Microsoft Proposes "Hornet" Security Module For The Linux Kernel
Microsoft Proposes "Hornet" Security Module For The Linux Kernel
[RFC PATCH security-next 0/4] Introducing Hornet LSM
Microsoft Proposes "Hornet" Security Module For The Linux Kernel
[RFC PATCH security-next 0/4] Introducing Hornet LSM
I have zero interest in anything Microsoft has to say about Free software.
Too bad they have a trojan horse at the LF board of directors.
Which is supposed to be who?
David Rudin, I guess? It says which company each person is from under their name. (The page defaults to the "Leadership" tab, so you gotta click on the "Board of directors" tab to see the correct list of people.)
Yeah, sorry about that. I don't know why it doesn't straight up lead you to the fight place
fight place
That it is.