Last longer than a Tik Tok Rule
Last longer than a Tik Tok Rule
Last longer than a Tik Tok Rule
Congress voted, SCOTUS upheld, but he just ignored the law.
he just ignored the law.
The part that's truly crazy to me is that this is a law he wanted, proposed, and attempted to implement. He can't even follow his own standards.
Well hey. When you have corporate money flowing into your pockets, it’s easy to change your mind (if you’re a disgusting vile piece of human trash). My curiosity lies in his newfound enablers (Elon, Zucker-borg) having spent insane amounts of money lobbying for the ban.
It would be funny if not nice to see those relationships fall apart because their affection was outbid by a larger dollar amount of affection.
lesbian sex
Is that a thing??? May I ask for the sauce? I need it For Academic Purposes.
yes it is a thing :D
You can only legally get the organic kind. Do you know any lesbians?
Just Lesbian sex? What about gay or straight sex?
Men just can't last as long as women. Saying this as a man, if a lady wants to go for 2 hours I start getting weird penis pain pangs and honestly become a bit exhausted. Meanwhile, I know a gal who really only starts to get into sex after her third orgasm, and can easily keep going for a whole day.
We were born with fatal flaws and faulty equipment.
I wouldn't say that the equipment is faulty, it just doesn't come with an owners manual. If you can find a copy, chapter 6 is called "Poking the Prostate" it goes into great detail about how to go all day and have multiple orgasms. Turns out the engineers just have a sense of humor on where they placed the components.
Fucking hell, 3 in one session. My record is 1. Maybe 3 in a day but in one session?
Yeah pretty sure there have been logistically challenging dumps that lasted longer tbh
So two minutes isn’t long enough now?
That does make me wonder. What is the official Guinness World Record for the longest continuous sex act?
What does that even mean?
There's a cliché about lesbian women taking forever in bed to pleasure each other when dating, sometimes all day, compared to men taking 5 minutes of piv to cum and thus leaving women unsatisfied.
I'm a heterosexual man though, so take that knowledge with a grain of salt lol.
Unlike men there is no erection that needs to be maintained for continuous "sex" to take place. Now some people will argue that foreplay and aftercare count towards total time taken to boink, but no matter how you slice it there is a bit of a running joke that some lesbians can sorta just have sex all day.
Men don't need erections either if they're willing to get similarly creative