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Ukraine Asks if Telegram, Its Favorite App, Is a Sleeper Agent
  • There are some credible rumors that Durov had financial issues during the pandemic and went back to Russia to strike some sort of deal with the regime there, which would also explain why since then there have been no further attempts to block Telegram in Russia.

  • Meme „Chill Guy“ Alles scheißegal
  • Ich glaube sowieso das das ein Capybara und kein Hund ist.

  • LiFePO4 UPSs. Any success/horror stories?
  • I see no reason why they would be worse, other that the initial purchase price.

  • Leveraging ATProto and ActivityPub to upend enclosed social networks
  • I think you need to be more careful with your use of "scaling up". You mean vertical scaling, while ActivityPub is good in horizontal scaling.

    Indeed, with ActivityPub you will probably never have a single point that has a global view of the network, which (at least for now) is the way ATProto presents the network. Arguably that is not a desirable feature anyways, but lets just say that people have different opinions on that.

  • Trees are failing to adapt to climate change. Losing fungi partners may be why
  • Well, that sound like a problem that is at least manageable since fungi have relatively short generation cycles unlike trees.

  • Döner für 10 Euro: Sind die Döner-Ketten schuld?
  • Naja, die 10 Euro Preise gibt es aber auch nur an Stellen wo die Immobilienbesitzer käftig alle Ladenbetreiber abschröpfen.

  • Police Shut Down Matrix Encrypted Hub News
  • This is what you get if you use silly generic terms as names for your chat protocol 🙄

  • Vertical farming: a local solution for greens, but not feeding the world any time soon
  • Light-shafts or relatively inefficient building layouts are necessary once a building hits a certain size, so this would probably not have a big impact on overall living space. Of course such a building would be more expensive to build, but it might be possible to offset if the vertical farm's profits would benefit the same housing coop.

  • Vertical farming: a local solution for greens, but not feeding the world any time soon
  • I think it could be interesting to integrate these into newly build apartment buildings. They could function as a sort of light shaft in the interior and should also be quite efficient to block noise between apartments. Heating would be also mostly "free" in such a setup.

  • (Solar) power to the people! Aptera re-opens its crowdfunding program (Solar) power to the people! Aptera re-opens its crowdfunding program

    We hinted at it last month, and it’s now official – Aptera Motors has re-opened its crowdfunding program, giving fans...

    (Solar) power to the people! Aptera re-opens its crowdfunding program
    Looks like Valve is preparing to release SteamOS to the public (or at least to third-party hardware manufacturers)
  • Deckard will probably be a split unit: a lightweight headset with a small stationary unit for wireless streaming. That stationary unit will also work as a normal steam machine connected to a TV and will be on sale seperatly. (This is all speculation)

  • What's the greatest videogame of all time?
  • Quake 1.

    The game is kinda meh, but the modability spawned an endless amount of awesome stuff to this day. Even Half-life is basically just a Quake mod.

  • XMPP using nearly 10x less battery than Signal on a degoogled Android phone
  • No idea. Why not use XMPP? It's better anyways 😜

  • Godot Proposal: Collaborate with other projects to create a new 3D interchange format
  • There have been so many attempts of that over the years...

  • Intel's $249 Arc B580 is the GPU we've begged for since the pandemic | PCWorld
  • You are overseeing the idle power-consumption. A 7600 basically idles at 5W or so (and turns off all fans). Now think about how many hours you surf the web etc. with your PC Vs. actual gaming and you can see that this makes a big difference.

  • Intel's $249 Arc B580 is the GPU we've begged for since the pandemic | PCWorld
  • Depends... its a very capable 1080p card with extremely good power efficiency.

    There is the overclocked "xt" version that is generally considerd bad value as it loses the power efficiency aspect and costs significantly more for only little extra performance.

  • Intel's $249 Arc B580 is the GPU we've begged for since the pandemic | PCWorld
  • Dunno, realisticly speaking it is a slightly cheaper 7600, hardly a market shake-up.

  • The big divide in the privacy community (threat model)
  • No, that divide isn't political. Its about utilitarianism.

    The side you are opposed to cares more about getting many people "good enough" privacy, than getting the best possible privacy for a few while alienating most other people.

  • Merz: Mehr außenpolitische Gemeinsamkeiten mit Grünen als mit SPD
  • Ist warscheinlich die am wenigsten schlechte Option. Die CDU kann einige ihrere derzeitigen populistischen Forderungen wieder einpacken, die Grünen können ein bisschen realo-öko machen und sind danach hoffentlich als Partei am ende, und die SPD kann in der Opposition mal ihre ganzen Personalaltlasten in die Rente schicken.

  • For those running Hubzilla, or that have tried it, how is it?
  • I ran it some years ago, and over all it wasn't bad.

    The UI is a bit old fashioned and some of the built in plugins seem pretty useless, but the webdav/carddav/caldav integration is nice.

    Nomadic identity also works fine, but if you are selfhosting it there will be probably not much use for it.

  • Building A Generator That Runs Off Hose Power Building A Generator That Runs Off Hose Power

    [Paul Junkin] bought a curious product off the Internet. It was supposed to generate electricity when hooked up to a running hose. Only, it didn’t do a very good job. His solution was straigh…

    Building A Generator That Runs Off Hose Power
    Force for Good Force for Good

    When it comes to building community resilience—or building community at all—we have our work cut out for us.

    Force for Good
    Solidarische Kollapspolitik 101: wie geht eigentlich “Nachbarschaft”? Solidarische Kollapspolitik 101: wie geht eigentlich “Nachbarschaft”?

    Letzten Sonntag habe ich was für mich Neues getan: ich habe endlich meine Nachbar*innen kennengelernt. Bericht eines Selbstversuchs zu "Nachbarschaft" in der Katastrophe.

    Solidarische Kollapspolitik 101: wie geht eigentlich “Nachbarschaft”?
    XMPP using nearly 10x less battery than Signal on a degoogled Android phone Daniel Gultsch (

    Attached: 1 image I installed #Signal and #Conversations_im on a clean install of #GrapheneOS on my Pixel 4a and measured the battery impact. The results are shocking! Both messengers had only one contact: my regular phone. I used my regular phone to send messages to the Pixel 4a (which was not u...

    Daniel Gultsch (

    Interesting test. Obviously only applies when you use Signal without priviledged push notifications via FCM through Google servers.

    Blocking Bots with Nginx Blocking Bots with Nginx

    How I've automated updating the bot list to block access to my site

    Blocking Bots with Nginx
    Kampf gegen die Klimakrise: Eine Hoffnung, die nicht glitzert Kampf gegen die Klimakrise: Eine Hoffnung, die nicht glitzert

    Nach 17 Jahren Klimaaktivismus sagt Tadzio Müller: Der Kampf ist gescheitert. Trotzdem findet er in der Akzeptanz des Klimakollaps auch neue Utopien.

    Kampf gegen die Klimakrise: Eine Hoffnung, die nicht glitzert
    poVoq poVoq

    Admin on the Lemmy instance.

    He/Him or what ever you feel like.


    Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.

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