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Anon wants to bond with his nephew
  • The third line makes it pretty clear that he's still pretty young and hasn't figured out what he likes yet.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • The material results that I care about, that reasonable adults care about, revolve around stopping the Federalists, Fascists, and Fundamentalists. Or are you on their side?

    So the answer to that question is "Yes". Got it. I'm not surprised.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • He's actually been surprisingly effective. Your distaste doesn't negate his numerous policy accomplishments with tangible benefits.

    Even disregarding that, even if he was ineffective, he's not trying to concentrate power into the hands of Federalists, Fascists, and Fundamentalists, so he is by default the superior choice to those who are. The material results that I care about, that reasonable adults care about, revolve around stopping the Federalists, Fascists, and Fundamentalists. Or are you on their side?

  • Parents, how do you manage summer breaks, who takes care of your children when there is no school?
  • Summer vacation = kids not at school during the day, i.e. unsupervised during work hours.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • IDGAF who does or doesn't accept blame for whatever. I care about material results; my future, my family's future, my neighbors' futures, the future of the people who live in this country, and this world. IDGAF how ideologically pure a politician is, or who's wrong or right, or who gets away with whatever. I care about the people who are going to suffer if the Federalists, Fascists, and Fundamentalists keep establishing their foothold judge by judge, bill by bill, ruling by ruling.

    This isn't grade school, this isn't a game, this isn't about fair. There are real stakes here. People will die. I'm not heartless enough to play the blame game with lives on the line. I'm voting harm reduction because I'm an adult and I play the hand I'm dealt. Righteously losing doesn't help anything but ego-centric deontology.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • I still think an elected chamber is important.


  • US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts
  • As for a President’s unofficial acts, there is no immunity. Although Presidential immunity is required for official actions to ensure that the President’s decisionmaking is not distorted by the threat of future litigation stemming from those actions, that concern does not support immunity for unofficial conduct. Clinton, 520 U. S., at 694, and n. 19. The separation of powers does not bar a prosecution predicated on the President’s unofficial acts.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • I want to expand the House to proper proportionality and staff it by sortition.

  • Locked
    Let's do an experiment
  • That's on me for assuming I didn't have to specify an alternative which isn't entirely counterproductive. Just like you generally don't hear people talking about coal-burning steam engines as an alternate energy source for cars. If your alternative causes more problems than it solves, it's not an alternative worth mentioning.

  • Locked
    Let's do an experiment
  • An alternative that relies on a majority of voters completely changing their voting strategies is not a workable alternative. Third party is a spoiler, always. A bit for Jill Stein only makes Trump more probable.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Uh huh, and historically violent authoritarian transitional regimes are always so willing to step aside after the transition.

  • Locked
    Let's do an experiment
  • This is shamelessly false though? What are you smoking?

  • Locked
    Let's do an experiment
  • How many people are actually advocating for non voting?

    Uh, lots. There's been a tireless effort here in leftist spaces discouraging voting for "genocide Joe" without actually providing alternatives.

    Well, they never give a reason why it has to be Biden.

    It's because politics moves slowly and it's way too late for someone else to start campaigning, plus he's the incumbent. If you had someone in mind a year ago, it would be worth discussing. It'll never happen in the next 4 months.

  • You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension
  • A man with one sight knows where his target is, a many with many sights it's never quite sure

  • [opinion] I don't care if you abstain from voting for president.
  • And the action of thoughtfully abstaining from voting for that lesser evil legitimizes the radicalization of the Republican party moreso still. You may argue that that's not the intention, but that doesn't change the results.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • There's a difference between someone-needs-to-coordinate-and-manage-complex-undertakings "authoritarian" and line-the-dissidents-up-against-the-wall "authoritarian". Tankies are the latter.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Lots of people say lots of silly things, nonetheless Trump is worse for the proletariat than Biden, and turning your nose up at the lesser evil endangers real people when the greater evil wins. You don't have to vote for the greater evil to help tip the scales in their favor. Accelerationism is authoritarianism with extra steps and no one in the driver's seat.

  • [opinion] I don't care if you abstain from voting for president.
  • Right, but you realize that equating inability/unwillingness to move left of neo-liberalism, with actively desiring to move towards fascism, is extremely ignorant if not downright disingenuous, and a reasonable explanation for the down votes. No one disagrees that we should vote down ticket and in local elections, they disagree with your other claims.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • A tankie is, broadly, someone who wants to effect left-wing ideology using authoritarian methods. It originally referred to those who defended the USSR using tanks to suppress the Hungarian Revolution, but it could be aptly used to describe those who defend China's actions in Tiananmen Square. It's rightfully used as a perjorative, since authoritarian enforcement is antithetical to leftism, particularly communism.

    Tankies are hypocrites who didn't understand their self-proclaimed ideologies. If someone's idea of communist praxis is lining up dissenters for the firing squad, you're dealing with a tankie.

  • Bambu X1C Purge and Prime

    I'm considering pulling the trigger on an X1C but the waste is a huge turn-off. I know there are options for purging to infill or a sacrificial object, but last I heard there's still a considerable amount of purge/prime. Can someone who's played with the settings tell me honestly how much progress has been made in reducing waste?

    Setup for TTRPG GM assistant?

    Still pretty new to local LLMs, and there's been a lot of development since I dipped my toe in. Suffice to say I'm fairly swamped and looking for guidance to the right model for my use

    I want to feed the model sourcebooks, so I can ask it game mechanic questions and it will respond with reasonable accuracy (including page references). I tried this with privateGPT a month or two back, and it kinda worked but it was slow and wonky. It seems like things are a bit cleaner now

    Crunch Sweet Spot

    Let's kick off some activity here with a question:

    How much crunch do you, personally, like in your games?

    Ultra Lite? Lite? Basic Set? Every book you can get your hands on?

    Light on combat, heavy on skills? Vice-versa? Light overall with some aspects way more fleshed-out? Heavy overall with some aspects way more simplified? Are there specific mechanics you like to take full advantage of? Mechanics you like to gloss over?

    No wrong answers, let's just get some discussion going

    agamemnonymous agamemnonymous
    Posts 3
    Comments 1.3K