Well, then kick him out. Or maybe guillotine him out, so that he doesn't return.
Like, if people were actually that irked that he won, they'd be doing something. But no, from what I hear El Trumpo actually won the popular vote: the US wants to be fascist. Maybe Canada too. (No, not as in the US wants to be Canada... although that'd be an improvement...)
To be fair, other countries want US citizens even less than the US wants* immigrants.
Do people actually think that the US is alone in anti-immigration sentiment? Do they think it’s different because they’re American?
The US is the one with a giant monument to immigration, at whose feet is a plaque that reads:
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
And if they, of all people, are now against that, what makes Americans think anyone else will want them? It’s delusional.
Many countries shut down immigration to Americans in 2016, after the first round of trump’s policies, and they haven’t opened back up yet, partly because there was a solid chance of this happening again.
It's not just that, people are acting like things are better in other countries. Like, name ONE country that has not gone off the deep end and ended up on the right recently. One major player. I'll wait. There is no utopia waiting for you in those other countries because they don't want you there and acting like you will be accepted as a refugee is foolhardy. The USA is a shit show right now, but we also don't know the future. It looks bleak right now because of the information we have RIGHT NOW. If you want to move out of the country, be my guest, but don't act like it's going to automatically be better, it's just going to be a different kind of shit show.
I've looked into it, believe me. New Zealand too. My wife is too rooted to our house, and we have an adult daughter still living at home with medical problems that would probably disqualify her.
Don't move here. We have a bad enough housing crisis without a bunch of Americans showing up to take up homes and jobs. Stay in your country and fix your damn mess