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Recommendations for European tea?

All the supermarkets seems to sell the same brands and I have no idea if any of them are mostly processed in Europe or elsewhere in the world.

Do you have recommendations? I like the ones with a fruity taste more.

This one is my current favorite:
::: spoiler Click to view

::: They claim on the package that they care about sustainability, better working conditions and social engagement.

  • France has "Les 2 Marmottes" but they don't do tea exclusively, they also have "infusions"

    Rooted in our local region, in Bons-en-Chablais, we are part of an ecosystem while maintaining close control over production, from plant selection to canning. All our infusions and teas are produced in France. We work primarily with committed farmers and local suppliers, and we strive every day to reduce our impact on the environment.

  • I love the loose herbal teas from Sonnentor (Austrian company). They are sometimes leaning towards weird esoteric behavior like until about 10 years ago they drew a line through the EAN-Code... But their tea is amazing and they are also participating in economy for the common good.

    • Afaik Sonnentor also has a good financial compensation model for the laborers on the tea plantations they source from.

    • I'm new, can you explain what this means? Why did they have a line through the barcode? I found the official blog post from 2013 where they pledged to stop doing it, but it doesn't really explain why they were doing it in the first place.


      Die Diskussion in den letzten Wochen hat uns gezeigt, dass das Thema „Entstörung des EAN-Codes“ bei unseren Kunden sehr polarisiert.

      Wir haben uns intensiv mit den Reaktionen dazu auseinandergesetzt und Informationen recherchiert. Unsere Entscheidung deshalb: Wir werden den Strich quer über den Barcode künftig nicht mehr auf die Etiketten drucken.

      Wir schätzen die Rückmeldungen unserer Kunden sehr und setzen uns intensiv mit den Bedürfnissen auseinander. SONNENTOR steht für Freude und ein gutes Gefühl. Manchen unserer Kunden gibt ein Strich quer über den EAN-Code genau dieses gute Gefühl. 2007 haben wir deshalb den Strich auf den Etiketten eingeführt, ohne nähere Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema.

      Aufgrund der vielen Reaktionen und unserer eigenen Einstellung haben wir uns nun bewusst gegen das „Entstören des EAN-Codes“ entschieden.

      Die Umstellung wird sicherlich einige Zeit dauern. Innerhalb des nächsten Jahres sollten aber alle Produktetiketten ohne entstörten EAN-Code ausgeliefert werden.

      English machine translation:

      The discussion in recent weeks has shown us that the topic of “de-interference with the EAN code” is very polarizing among our customers.

      We've carefully considered the reactions and researched information. Our decision has therefore been this: We will no longer print the line across the barcode on our labels.

      We greatly value our customers' feedback and engage intensively with their needs. SONNENTOR stands for joy and a good feeling. For some of our customers, a line across the EAN code gives them exactly that good feeling. That's why we introduced the line on our labels in 2007, without further consideration of the topic.

      Due to the many reactions and our own attitude, we have now consciously decided against “de-jamming the EAN code”.

      The transition will certainly take some time. However, within the next year, all product labels should be delivered without a suppressed EAN code.


      SONNENTOR stands for joy and a good feeling. For some of our customers, a line across the EAN code gives them exactly that good feeling.


  • Picwick. It's Dutch, has tons of flavours and I personally love their winter tea and Turkish apple.

    Edit: Caramelized pear!

  • Fredsted, don't know if it's available in your location, it's a danish company, makes a great licorice/mint tea