How Credible are Tee-Cannon Technicals?
How Credible are Tee-Cannon Technicals?
How Credible are Tee-Cannon Technicals?
Load it with 2x4s
That's how they took out Maude Flanders. Some say it was an accident, but I don't buy it for a second.
She was shot with an Anti-Maudeteriel Rifle
Isnt that one of the few things that has stuck with the Simpsons?
No footlongs
They work well at neutralizing large concentrations of infantry provided the combatants like the cut and feel of the shirts.
Lol. Ford is known to break down often when needed most. Just get a Toyota instead.
That's why Ford stands for "Fix It Again, Tony"
Fix Or Repair Daily
Found On Roadside Dead
Fucked On Race Day
I daily drive a 50+ year old Ford and this is not always true.
b b but it can turn into a semi-permanant fixed emplacement?
You're in luck! It can indeed! The only possible caveat might be that you won't get to choose the enplacement..
Fill up that crew cab with armaments!