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  • A heart attack.

    • You joke, but here's the thing... neither of the two heart attacks I had felt like heart attacks.

      Thought the first one was just bad heartburn. Fought it for FIVE DAYS. In my defense, it started 3 days after Thanksgiving and I DID have that extra plate of sweet potatoes.

      2nd one, I was just having a hard time breathing. No pain. At all. Doc had changed up my meds, sent me to the ER to get checked, had the heart attack IN the ER.

      Feel something weird? Ask your doctor. Goes on for more than 24 hours? Get help ASAP. Don't do what I did.

      • Dude, that is rough. I’m 52, so very much in the killzone. 🙈 Glad you are OK, look after yourself!

  • Still waiting for more info on it, not to mention games, but I'll almost certainly be buying a Switch 2.