I have an entire cabinet currently used to store empty jars...
I have an entire cabinet currently used to store empty jars...
I have an entire cabinet currently used to store empty jars...
My grandfather always had tons of babyfood jars full of nuts and bolts, pins, and screws
Many indoor plants can be propagated in glass jars of water. And you can stick those jars in pots if you want. You can forget about watering them for weeks and it's fine
Hi I have a small piece of aloe vera that's been cut off a bigger plant and it's spent about a year or two in a pot with some soil and it looked fine until recently I realized that it started to rot and it has no roots but there are new bright green leaves growing from the center. Would it be a good idea to wash the rot off and keep it in a jar like this to wait for the roots to start to growing and then replant it into new succulent soil? Sorry for a random question but you seem to have expertise in this
I don't think aloe vera will like water propagation but you can try. If you put it back in soil, add some more perlite and sand to increase drainage in the soil, and water less frequently.
Sometimes cuttings just rot and die even if you do everything right. About 1/3rd of my cuttings die even when others thrive, despite conditions being identical. So it's sometimes a quantity game rather than quality 🤷
Anything you buy that comes in a bag can be moved into a jar. It saves a lot of space because jars tesselate nicer and can use up vertical space more efficiently. It also encourages you to actually use the things you buy because you've now removed the friction of digging through piles of bags and hoping that the bag you pull out isn't load bearing for the rest of the pile. Opening a jar is also much easier than opening/resealing bags.
We never have enough jars in this household.
I was sure this was the ADHD section
I am both of the people in this image.
When our kids got old enough my wife threw out the plastic, Ikea flower cups that the rest of us all loved. She wanted us to use more grown up cups. We now all drink exclusively from her mason jars.
I don't think Rainbow Dash likes where this is going.
This is some advanced brain rot
That cursed post has forever ruined jars for me
A friend posted this meme on Facebook and my thoughts immediately went to Ocarina of Time. Was Miyamoto also a jar collector? How many jar-obcessed children did this game create?!
Need more bottles.
Break game to acquire more bottles.
I don't follow the OoT speedrunning community much, but I am fairly sure that it is possible to overwrite ... almost all usable items in your inventory with bottles, though some methods to do this basically make the game unstable.
If there isn't already such a category, I think there should be an Oops! All Bottles! category, lol.
I remember being able to pull off at least one of these methods back in 1999 or 2000, on an N64... at least one of these methods was circulating on GameFAQs.
IIRC, you can actually deflect certain range attacks, like Ganondorf's energy ball things... by precisely timing an empty bottle swing.
I have an entire jar cabinet storeroom to store my cabinets of empty jars, and am building a warehouse out back to store more storerooms.
Who tf disposes glass jars. I understand plastic but as long as you have space, why would you throw them.
You don't have glass recycling?
No. I didn't know glass could be recycled as well.
I just store them in very large jars. I have several of these now. Don't know where to put them anymore.
Jars are perfect for lacto fermentating anything
You're never wrong
This is me, I save all the glass jars. Also save the tide pod containers and my wife coffee cans. They all have a use.
grunts in Hyrulean<<
You know what grinds my gears? I give someone a jar of my homemade jam, or of honey from my bees, in one of my GOOD jars, and I never see that jar again. One "friend" said she had some jars, did I want them? Yes please! Aaaand they were weird tall skinny jars or tiny sample size jars, all with the labels still on. Straight in the recycling bin. I should have kept them and given her a tiny sample jar of honey instead of the normal pound.
Rant over.
I'm gonna take this moment to be pedantic for the sake of education. Cabinets do not do the act of storing as is suggested by your title. They house. You store.
You store.
I read that as an insult.
Ha, you are very right. I've slightly edited the title to fix this.
There's a local store, where you can bring your glass jars and they fill you up with all kinds of dry foods. Since I've started buying there, I'll look in normal stores specifically for products that come in decent-looking jars. 🙃
Man, I gotta make the trip to our local unpackaged goods store. One of these days ...
Commonly called a "refillery" in the US if that helps people search for their local options
Instead of separating grocery stores by Vegetable, Dairy, etc, we should separate them into Dry Goods, Moist Goods, Wet Goods, and Iced Goods.
The jars....THEY CALL TO ME!
Your day will come and it will all be worth it. My day came when the mice arrived. My wife, the one who holds me back, let me loose. Glass jars to the moon! Mice had no chance! I am king again. Brrruhhshahhahaahaha! Cackle cackle evil victory laugh.
