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Mom of child dead from measles: “Don’t do the shots,” my other 4 kids were fine

  • hmmm.... even if vaccines caused autism (they don't,) 1 out of 36 kids with autism vs 1 out of 5 dead.

    yeah. what a dumbass.

      • You’re right, it is bad data. But- if this scares some one who’s hesitant into keeping their kids safe, I’m not gonna apologize. She had five kids. Lost one because of a stupid fucking decision, and as this goes on, it’s only going to get worse.

        I checked the rate of autism, not very authoritatively, mind, 1 in 36 are diagnosed. So if you have a better rate on that, I’d be happy to update.

        As for if it’s the vaccine causing autism? The study they all sight used 12 kids that all had autism and all had the then-modern MMR vax. Pretty sure they all wore clothes. Also pretty sure they all ate pb&js.

  • Pretty sure the father and mother got vaccins for about every child diseases, when they were kids

  • Hopefully none of those other kids don’t die from SSPE in a decade. That shit is terrifying.