Have an Eggsellent Day!
Have an Eggsellent Day!
Have an Eggsellent Day!
0.3% of US GDP in one image
Trump: fuck lithium, fuck nuclear plants, now I want Ukrainian chicken! Give them to me or else I'll stop the weapon deliveries! Now. And say "Thank you".
You can have Russia if you agree to a deal about delivering eggs. My whole life i make deals like this. It is what i do
I'm in Canada. I made one of those today just to wear it as a hat while I shat on a picture of Trump.
As is (the new) tradition.
That's over $24 of eggs for most of the US lol
Roundabout 40 eggs in this pic... Roughly 8 to 10 Euro in Germany, depending on quality of life of the hens.
"If my boy says he can eat 40 eggs, he can eat 40 eggs!"
At last, a biblically accurate angel we can enjoy. Jesus! Pass me the bread already
We could have eaten breakfast as brothers, but my leadership and half my fellow citizens can’t find their own butts.
well, the way factory farms work here was going to take some sort of hit from an avian flu. it's basically designed to be a soft target.
My neighbors have chickens and share eggs. I eat like a king everyday.
And tomorrow, Trump will be using this as an example of Ukraine aid stealing resources from Americans.
now i just beed a big piece of toast
omg i want to eat that so bad
I fed eggs to my pets last night, they’re eating like American kings
Is McDonald's still serving the Egg McMuffin in most locations around the US?
Yet another reason I'm glad I am disgusted by the taste and smell of eggs
How about a cake though? Them shits are delicious and require eggs. At least the good ones.
I had a poached egg on Sunday. I'll never financially recover, but it was worth it