AnCaps vs Libertarians
AnCaps vs Libertarians
AnCaps vs Libertarians
A libertarian is someone who knows the price of everything, the value of nothing, and the age of consent in every jurisdiction
Thought it said librarian
me too, and confusion: ...the Librarians HAVE to be inside the schools...
See that's how they get away with it. Loopholes.
Actually lol'd myself into a coughing fit
I thought libertarians valued individual liberty.
The key point is what liberties do they mean. And usually they mean the liberty to have sex with minor and/or effectively owning people.
Sure, the same way conservatives value small government and fiscal responsibility.
There's definitely those who genuinely believe in those ideals, but they're few and far between.
Yeah, but stereotype doesn't
You just triggered so many cryptobros.
Shots fired!
I'm only antistatist until the current state is destroyed.
Many flags adorn the war horse.
Are we doing the libertarian/liberal mixup here or what
You tell me, have you ever heard a liberal candidate suggest age of consent laws should be up to a vote?
They are using the american definition of libertarian, which is basically a pseudoconservative.
Quite different from the european definition, which includes leftist ideologies like libertarian marxism (which is in practice extremely close to anarcho-communism)