Daily Godot Tip #34: If you ever need to type multiline strings for a variable in the inspector you can use @export_multiline.
Godot 4: Digital clock shader (tutorial)
Daily Godot Tip #33: You can use @ export_subgroup to create a subgroup within an export group. You can do the same things I posted about relating to groups to subgroups
Daily Godot Tip #32: You can use @ icon to assign a custom icon to a node instead of it having the default icon
A cool zigzag-to-sin-wave line shader I just wrote
Godot Rusts progress of 2024
Daily Godot Tip #31: You can use @ export_placeholder to give placeholder text to the input box in the inspector
Happy new year, Godot community! 🎆
Daily Godot Tip #30: You can give a second argument of a prefix to export groups. This matches any variables afterwards with that prefix (until there's one that does not)
Daily Godot Tip #29: When using export groups you can put a slash and then another word to make the second word a subfolder (and variables afterwards in that subfolder)
Acerola is moving from Unity to Godot!
Godot 4: Blob shader (metaballs tutorial)
Daily Godot Tip #28: You can group your exported variables into toggleable sections to make them a bit cleaner (and a similar structure to the built in variables)
Daily Godot Tip #27: You can make any of the side docks floating by hitting the three dots in the top right and then hit "Make Floating"
Daily Godot Tip #26: You can create another filesystem section by hitting change split mode. One of them will show folders and the other will show what is inside what is selected in the other one.
Daily Godot Tip #25: You can color folders by right clicking them and then clicking set folder color. Any files/folders in the folder will be colored the same color
Daily Godot Tip #24: Statements can be put across multiple lines using backslashes or parentheses
Godot 4: Another video glitch shader (tutorial)
Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 dev 7
Creating a pixel art game for mobile