I specifically purchase noise cancelling headphones / earbuds now since it makes it easy to listen at MUCH quieter levels. I have done some tests with the noise cancelling disabled and setting the volume and with it on.. It really makes a huge difference as I am not cranking it up to drowned out noise on transit or walking down the street.
Which Sony XM4s are you talking about? Sony is terrible at naming their products, the WH-1000XM4 are noise cancelling overear headphones, while the WF-1000XM4 are in ear ones. If you're talking about the earbuds, try different tips.
How can they estimate it with a standalone DAC? I can understand that it can be calibrated when using a wireless headphone/earbuds (although it probably would be different depending on what the shape of the ear is, and what tips/pads you're using), but for a standalone DAC it sounds really strange since different headphones have different efficiency and it would be impossible for the amp to know what it would be, right? I have very efficient IEMs that get very loud even on very low volume when plugged to an ordinary USB-C DAC (one click above zero is a bit too quiet, another click is too loud), but on some larger overear headphones I have, even the max volume on the same DAC will be pretty underwhelming.
Even if the amp can detect the impedance of the headphones, it won't know the energy conversion efficiency... right?
I'm guessing the dB is not absolute volume, but relative dB (to measure amplification), so if you plug the same headphones into different amps, and give them the same source and the same dB setting, you probably will have different listening volume at the end.
I'm just a layman, so I might be missing something crucial.
I believe you’re correct. DACs obviously can’t determine volume at all, but amps can try to use the impedance to create an estimate.
This probably isn’t accurate though. If you really want a good estimate, you would have to calculate it with current voltage output and the specs of the headphones/IEMs in question.
I’m just a hobbyist too, but my headphones are extremely inefficient so I’ve spent some time looking into this. Too bad we don’t have oratory here
10-15% on earphones. However, that doesn't really mean anything. Different sound card and headphone combination will produce different loudness at same levels.
I'm just going to take this moment to remind everyone not to destroy their hearing. Back in highschool I used to blast my ears with headphones at maximum volume and go to loud venues without hearing protection. I've been permanently listening to EEEEEEEEEEEEE ever since. That was 25 years ago. It never goes away folks. Stay safe!
I listen at a low volume. I'm usually doing something else as well, so loud music is too distracting and irritating. I'm old, and I can still hear very well except for spousal deafness.
I love that the font size on this post is twice as big as all the others.
I mean it's sorta inherent. The overwhelming majority of audio systems used by normal people just have some form of relative volume display as opposed to an objective one.
Depends. My IEMs have higher impedance than your usual pair of headphones, and then it also depends on what I'm listening to from my self-ripped .flac library. Right now I am listening to Savage Amusement by Scorpions and I can listen to it enjoyably at 65 out of 120 on my Walkman. The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd is a tad bit quieter so on that album I have 75. Usually it's around this volume range, but sometimes if it's a raw grimey death metal album I have to go even higher.
It mostly depends on how loud or quiet the album I'm listening to is.
Jokes aside, just over 50% system volume in general with apps and headphones maxed out. My hearing is so/so. I wish it were below 50 but it's just too quiet like that
20-40% when I'm at home and there are no noises that interrupt the sound. 50-75% when I'm outside and can't hear anything on lower levels. I try to keep this stuff as quiet as possible so as not to damage my hearing
I use Reduce Loud Sounds on the iPhone with my AirPods Pro to reduce the maximum volume to 80dB so that I don’t damage my hearing. That way, I can crank the volume buttons to maximum without having to think about it, knowing that it will be safe.
i usually keep it 2-4 clicks away from the limit that phones have. depends on how loud or quiet the album im listening to is. i used to have it all the way to the limit but that was when i worked at a much more noisy job