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Bumble Founder Shares Odd Future of Dating: Your AI Dates My AI
  • I think we will actually reach a point where most sexual encounters will be via virtual reality. You taylor the interaction just as you want it and get the same physical reaction as if it was real.

  • Does anyone remember these? This was a time before answering machines, hard line voice mail, beepers, cell phones etc?

    At a business, a secretary, almost always a woman, would answer the phone for all calls. There were no direct lines into anyone. If you were in she would transfer the call to your office. If you were out she would use this pad to take messages. When you came back in to the office you would always stop at the front desk and you would be handed your messages.

    What's the best concert or live performance you've ever attended, and what made it unforgettable?"
  • Decades ago I saw the Rolling Stones. It was held in an arena. I was fortunate enough to sit in one of those skyboxes. Because of its location to the stage, from a corner of the skybox you could actually see behind the stage. This area was just a huge curtain as all seating behind the curtain was closed. During certain songs some band members would go behind the curtain. And it was a blast to see some of them jugging down vodka which was clearly visible from my vantage point. And the show was great.

  • Seems appropriate today...
  • I never understood why there wasn't a federal web site where you input your gross based on W2. Then check off boxes for special deductions like kids. And wamo here's what you owe. But if our tax system was simple and stupid than thousands of people at IRS wouldn't have jobs. Too bad. Let them find other jobs.

  • How did you treat COVID-19?
  • I treated like a stronger than usual strain of the flu. I was and am healthy. I had no comorbidities. I knew that if I was infected it wouldn't kill me. And I'm sure that at several times if tested I would have come up positive but I never had any significant symptoms. I live in a state that was one of the first to end all restrictions and simply lived life normally. I did get the vax before it was know that it actually didn't prevent you from getting covid and it did not prevent you from spreading it if you were positive.

  • If you could experience one historical event firsthand, which would it be and why?
  • When hitler killed himself in the bunker. I would have been fascinated to witness how a guy responsible for millions of deaths somehow considered himself the victim and was forced to commit suicide. He was an evil bastard and a coward unwilling to face the consequences of his actions.

  • People who thought OJ Simpson was innocent at the time of the trial, did you later change your mind?
  • While I totally agree that the rich (regardless of color) are not treated the same by our system of justice, he was so beyond all doubt guilty that it actually hurt the Black community. Whites and other peoples of color were disappointed that any person regardless of the tint of their skin was not held accountable for the obvious brutal murder of 2 people. And how sad that at this point we still make judgements based on how light or how dark a person's skin is.

  • Deleted
    Discussion on reddit permanent bans. My experience with being reinstated once and then years later banned again but all appeals rejected.
  • I don't know what you are talking about. I have stated that I am still banned at reddit. No one let me back and I believe that their appeal process is now automated. So in effect you can never actually make a case as to why you should be reinstated.

  • I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.
  • The article was written by a liberal. He, not me, is explaining what he believes is the problem with NPR. If you disagree with his viewpoint you should debate him.

    Any conservative who doesn't admit that there are ALSO conservatives that don't "debate" with facts is clueless. They come to us from both sides. And in either case nothing is accomplished because you never get to understand the position of the other side. But in either case once the other party resorts to insults you know immediately that you are better off having a discussion with your dog.

  • Deleted
    Discussion on reddit permanent bans. My experience with being reinstated once and then years later banned again but all appeals rejected.
  • Weren’t you banned from for posting scat porn in a tech community and dumping a bunch of comments in an Autism community calling them the R word? You ran the conservativememes2 community too.

    I did NONE of those things. I have never posted any kind of porn anywhere and never would.

    I have a nephew who is autistic and will scream out at anyone who refers to those afflicted with that condition as retarded.

    When I moderated groups at reddit I would ban those who wished me dead or called for violence against me. Do you think that was OK?

  • I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.
  • The author of this article is not a conservative, not even a moderate, but what we used to consider a liberal. Remember those days when you could have civil conversations between conservatives and liberals. Not so today with so many on the far far left. As expected this post will be heavily downvoted. Makes you wonder why they so fear civil discussion of ideas put forth by a liberal. But a liberal that does not completely accept the narrative.

