MAGARegrets is Trending!
MAGARegrets is Trending!
MAGARegrets is Trending!
Sure, the people missing faces are upset but what you need to understand is the people that still have faces don't care.
And a lot of faceless people are also making excuses about how they never wanted to have faces in the first place, and it's good that they're gone.
Like the guy whose daughter died of measels. He said it was God's will. God created measles. God allowed the disease to take his daughter's life.
I knew that there would be people like this, but it's still hard to grasp.
When a child dies because of them, I wouldn't think a parent is ready for deep introspection and admitting the terrible mistake. Mental gymnastics are to be expected, it's the mind's self defence. Perhaps after some years...
And the rest of the faceless people are fine with that if it means that the lives of others who they don't like are ruined. They gain satisfaction of if the misery of others, even if it causes them misery too. It's toxic mental illness at its worst.
Its written across many books in the Bible to not test God, he will not protect you from your own stupidity.
It never means anything until it effects them personally. Their family, their friends. Until then it's nothing.
We really are dealing with people who do not have empathy.
Oh, it's not even that, they do possess empathy. You're just not a person to them more of a faceless blob at best and a insect at the other end.
Eh, people like to chase trends and will fake anything for views. I’m sure there are plenty of trump voters who regret their votes, but if you see a TikTok video with someone saying they regret their vote then they are likely just chasing the clout. Don’t fall for bs algorithms.
At risk of pointing out the obvious, but his approval ratings are still high. Individual stories and tragedies amount to little. It can be difficult to stay grounded when hopeful stories like these proliferate. It will be a long four years.
Net -4 approval isn’t what I’d call high
yeah this is a liberal fantasy
Approval ratings don't matter right now. Trump & Co. don't care. The social-media-braindamaged crowd cannot think further back than a few months anyhow.
Approval polls won’t be a determining factor in any policy decisions, but they are an excellent criterion for an assortment of predictions one can make. Between coups, wars, future presidencies, and demographic changes, polls provide a wealth of information.
it would only hurt if corporations supporting him are also suffering, they arnt currently.
I'm not american, nor do I have any intention of going there. But these people are so stupid I can't even comprehend it.
The people who regret voting for Trump can all form a conga line, and conga that line into the grand canyon. I have no empathy for them. They voted for a rapist, misogynist, quite possibly a pedo with his ties to Epstein, nepo-baby, demented sack of shit, who said he'd do all he has done. Society and the world would have been better if Thanos had snapped them.
The fuck your feelings people can get their feelings fucked. Get away with those crocodile tears.
On an emotional level agree completely. But anyone who can admit they made a mistake, deserves a bridge back, even if the mistake was something they received ample warning about and even though their motivation for making the mistake stemmed from the worst of human nature… and even though their reason for regretting the mistake is because it’s now affecting them personally—
Okay, really need to force myself to believe these people deserve their bridge back
They might not deserve it, but so much can be gained by being more gentle than people deserve. The people who mistreated MLK didn't deserve his kindness, but he gave it anyway and that played a huge part in how influential he was
As painful as it is, this is both what the high road actually looks like, and how we win, longer term. We need to bleed off those we can from the echo chamber of insanity. The more 'moderates' we can strip off, the more obvious that insanity becomes.
Mockery feels good, but it drives them back into their group. Kindness and understanding gives us the cracks we need to start deconverting them.
This video needs to be intercut with the people stumping for Trump and showing how rabid they were prior to having #MAGARegret
Nah, this isn't the time to ridicule them. They're realizing they've made a mistake. This is a crucial opportunity to say "Yes you did, and that's okay. Let's fix this together"
I'm Canadian. Fucking do your jobs down South and RIDICULE THEM.
My fucking country is getting annexation threats because of these fucks, and y'all are all out here talking about unity with these good-for-nothing morons while your unity with my country degrades. All this unity talk has EVER done is steer American politics further and further right. Get a damn grip.
Enough with this false togetherness bullshit. Shun these people so hard that they never show their face again, can never get employment again, and give a second thought to doing so much as living. If there's anything Americans seem to be experts at, it's giving fuck all for consequences to the people who deserve them the most.
Nah, fuck them. They voted for Trump even after all these years of him being a bigoted asshole. Anybody who did that after the "grab them by the pussy" tape revelation knew. They knew perfectly well what they were in for, they did just not expect to be on the receiving end of that bigotry themselves.
Voting for that piece of shit the first time I maaaybe have some sympathy. But now? Get fucked.
I hope that these people learn from their mistakes and start to listen to reason. But I'm not holding my breath.
I remember the rhetoric from the MAGA crowd against anyone who wasn't MAGA. The F Your Feelings sentiment from MAGA. These MAGA people who now regret their trump vote better start apologizing to the people around them whom they've hurt in the process.
If I actually voted for someone and regretted it, I wouldn’t tell anyone, I’d just have to swallow that one up and feel like shit for the next few years.
So I’m left wondering if people who films themselves saying it actually mean it or are they trolling. Remember the whole conversatice spiel is that “it’s all a joke” and they’re all just “trolling”?
Like they’re not really going to deport all the Hispanics or they’re not really going to annex Canada, Panama Canal and Greenland or they’re not really going to leave Ukraine hanging like that or they’re not really going to launch a trade war with everyone or they’re not really going to dismantle all social services and federal government or they’re not really going to start doing dictator things
Like it’s all just a joke, so you should just chill you “transgender libtards”
1 month ago. Those must have been the first deserters, or just trend riders for $
get fucked magatards. get fucked.
I don't understand those reaction videos. Could be because I'm autistic. Can someone explain their appeal?
which reaction videos? this is just someone commenting on something.
They are reacting to the short videos from regretful trump supporters at the beginning. It's even called a reaction in the thumb nail. Thinking about it, what even is the difference between commenting on and reacting to someone else's video, if the commenting is done by showing their videos and then making your own video about it?