By making a minor concession EU governments hope to find a majority next week to approve the controversial „chat control“ bill. According to the proposed child sexual abuse regulation (CSAR), providers of messengers, e-mail and chat services would be forced to automatically search all private messag
While this would be terrible if it passes, a part of me hopes a silver lining would be a massive surge in open source development focusing on privacy respecting software that does not follow or enable this disgusting behavior by the eu
The Google bootlickers tell me my phone is at risk since it's rooted. As if every single Linux, Unix, and Windows box doesn't have root access for specific users. And Windows is so flawed they require a privilege escalation to perform fairly innocuous functions.
When I said privacy respecting software, I definitely did not mean windows or Mac lol. Open source is the only way to actually know something respects your privacy, so both those pieces of software are inherently not that. Linux for life!
That's like already the thing, if I modify my little "secure encrypted sharing protocol" windows will flag it as a virus if I send it (the software) to someone ... Then after some time it's ok. Guess it's about those antivirus heuristics, but it's not like it's not putting a big stick in my bicycle wheel.