Mice musta thought you invented some kind of forcefield to protect your food. They can see it, but they can't get to it!
A wizard! Tis why they fled.
I really got hung up on the "reuse" part of reduce, reuse, recycle.
I have never been more attacked by a post in my life
Keep em when the goverment collapses they will be very useful for storage of food
And ammo. Put an oxygen absorber in there and they will keep fresh until the nuclear winter is over.
You can store so many things in there! Soup blue potion, bugs, a fish, you name it!
If you live in an apartment, you can make your neighbors love you by making garum, an ancient Roman fish sauce, in a jar, indoors, in your apartment!
Why he droppa da fish?
This is my partner with jars.
Same. Our agreement is that she can keep glass containers, and I can keep old electronics. We keep each other in check lol
No, I need more empty jars! What else should I put in all those neat empty boxes I collected?
Most of those jars are perfect containers for weed.
I grow a bunch of weed for personal use and one year I grew so much I ran out of jars. I have probably ~50 or so 16oz mason jars as a result.
That was a good year!
They would also make for incredible piss jars though, and they would be excellent for preserving strange animals / body parts. You have to consider all the angles!
I don't have space for empty jar storage. Or full jar storage. I wish I did though. I barely have room for dishes. Jars are cool.
"Just look at all these pens and ink! I could write so many things: poetry, history, my deepest secrets, a book that changes the world!"
"So, what are you currently writing?"
"Well, nothing..."
To real. Pretty good chance that when I do want to write something (e.g. birthday cards), my pen is dried up and it's a whole thing to make it write well again ...
Average Frugal parent
Just like the Taoism concept of 'Pu', or the un-carved block, being a symbol of pure potential, an empty bottle is also pure potential
Oh god so true. My mother has this disease. Half of the shelves in her kitchen are filled with these empty bottles. And she's stacking up filled jars on the counters! Grrrrrrrrr
They have potential. They always endup being used. Sometimes, to make better use of space I might swap bigger jars with smaller ones depending on the content. In the storage cabinet, bigger jars can contain smaller ones.
There's some Albertson's trail mix that I sort of tolerate, but buy lots of because I really like the containers it comes in for storing screws and stuff in the garage.
I think my dad did similar with Yuban coffee because he's got custom built shelves in his shop to hold over a hundred of those old steel cans.
Kombucha time!
I'm happy that kombucha is popular now, and you can buy it in the store. What I'm not happy about is you can't find plain flavor! It always has some kind of fruit juice in it.
I remember I used to buy the plain big bottle of gts to start my home kombucha whenever I would take a break but I haven't seen it stocked anymore
Some bulk food stores let you bring your own. You put a sticker on them with the bulk item # and also the dry weight, so it's a little more work, but then you can put your jars to use!
I blame Ocarina of Time, wherein glass jars are extraordinarily useful and difficult to acquire. Oh, there's also only four of them in existence. Cleaned-out peanut butter jars are basically Blue Eyes White Dragons.
Jars make cute pots for small plants.
I'm now using clean peanut butter jars as mini green houses for pots, to help seeds sprout. See! I need to save every single one!
Walking into The Container Store always makes me feel good about my glass jar collection when I see them charge like $8 to $10 for a single glass jar. Their “luxury acrylic” jars are about half the cost of that… I know that the store only exists to separate rich people from their money.
Start growing/foraging plants and drying them. When you do that, you can never have enough jars.
Hey keep your hands off my wife
Oof. I also have a couple of really good bottles ... I sometimes use them for premade cocktails or when I buy a bottle of spirit or wine that really needs a better container.
A jar offers peak utility when empty - so much efficiency!
I'm gonna start throwing some away once I start running out of space! I swear!
I thought this was Autism memes for a second
My wife is the culprit in our house. Should I get her screened...?
I remember before I stopped drinking I loved collecting the extravagant liquor bottles. I must have had a dozen of the old kahlua ones that were all dimpled and ridged, and the cool but terrible tasting tequila skulls.
Weirdly, I do the opposite - I collect bottles that are simple, lightweight and a practical shape (i.e. cylindrical instead of bulbous, not to too tall, not too squat) and there's a decent chance that I'll decant liquor that comes in an extravagant bottle (though the bottles I'm most likely to decant are those that are too tall for my shelves or contain 1l - that's just a lot of weight when you want to pour exactly 20 ml).
Very cute and relatable