How was trying to get a job different THEN vs NOW
How was trying to get a job different THEN vs NOW
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How was trying to get a job different THEN vs NOW
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My personal experience in the 1970s: “I’d give you the job if you were a man but you’re not, so…” Apparently I would just get pregnant and leave.
The cartoon should have put "man" in bold.
That probably has a lot to do with it. Doubling the workforce let's employers be way pickier.
that is why we should have bee fighting for a lower work week. by the end of the eighties the work week should have been no higher than 30 hours a week.
1970s: ... this man has a pulse! ... we'll start him in the warehouse .... wait a minute, he's white! ... put him in management!
I did an internship at a crime lab for college. College over, I eventually applied to that very lab. I probably didn't interview well (too much detail in my explanation for the layman juror), and I didn't get the job. I asked where I could improve and was told the aforementioned along with the fact that other people who were interviewing had masters or were already certified forensic scientists. I had a bachelor's. It was an entry job that I could've done in my sleep.
My BS is a dual major microbiology/chemistry. I was working temp because getting in full time was hard as heck and was usually the most unwanted of jobs, production (dangerous) or quality (boring). Full time also paid less and temp pay was shit. Certainly not enough to have your own place. Spent two years getting my pay as high as possible and realized a guy with a masters was making the same as me doing the same stuff. Then you had them highering associates for little over minimum wage doing much the same lab work. That is when I got a cert and changed to tech work.
1980s were very different, and since then companies started (and never did stop) to behave like assholes towards employees, environment and regulation.
Thanks Reagan!
*in the US
The missing last two panels: "Oh, you know Tony Shitforbrains, our head accountant?! Right this way, why didn't you say so in your resume? We'll get it set up right next to his office.“
Ive had interviews where they're concerned that I haven't used their specific software stack. Bro I'm a tech nerd I can easily learn your shitty software stack and apply my skills because conceptually it's all the same. Plus it was an entry level job offering a trash wage so get fucked.
and then all the workers are super overworked and need more employees