  • Conservative Mickey7
    I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust. I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.

    Uri Berliner, a veteran at the public radio institution, says the network lost its way when it started telling listeners how to think.

    I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.
    If you could do it all over again, would you have gone to a trade school?

    I enjoyed college and was fortunate enough to enjoy a good white collar career. But if I could do it all over again, I would have learned how to become a licensed electrician, plumber, etc.

    Based on ease of use and available content (not cost) which is better, hulu or youtube TV?
  • Yeah I have live YouTube TV and they no longer offer the MLB channel. I had got comfortable with You Tube in general because for years I have been watching the regular YouTube and I am paying for Premium, so there are no commercials. The only ads that you have to fast forward through are the ones embedded in the videos by the creators. The billing for both regular YouTube Premium and their TV product is smooth and hassle free. I have never sampled Plex or Hulu and just was wondering how they compare with the YouTube TV product. Regular Youtube has an MLB channel that I am subscribed to. They have game highlights.

  • Deleted
    Discussion on reddit permanent bans. My experience with being reinstated once and then years later banned again but all appeals rejected.
  • LOL. I never once called for violence. I am not white and not a racist. And I never even called another poster an asshole. My thing was always lets have a civil discussion. And I guess my point is that all the things that we both would agree on that should cause a ban did not apply to me.

  • Conservative Mickey7
    FDA agrees to remove social media posts and webpages which urged people not to take Ivermectin to treat Covid. Eventually they back off all of their LIES.
    Conservative Mickey7
    They have lost the ability to think logically and understand cause and effect
    Conservative Mickey7
    Despite high rents and the shift to remote work jobs young people are still choosing to live in cities. Unaffordable—and Desirable

    Despite high rents and the shift to remote work, jobs, amenities, and density continue to attract young people to cities.

    Unaffordable—and Desirable
    Conservative Mickey7
    Former Wisconsin Election Official Found Guilty Of Generating Absentee Ballots For Fictitious Voters

    Any doubt that at worst she will get a small fine and probation?

    Conservative Mickey7
    Pharisees Accuse Jesus Of Threatening To Capture His Enemies In Nets And Kill Them With Latest ‘Fishers Of Men’ Comment (satire) Pharisees Accuse Jesus Of Threatening To Capture His Enemies In Nets And Kill Them With Latest ‘Fishers Of Men’ Comment

    GALILEE — In the newest incident involving the popular but controversial teacher from Nazareth, Pharisees accused Jesus of threatening to capture his enemies in nets and kill them with his latest "fishers of men" comment.

    Pharisees Accuse Jesus Of Threatening To Capture His Enemies In Nets And Kill Them With Latest ‘Fishers Of Men’ Comment

    Interesting in that even though this is satire it illustrates that throughout human history when those in power are threatened by a true teller they will twist his actual words into a LIE and then sell it to the clueless

    Conservative Mickey7
    Activists Force Democrats To Admit Their Abortion Radicalism Activists Force Democrats To Admit Their Abortion Radicalism

    Democrat politicians do want unrestricted abortion care — they just don’t necessarily want to 'promote and talk about' it.

    Activists Force Democrats To Admit Their Abortion Radicalism

    I don't know any dedicated democrat that is in favor of ZERO restrictions on abortion. It will be interesting to see if they finally speak up and end the bullshit of abortion up to the point of birth, and unfortunately in some states beyond that point.

    Conservative Mickey7
    48 colleges nationwide still require COVID vaccine 48 colleges nationwide still require COVID vaccine | The College Fix

    Despite ongoing concerns about possible side effects and the overall effectiveness of the shots.

    48 colleges nationwide still require COVID vaccine | The College Fix

    It is fascinating how something can be proven beyond all doubt to NOT be necessary and in some cases actually harmful, yet rather than say "we were wrong" they continue the LIE. Anyone actually attending one of these schools would be better off going to Comic Book College where the whole curriculum is based on comic books. If you are going to live in a delusional environment you might as well have fun while doing it

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