A cool zigzag-to-sin-wave line shader I just wrote
A cool zigzag-to-sin-wave line shader I just wrote
i wanted to add a cool background to some game i'm making for a friend, so i had a lil fun with glsl and made this.
i uploaded a short screen recording on all the parameters, but apparently catbox doesn't work well with that anymore. So I replaced it with this image.
here is the code, use it however u want <3
shader_type canvas_item; uniform sampler2D gradient : source_color; uniform vec2 frequency = vec2(10.0, 10.0); uniform float amplitude = 1.0; uniform vec2 offset; // 0.0 = zigzag; 1.0 = sin wave uniform float smoothness : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0; float zig_zag(float value){ float is_even = step(0.5, fract(value * 0.5)); float rising = fract(value); float falling = (rising - 1.0) * -1.0; float result = mix(rising, falling, is_even); return result; } float smoothzag(float value, float _smoothness){ float z = zig_zag(value); float s = (cos((value + 1.0) * PI)) * 0.5 + 0.5; return mix(z, s, _smoothness); } void fragment() { float sinus = zig_zag(((UV.y*2.0-1.0) + smoothzag((UV.x*2.0-1.0) * frequency.x - offset.x, smoothness) * amplitude * 0.1) * frequency.y - offset.y); COLOR = texture(gradient, vec2(sinus, 0.0)); }
if u have any questions, ask right away!