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  • Incredible advancements in science! Blindness? Cured. Missing limb? Here is a mechanical one so good you can’t tell! And since there’s no currency in the Federation everyone can get everything they need.

    Id get a full body check over for any and all issues and probably be some mad scientist somewhere playing with wild anti gravity forces.

  • Ensuring that the Starfleet admiralty suffered... transporter accidents... and got replaced by somebody -- anybody -- with some kind of clue would be a good start.

  • Ruin it by making it into the Elite Dangerous universe.

    Who cares about exploration and protecting emerging civilizations when you can make funny images with the galaxy route map and participate in huge system control wars for void opals lol.

    Or give random items to Thargoids for a totally scientific process of investigation.

  • I would make it so you can only use the replicators if you give someone an orgasm.

    Horny Star Trek would go hard.


  • Introduce the God Emperor of Mankind from 40k, sit back, and let the fun begin.