Trump is imposing MAGA rule on the government hour-by-hour
Trump is imposing MAGA rule on the government hour-by-hour
Trump is imposing MAGA rule on the government hour-by-hour
Amazing how the party of small government, who said Obama ruled by fiat like a despot, is immediately acting how they claimed Obama did.
What's amazing is that - once again - we've got a Republican President stepping in to drive out every moderate and liberal holding a position of authority in the administration. And Democrats are just shaking their heads saying "Well, but you can't do that" for the fourth time in as many decades, when you quite obviously can.
"Haha! Now we'll get Trump on being a hypocrite!" is the mating cry of a bunch of fucking losers.
If you want an opposition, organize one or join one. But if you think that'll be the Democrats, I'm sorry to tell you, that's not what they are. They'll still be trying to split the different right to the death camps.
It’s called projection, it’s all they know.
They also know gaslight and obstruct.
I don't even know if it was projection at that point. More likely they were just being obstinate. These guys only see one thing and that is power and ways to get it. It's no wonder everything they do looks like projection because the moment they figure something out the accuse others of it and start planning on doing it themselves.
If the system somehow checked itself when Obama was making EO's they certainly wouldn't be trying it now.
Tyranny = Gender is a spectrum
Freedom = You're male or female and that can never be changed!
He’s following Project 2025 to a T. It’s a shame most of the electorate can’t read.
Do not confuse their bigotry for illiteracy.
They want to control and punish "the other". They don't care that Project 2025 wrote this out. They don't care that it makes them racists or Nazis. They want to punish those different from them.
They want this.
He's not ... that literally incorrect.
The average American has the literacy ability of a 5th or 6th grader.
MAGAs are of course bigots as well, but the American electorate is also largely, functionally illiterate.
Well, let me give an example. When I'm driving, I sometimes turn on the radio and I find very often that what I'm listening to is a discussion of sports. These are telephone conversations. People call in and have long and intricate discussions, and it's plain that quite a high degree of thought and analysis is going into that. People know a tremendous amount. They know all sorts of complicated details and enter into far-reaching discussion about whether the coach made the right decision yesterday and so on. These are ordinary people, not professionals, who are applying their intelligence and analytic skills in these areas and accumulating quite a lot of knowledge and, for all I know, understanding. On the other hand, when I hear people talk about, say, international affairs or domestic problems, it's at a level of superficiality that's beyond belief.
In part, this reaction may be due to my own areas of interest, but I think it's quite accurate, basically. And I think that this concentration on such topics as sports makes a certain degree of sense. The way the system is set up, there is virtually nothing people can do anyway, without a degree of organization that's far beyond anything that exists now, to influence the real world. They might as well live in a fantasy world, and that's in fact what they do. I'm sure they are using their common sense and intellectual skills, but in an area which has no meaning and probably thrives because it has no meaning, as a displacement from the serious problems which one cannot influence and affect because the power happens to lie elsewhere. source
I so very much remember him making these comments. People so very much emotionally invested in something that literally has ZERO impact on their lives, but deeply ignorant of so many things that do...
I remember even as a kid being puzzled by supposed adults spending most of their time and nearly all their mental effort on game(s). Game(s) they themselves don't play. Or at least not anymore. It's watching OTHER people play games and having this emotional rollercoaster over it....I know many adult (males) that feel compelled to know about football, at least, just for work and getting ahead in the corporate world. Also baffling.
I think I've seen Chomsky say this on video/audio, as well.
a new memo obtained by CNN Wednesday told public health agencies to have all documents and communications — including regulations, guidance, notices, social media, websites and press releases — approved by a presidential appointee.
Very on brand for republicans to have lawmakers stand between health officials and those they are serving.
This is what people voted him in for and people who didn’t vote figured Harris would be the same.
America’s got to work on its education system and fix this problem but of course conservatives want to gut that too.
People figured Harris would be the same because that's how the media played it.
They really pushed the "both sides" bullshit to keep the race close and ratings up. Now they're about to lose their editorial freedom for it. There's gonna be some fat leopards soon.
I think you mean, conservatives have already gutted education. They're currently attempting to make the final killing blow (defund public education to pay for christo-fascist private education).
Project 2025 is a lot of work.
I don't even think we've hit the Project 2025 stuff yet...
This is exactly what they defined for phase 1 of project 2025. Clear out the experts heading the regulatory departments, then start micromanaging the IC workers.
Next will be firing the ICs that aren’t producing stuff that’s good for Trump donors or isn’t good for republican propaganda.
So how long before something like a no confidence action or something can be taken to stop this? He's speedrunning turning the US into a madhouse and I know the VP would be next in line but... Something? Anything more legitimate than just fighting fire with fire by various groups being uncooperative?
The US doesn't have a mechanism for a no confidence vote, the only thing we have is impeachment, and that won't happen while the Republicans own the House and Senate.
You need a 218 vote majority to impeach in the House, Republicans hold a 220 vote majority there.
Then you need a 67 vote majority in the Senate to convict and remove him, Republicans hold 53/100 seats there.
General strike. All the money flows because we make it flow.
You're asking this as if the majority of congress isn't fully behind the Trumpist authoritarian agenda.
The time for that has passed. This is the end game.
Power and the money, money and the power
\ Minute after minute, hour after hour
\ Everybody's runnin', but half of them ain't lookin'
\ It's goin' on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cookin'
Civil servants: tangle them up in procedure, practice malicious compliance, leak, and if necessary, undermine. Don't enable mob rule.