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France vs Belgium (Düsseldorf, 18:00)
  • That.referee was weird.

  • yikes rule
  • It's a great novel, but not a love story.

  • L'appel du Blork : Racontez-nous vos aventures ludiques de la semaine ! 👾🎮
  • Pour la première fois j'ai fait du JdR sur table avec mes enfants (4 et 6 ans). C'était pas Pathfinder évidemment, c'était un JdR pour enfants (Mon premier JdR, je n'avais pas tout le coffret), et c'est moi qui donnait le sens de leurs jets de dés, mais j'ai été surpris par la facilité avec laquelle elles sont entrées dans le jeu. Si mes joueureuses adultes utilisaient l'environnement comme mes filles, nos parties seraient encore plus intéressantes !

  • Far-right National Rally strengthening in final polls ahead of vote
  • Analysts say the far-right party has benefited from public anger at Macron, whose pro-business reforms have spurred the economy but…

    French growth was only 0.9% in 2023, inflation is finally starting to slow down but was violent until recently and therefore purchasing power has collapsed, and unemployment has fallen mainly thanks to write-offs.

    What a “spurred” economy!

  • "Il faut laisser sa voiture au garage", cette ville du Bas-Rhin va rendre les transports en commun gratuits "Il faut laisser sa voiture au garage", cette ville du Bas-Rhin va rendre les transports en commun gratuits

    C'est un petit réseau urbain (deux lignes) mais un grand pas pour l'humanité (et la planète). La ville d'Obernai a choisi de rendre tous ses transports gratuits à compter du 2 septembre 2024. Objectif : inciter les Obernois...

    cross-posted from:

    Anon thinks about Google
  • I hate Google and try not use it anymore but there's still one thing I can't do without : Google Maps.

  • Any operating system, you said?

    Text: Hi.

    This is your last chance to prevent unpleasant consequences and save your reputation. Your operating systems on every device you use to log into your emails are infected with a Trojan virus. I use a multiplatform virus with a hidden VNC. It works on any operating system: iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows.

    Academia to Industry
  • The fact that I have a PhD while I knew that I wouldn't use it quickly after I begun, thus loosing years of my life is the proof that I'm dumb as a rock. Fitting for ChatGPT.

  • Le Village Secret : un parc de loisirs médiéval de 2000 m2 ouvrira en octobre à Lingolsheim ! Le Village Secret : un parc de loisirs médiéval de 2000 m2 ouvrira en octobre à Lingolsheim !

    Il y a bien longtemps que l’on ne vous avait pas parlé d’escape game, mais aujourd’hui, on va se rattraper en vous présentant tout un univers, dédié aux loisirs, créé autour du thème médiéval et fantastique. On vous donne les premières infos et les premiers visuels du Village Secret : un vaste espac...

    Le Village Secret : un parc de loisirs médiéval de 2000 m2 ouvrira en octobre à Lingolsheim !

    Pour résumer : une série d'escape games et d'enquêtes ludiques liées entre elles par une histoire dans un univers médiéval fantastique de 2000m² avec en son centre une taverne avec des jeux de société et des haches à lancer.

    Ça a l'air trop bien 🤤

    Législatives 2024 : les candidats et candidates en Alsace (Rue 89) Législatives 2024 : les candidats et candidates en Alsace

    Retrouvez la liste des candidats et candidates aux élections législatives 2024 en Alsace ainsi que leurs scores deux ans plus tôt.

    Législatives 2024 : les candidats et candidates en Alsace
    Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • Israel is a country. Fascism is a type of government.

    You can want the end of the fascist government without wanting the end of the country.

  • Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • A two state solution is one possibility, but there is no strict requirement that it is the only or best way to serve the needs of those involved.

    It's true. But it's not for us to decide.

  • Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • I think you didn't understood me. I'm criticizing Israel. It's a criminal state.I just say that to criticize Israel and saying that Israel.shouldn't exist are two different things.

  • Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • Israel is a lot of things, but not an ethnostate. Falashas and Sefardim aren't white, and they're recognized as citizens as much as Ashkenazim, at least legally (there is racism between Jews in Israel too, but it's the case everywhere).

    I don't understand why Israel is the only criminal State in the world that progressive people want totally destroyed. Russia, Iran, Syria, … are imperialist criminal states too, and progressive people “only” want their government changed. I want the fascist government of Israel overthrown, but I have no right to call for the destruction of the country itself. The only difference is Judaism.

  • Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • If the Jew people of Palestine want the independence, who are we to deny it? The only moral solution in this case is the two states solution.

  • Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • Thus you're denying the right of self determination for the Jew people. QED.

  • Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • It would be replaced by what?

  • Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • I never saw a strong international pressure to make Israel comply.

  • Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • The goal should be the two states solution. It won't be possible if there isn't a strong international pressure on Israel. Again, Israel is a criminal state and should be treated as such. So is Russia, and nobody publishes memes on how Russia has no right to exist.

  • Israel doesn't have the right to exist
  • Denying the Jews the right to self-determination that all other peoples have is antisemitic.

    Israel is a criminal state that should be stopped. But we can do that, we should do that, without antisemitism.

  • There's no accounting for taste
  • New fantasy unlocked

  • real progressivism = against hate of all kinds
  • If for you “people” is a genetic thing, you're also racist.

  • Le Haut-Kœnigsbourg (Bas-Rhin), aujourd'hui

    cross-posted from:

    > Le Haut-Kœnigsbourg (Bas-Rhin), aujourd'hui > > Petit détail amusant : sous le drapeau (français) on peut apercevoir une girouette en forme d'aigle (germanique).

    Christianity Was Always for the Poor (David B. Hart, Jacobin) Christianity Was Always for the Poor

    From the Sermon on the Mount through the Apostolic Age, the first Christians preached against wealth.

    Christianity Was Always for the Poor

    cross-posted from:

    > Christianity Was Always for the Poor (David B. Hart, Jacobin)

    Après 9 ans sans mise à jour, Edubuntu est à nouveau développé ! Edubuntu 23.04 Released

    We are pleased to announce the release of Edubuntu 23.04, codenamed “Lunar Lobster”. This has been a project of love for my husband Erich and myself and I am happy to see it back with the people where it belongs once again. This release will be supported for nine months (Until January 2024). My...

    Edubuntu 23.04 Released
    zloubida Zloubida
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