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  • more arachno-socialism

    i think this is one of the species that becomes artificially evolved in the Children of Time series

    • Really? I know there are the ogre spiders and the jumping spiders that become the main species.

      I hope we get to see some of the decapods civilization in one of the books.

      • you just reminded me i need to finish it. i tried switching to an audio book for listening at work but it's sooo sloooow going to go back to text

        probably buy the actual physical books i was really enjoying it. first modern sci-fi i have gotten into in a long time

  • Communal spiders are great. Those webs are understandably enormous. And if you think that's amazing, some spiders even join ant colonies.

    • Plurinational ant colonies!? Our arthropod neighbors had the immortal science nailed down aeons before we came to be

      • Hehe. More of a joke on ant mimic jumping spiders, mind you. At least they nailed agriculture earlier, with some ants raising aphids like dairy cows.