning him super hard and projecting some of my own uncertainties onto him. Or maybe I'm avoiding uncomfortable truths? Or maybe I'm overlooking something and will make a fool of myself (which happens every time I talk about politics...). Again, just looking for extra views and thoughts.

    The crux of his thoughts are that some people really suffer. There are autistic people that have severe problems, like intense hypersensitivity, weak cognitive ability, inability to communicate. Those kinds of things.

    Outwardly at least, I personally don't have much issues. I have a job (for the time being - my quality of work has been slipping due to mental health), I can travel around unaided and I can communicate to people decently well. I have a lot of mental fuckery and problems, but that doesn't stop me getting the coveted title of "high functioning".

    So I can't really say that I have experienced the hardships faced by everyone. There are a number of people that will never be able to adapt and fit into society. Or those that are constantly overwhelmed by the world and have severe trouble coping. They have my sympathies, but I'm not them.

    Given that, am I forcing my views on people where I shouldn't? Am I assuming people are generally like me, and so I ignore the voices of those who have greater difficulties?

    Are we all like that here? Most people here are adults who can articulate their thoughts and desires clearly enough and can function "okay" enough in society.

    Can we truly advocate for people with more severe versions of the same symptoms? I think so; it's similar to how bi people can advocate for gay rights despite being able to have "normal" relationships. Woof doesn't think the same way for ND though. Different severities of conditions might require different allowances and support, which can get overlooked by people fighting just for themselves.

    I was going to go into specific cases about specific events, but that's probably not going to be useful. We've argued about a lot of the main controversial autism things, so I'll try to give a summary.

    My stance is usually on the "pro-ND" side. I think regardless of neurotype, everyone should get the support and not feel the need to change who they are. That even those with severe difficulties deserve to live their lives as best they can and be who they are.

    Woof's stance seems to be usually on the "pro-change" side. That if there was a way to remove people's neurodivergence without causing harm, it should be offered to them. And that for those that are truly suffering, it should be the choice that is encouraged.

    ... I guess his stance also reacts with my anxiety beast in a bad way... I would consider myself as someone who has suffered my entire life. Would it be better if I were someone else? Would Woof prefer me if I were someone else? Do I have a moral obligation to prevent people like me from existing? Do I deserve to live? Blegh.

    But yeah, sorry for rambling. It's all been stuck in my head and I'd appreciate some different viewpoints. Even if it's just to tell me that I'm wrong. If you've made it this far, I appreciate you reading it.

    Anthro Comics SavvyWolf
    Duncan and Eddie | Slice of life webcomic Duncan and Eddie

    Two boyfriends stumbling their through life together. They may not be the most competent couple, but that won't stop them from loving each other to bits! Updates every SUNDAY

    Duncan and Eddie

    Webtoons Description: > Two boyfriends stumbling their through life together. They may not be the most competent couple, but that won't stop them from loving each other to bits!

    You've all probably seen this before, but posting anyway because I want to see this community become a repository of furry webcomics. :D

    It's a comic about two people being gay and adorable together.

    First Page:

    4 billion if statements 4 billion if statements

    I recently stumbled upon this screenshot while researching social media on the train. Of course, it was followed by a cascade of spiteful comments, criticizing this fresh programmer’s attempt to solve a classical problem in computer science. The modulus operation.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    The Parable of the Dagger


    Got recommended this channel by The Algorithm, they have a few videos on AI and logic with cute dogs.

    Looking for advice/sympathy about anxiety

    Hey autistic peeps. I'm not really in a great space mentally right now, and figured I'd ask if anyone knows of any good coping mechanisms or tricks or whatever.

    Anyway, some background. I'm one of those perpetually online types with no real irl hobbies. As you probably are aware (because Lemmy), there's been a lot of disruption in the online space recently. There's also been a fair amount of disruption in my personal life which I shan't go into. Kinda tempted to make a post here or /c/mentalhealth detailing my woefull history, but I'm not sure if there's interest.

    Anyway, the main thing is that since May, I've been struggling with anxiety, and been kind of letting it rot, get worse and pull in other things. It's at the point now where it feels a bit overwhelming and it's actively getting in the way of my thought patterns, which is as scary as it sounds.

    Through talking to people (including friends who I really appreciate taking the time to put up with me) about it, I've been able to drill it down to two main "fears":

    • I'm scared of trying new things or enjoying familiar things in case they get taken away from me in the future.
    • I'm vey uncomfortable with the idea of being restricted from things because of who I am or what I believe in.

    They struck me as being, for want of a better term, "autismy" thoughts, and get the feeling my nt friends dont "get" it. Just wondering if either of these statements resonate with anyone, or if anyone has advice on combatting them.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Furries Out of Context [Suggestive at times, but nothing explicit]


    Youtube recommended me this series, and they're quite funny.

    Red Landscape [OC]

    Just something I threw together last night, figured I'd share it here. Enjoy!

    Think it came out decently, although I think the "grass" is a bit messy.

    savvywolf SavvyWolf

    Hello there!

    I'm also , and I have a website at .


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