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  • Iran has been the most coveted imperial target of the US military complex for ages. I understand if they’re even slightly holding back.

    • Sure, not saying I know better, I'm well aware of the hexbear tendency to jump down the throats of armchair generals. The Iranian state is of greater value to Iran than the Palestinians. I recognize this state of affairs, and yet there’s no other entity to step in. Thus the feelings

      • I just wanted to add but Iran has helped Palestine a lot, just for some examples see

        it's weird to say no other entity has stepped in when Iran, Ansarallah, Hezbollah have been stepping in various ways.

        and to add, Iran is planning on retaliating against Israel, and Israel fate is pretty much sealed, being more closer to defeat. Considering their economy is wrecked, and they're being hurt in many different directions. Israel has no future.

        • we get that we do but its still hard to watch gaza burn for longer and longer

          I hope Iran isn't bluffing, and i dont really think they are, the longer it takes the more serious force they can muster for destruction of the demon. but even then it still hurts. Is this what communists were thinking while waiting for the soviet counter-attack against the nazi lines? Knowing it was inevitable and that they were doing what they could, but still having to wait and see nazis commit more and more atrocities...

          God I miss the soviet union, they would have stopped this mark my words

        • The term used was country, and neither Hezbollah nor ansarallah are technically running their countries. As for the other facts, we’re aware of this. It’s a question of if the Palestinians have a future

          • I recognize this state of affairs, and yet there’s no other entity to step in.

            You did not say country, but entity. Forgive me if I didn't catch that you meant country in that context. And I don't think that a valid question since Palestine is still around and so are Palestinians. And resistance groups like Hamas are going to keep fighting.

            • My bad, the comment I was replying to said country. And I think it’s a question of if Israel collapses before the genocide is finished. Obviously resistance continues, but there is a timeline for Iran and another for the people being bombed

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