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Are you a fan of podcasts? If so, which ones would you recommend?

I'm looking to stock up on podcasts, whether in Mandarin, French or English. Don't worry about my tastes I'll sort it out later

But share good podcasts in other languages ​​if you know any (it might be useful for other people)

  • I quite enjoy:

    • philosophise this
    • escape pod
    • darknet diaries
    • the skeptics guide to the universe
    • the jordan harbinger show
    • search engine (and reply all)
    • stellar firma
    • sawbones
    • if books could kill
    • True crime garage
    • midst
  • I like fiction podcasts, and the main one I'm working through currently is The Magnus Archives. Each episode is a short first-person paranormal horror story, and they start out pretty standalone, eventually building more background and connections between the stories and adding more "frame story" about the people collecting these tales. I wouldn't say it's an SCP clone, but it's kind of shaped similarly.

  • I have been making a weekly podcast about amateur radio since 15 May 2011. It started life as "What use is an F-call?" and in 2015 was renamed "Foundations of Amateur Radio". I've made over 700 episodes so far.

    Starting in the wonderful hobby of Amateur or HAM Radio can be daunting and challenging but can be very rewarding. Every week I look at a different aspect of the hobby, how you might fit in and get the very best from the 1000 hobbies that Amateur Radio represents.

    It's available as audio, text, email, RSS, YouTube and Morse code and can be found on many podcast platforms. It's also available on amateur radio repeaters, as eBooks and on and it can be downloaded from the Internet Archive.

    More info:

    Feel free to ask questions.

    Onno (VK6FLAB)

    • Boonta Vista
    • Worst of all Possible Worlds
    • Well There's Your Problem
    • Trashfuture
    • Worst of all and WTYP are excellent. Those are the two I've listened to.

      I can also recommend QAA, Knowledge Fight, and Lions Led by Donkeys

  • My favourites are:

    • Fall of Civilisations
    • The Thing About Austen
    • I second FoC. I recently started this as kind of 'podcast to fall asleep to'. I ended up staying up even longer…

  • I'm surprised I didn't see anyone recommend The Adventure Zone, especially the first season. One of the best actual play podcasts out there, especially the first two seasons.

    I'll recommend some hidden gems that need more love:

    • Mabel: A woman works as a live in nurse for an elderly woman, and the show is voicemails she's leaving to her ward's estranged daughter. It's poetic and beautiful, and then strange events start occurring.
    • Dark Ages: a fantasy workplace comedy where an unpopular museum gets a new exhibit, the crown of the Dark Lord, who terrorized the country hundreds of years ago.... Who just recently was resurrected and wants it back. Probably the best produced shows I've listened to with a great intro song.
    • The Cryptonaturalist: a very normal nature show that is normal about normal nature. Also has poetry! Actually feel good podcast.
    • Wolf 359: science crew is in a remote space station, and picks up a radio signal out of nowhere. Starts off funny, then gets wild.
    • Brimstone Valley Mall: three demons disguised as humans, working at a mall in the 90s.
    • Cult Or Just Weird: in depth dives into things which could be a cult or are just weird.
    • Wooden Overcoats: British comedy podcast about a funeral home in a small village suddenly having to deal with competition
    • Everything Is Alive: interviews with inanimate objects
    • Uncanny County: Welcome to Nightvale meets Twilight Zone but it's also funny

    Also there's podcast versions of books written on the Internet, which I'll plug here!

    • Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Eliezer Yudkowsky: What if Harry was not an idiot and knew what science was and was actually supported at home? Fixes a lot of dumb plot holes from the original series and frankly, is better. Also explores rationalist thinking!
    • Worm by Wildbow: This is literally my favorite book and will make you never see the superhero genera the same again. Superpowers can happen to anyone seemingly at random. A young woman gets the power to control insects and wants to be a hero, but after meeting some villains the line between hero and villain blurs. There's a chapter that's one short sentence long and I've had conversations over an hour long about what it meant.

    -Twig by Wildbow: A world where mad, Frankensteinian science took off instead of the regular kind. Follows a child experiment and his fellow childhood experiment friends on adventures for the definitely evil empire!

    Pact by, you guessed it, Wildbow: Guy who just pulled himself out of homelessness who hates his crazy manipulative family gets the inheritance from his grandmother, which he didn't want. Turns out that also involves also inheriting the karma from his family, who were practicing the most hated form of magic possible, diabalism. So now the whole magical community is actively trying to kill him as he's scrambling to survive

    Also if you like audio books, check stuff out from your library, too. It helps them out and helps them get funding when people do stuff like that.

  • Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast (especially series 3 covering the French Revolution) and his The History of Rome series.

  • I use podcasts to escape so I more lean towards comedy podcasts. My top is

    Regulation Podcast (PREVIOUSLY F**kFace)

    • 4 guys and Andrew (who didn't know what the shift key did) shooting the shit, coming up with zany and dumb ideas and having way too much burger confidence

    My Brother My Brother and Me

    • 3 brothers doing different bits, talking about fast food news, making jokes about pop culture and bad movies

    Clutch my Pearls

    • 3 girls started their own smut podcast where one of them who only reads true crime is introduced into the very very weird world of smut novels. With very funny readings from the books

    We're Here to Help

    • A comedy advice podcast with Jake Johnson from New Girl where they get questions like "my kids got a trampoline and my neighbor likes to walk around naked outside" and "my coworker likes to take their socks off at work" and "I brought muffins every week to work since I started and now they call me the muffin man and excpect muffin deliveries". Quite fun.

    Then more seriously


    • The stories of how the great (and often mainstream) scam artists get found out and topple from power

    Nerdland Podcast

    • (In Dutch) a podcast about new developments in science and technology. Sadly very often about AI or Musk now but they try to keep that to a minimum.
  • All of the "The Rest is..." Podcasts are great that I've heard- Entertainment, Football, Politics, Classified, Money.

    No Such Thing As a Fish by the QI elves.

    The Infinite Monkey Cage

    Curious Cases