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I have a stupid does one date if you don't like new people and don't want sex?

Edit: People are really making me out to be an evil psychopath with no empathy. I get that you can only tell so much from one post, but it's incredibly far from the truth. I have people that love and adore in my life and would do anything for. It just takes me a long ass time to get to that point...and as an introvert, my social battery with new people wears down quickly. Online dating is just difficult. I am not rude to others. Conversations just quickly peter out and neither I or my match end up continuing for much longer. The "ghosting" I speak of is often mutual. These aren't people I've interacted with for months that I suddenly stop talking to. It's chatting for a day or several and then we peter out.

If you think from this small post that I am such a psychopath as to discard a literal child, I don't know what to tell you. It's just leaping to such wild conclusions that I don't even know how to respond. I don't even necessarily want kids...I just want to be able to have the option to.

I'm sorry if this is too odd or specific of a question, but I have a bit of a dilemma.

I live alone. I have some work friends work friends, but they basically stay just friends at work. So I get lonely sometimes. And sometimes I just want to have someone around to do stuff with me. And sometimes I wonder what it might be like to raise a family.

So I occasionally try dating apps. But when I finally get someone to respond to me, my reaction is first a little bit of excitement, but then I get annoyed at having to chat with someone I just met all the time. So I unfortunately act like a dickhole by then ghosting them soon after. Even if I manage enough stamina to chat back and forth for a week or so, it always just ends up tiring and a bother to me.

The thing is, I don't really have much capacity to feel attracted to people. I'm probably somewhere on both the asexual and aromantic spectrums. So you'd think, why date? Just make a friendship then. But there are some things you can't do with a raise a family and such.

Plus, I don't even think I could manage a friendship with how difficult it is for me to like someone. I don't like anyone I just met. It takes a long time for me to enjoy and appreciate people, and many never actually make it to the point of someone I really like. There have been a couple of times where I have tried hanging out with people as friends and it's just...kind of dissatisfying to me?? Yet I really like hanging out with certain members of my family. I don't get it.

Plus like...what are you even supposed to do on a date or on an outing with friends? What are you supposed to say when you're chatting with a partner? How long and often are you supposed to chat with each other? I feel like I need some sort of a step by step guidebook because I don't even know what the hell people are supposed to do with each other.

Sorry if this is too specific. I'm just wondering if anyone else out there is as confused with human interaction as I am.

  • Instead of looking for people to date, look for people to be in your DND campaign.

    Or else join the 501st legion or something like that.

    Main point is that you don't focus on the dating stuff and instead focus on the social interactions.

  • You may be overthinking it - everyone is different, and wants different things.

    You'll probably find it easier to hang out with people that share common interests though, and that might be harder if your interests do not match those around you.

    Do whatever you want, so long as you let others do the same.

  • Right, some advice from an allo person with an ace family member:

    1. Dating and meeting people is hard, I'm sorry to say. Same as making friends, sometimes it just happens but most of the time it takes putting yourself out there in a meaningful and deliberate way.
    2. Liking someone and being interested in dating them does not usually hit like a bolt from the blue. It often grows over a while. You'll often have to build a friendship with someone before you build a relationship.
    3. If you find someone tiring and boring, don't date them. If you find everyone you meet boring and tiring after very little time then you have two options, either really challenge that preconception internally or consider whether you actually want to date.

    If you want to date but aren't ready to actually put in the time and effort to get to know people then you are really going to struggle. Are you going to want to date someone long term when you don't even want to be connected to them for more than a few days?

    There is also no guidebook, as much as it would be easier that way. People are individuals and dating requires you to see another as a person, not a puzzle to be solved. The only piece of advice that actually applies as a blanket is "be interested in them". You need to actually take an interest in who they are, what they do, how they feel. Ask the questions and listen to the answers.

    Good luck, truly. Learning how to do friendship and relationship stuff is fucking hard. But getting interested in people is the most rewarding approach to take (at least in my experience, and that of my close friends).

  • Get platonic friends through a hobby, like D&D, online gaming, rock climbing, music, etc. Find something you can enjoy locally (ideally).