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FAA warning system outage leads to flight delays

  • Wild.

    Who would have thought that if you fuck with the FAA because you're a fucking moron letting a Christian death cult run the show, you'd have problems.

    Also, they mentioned the crash in DC while ignoring the one in Pennsylvania? Fucking assholes.

    • Also, they mentioned the crash in DC while ignoring the one in Pennsylvania? Fucking assholes.

      Agreed. Although, given what we know about that crash... FAA changes in the last several years probably had nothing to do with it. It's almost surely going to end up being some sort of maintenance issue or possibly pilot error. Crashes immediately after takeoff usually are one of those.

      Issues in flight, like doors flying off, etc. are more indicative of deeper issues.

  • A lot of this is because we are so used to things, by and large, just working. No one trying to dismantle this shit realizes the level of complexity and the years it took to assemble.

    The problems of our past will now be the problems of our future, because the people in the back not paying attention decided they knew better.

    • This is what happens when the Libertarian and Republican style brain rot takes over - "too much regulation, gubbermint too big, must destroy government for freedom!"

      Then they get all Pikachu face when they realize what government does for them...