Annotations for Star Trek: Discovery 5x04: "Face the Strange" (SPOILERS)
Annotations for Star Trek: Discovery 5x03: "Jinaal" (SPOILERS)
Annotations for Star Trek: Discovery 5x02: "Under the Twin Moons" (SPOILERS)
Annotations for Star Trek: Discovery 5x01: "Red Directive" (SPOILERS)
How certain are we that Discovery went to THE future rather than A future?
Application of the (Temporal) Prime Directive Across Alternate Timelines
Why was Dukat never arrested when visiting DS9?
Subspace, Real Space, Warp Bubbles and a proposal as to how Star Trek Warp Drive might work
Temporal Prime Directive: Get Out of Jail Free?
Repetitive Epics
Vulcan Sex Workers
The Leif Ericson Class Incident
Raktajino... has liquor in it?
question about "synchronic displacement" in TNG 'Times Arrow'
Where Are All The Bicycles??
In the Pale Moonlight - Theories within
Episode Analysis | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x10 "Old Friends, New Planets"
Does anyone in Starfleet wear sunglasses?
Annotations for Star Trek: Lower Decks 4x10: “OId Friends, New Planets” (SPOILERS)
Annotations for Star Trek: Lower Decks 4x09: “The Inner Fight” (SPOILERS)