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Non-Americans who have been to the US.. What is the weirdest thing about America that Americans don't realize is weird?
  • Ramen is most commonly sold in sealed plastic bags in America. We just cook it in a pot like any other pasta. Lots of people I know don't own any kind of kettle. If they need to boil water a pot or the microwave both work just fine.

    Personally, I like tea, but I also have an induction cooktop, so I just have a kettle for that. It's great. All the advantages of an electric kettle without having to put an electrical appliance by my sink.

  • Mozilla removes uBlock Origin Lite from Addon store. Developer stops developing Lite for Firefox; "it's worrisome what could happen to uBO in the future."
  • Lemmy is very much not gigantic. It has tens of thousands of acitve users. Reddit has hundreds of millions. Librewolf is even more niche than Lemmy is. Librewolf isn't even really a browser, it's just a small patchset for Firefox. It only has it's own name and logo because Mozilla doesn't like people distributing modified versions of Firefox with their branding attached. Librewolf is very cool, but jumping straight from that to full on taking Gecko maintenance on completely is just a silly idea. I hope that if Mozilla does fail someone takes over Firefox from them, but Mozilla isn't running out of Google money any time soon, and Librewolf isn't even likely to be who takes it over if it does happen. It's way more likely to end up in the hands of a big Linux distro, or even a new organization formed specifically for the purpose of taking Firefox over. All this talk of Librewolf being the savior of Gecko based browsers is completely disconnected from the reality of what Librewolf is.

  • Mozilla removes uBlock Origin Lite from Addon store. Developer stops developing Lite for Firefox; "it's worrisome what could happen to uBO in the future."
  • Librewolf is a tiny niche within a tiny niche. No one at Google has even heard of it, and they're certainly not going to start throwing money at a tiny obscure browser fork with zero web engine development experience if Firefox dies. Librewolf is a cool project, and I will gladly recommend it, but it dies with Firefox. It only even makes sense to consider the possibility if you have absolutely no self awareness of how small of a community we are at all.

  • New Steam Agreement gets rid of forced arbitration and waivers for class action lawsuits
  • Forced arbitration is already unenforceable in the EU, so it doesn't change anything for you. It just makes it so it works for the rest of the world the same way it already did for you.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • Yeah, and using those is pretty good, but they don't really do anything you can't do just by changing settings in Firefox, and if Firefox doesn't have any users those die right along with it.

  • YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog
  • Honestly, I've kind of always wondered why they didn't just do this. It's always seemed like the obvious thing to me.

    I mean, I hope it doesn't work, because screw Google, but I'm still surprised it took them this long to try it.

  • We lost Keanu
  • Distrusting the government is not the same thing as believing baseless gibberish just because it disagrees with science that has been used to inform government decisions.

  • Bees
  • That doesn't even make any sense if you stop and think about it at all. Sure, a single worker bee dying isn't a huge deal, but they all do that. It would definitely be better for the hive and the queen if they didn't rip their own guts out.

  • Bees
  • Carpenter bees are also cool. Not as fluffy as bumblebees though.

  • DuckStation Creator Considers Shutting Down Emulator Amid License Change
  • Is that really even true of emulators of old consoles? There's not a lot of new features coming out for the original PlayStation. Either way, part of the reason that SwanStation is dead is that it's not even the best libretro PS1 emulator anyway.

  • Bees
  • Okay, but bumblebees are the best though. Even fluffier than honey bees, and they almost never sting humans.

    Sadly they're also one of the types of bee that's losing out in their native habitats to human supported honey bees.

  • giving her 🧀
  • I mean, if you have a shared interest in cheese this probably counts as a thoughtful act.

  • America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting
  • My source is the obvious sarcasm.

  • America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting
  • People who work together can't really do democracy. The only true democracy is the one where a small number of people order everyone around without the input of most people. Because that's what democracy means.

  • Resistance is futile
  • Trust me, I am all too familiar with losing hope in humanity as I get older and more cynical. That doesn't mean I want to spend my time watching a show about torture and misery and sadness and hopelessness. I want something better out of fiction than I get out of real life. Otherwise, what's even the point?

  • Resistance is futile
  • I've never watched Picard myself, but the the main thing I took away from watching the video was that the person who made it loved TNG for being a show that tried to take a realistic look at our problems and present a fun show about a world where we have found solutions for them, while inspiring people all over the world, including the person who made the video, to become scientists and engineers. Meanwhile Picard is a show that is miserable and hopeless and will never inspire anyone to do anything. Also it just wasn't well written.

    That's just my personal main take away from a single video about a show I haven't watched, so take that for what it's worth.

  • Grrr! Stupid non-intuitive default settings!
  • Huh, yeah, you're right. I missed that the first time, but it's how the computers are networked, not the OS.

  • Grrr! Stupid non-intuitive default settings!
  • No. That's not what I said. I said the manufacturers not testing their equipment on Linux made it so, and more users would change that. Actually, looking at it again that isn't even true. This example has nothing to do with the operating system at all. It's caused by connecting with a computer on a different subnet (or I guess more accurately the same subnet as the printer), which would have happened even if the OS were Windows.

  • Grrr! Stupid non-intuitive default settings!
  • Honestly, this is a pretty good example of why this isn't an inherent Linux problem. It's a problem of using any OS that isn't popular enough to be supported by manufacturers. More people using Linux would cause problems like this to stop happening.

    I realize that's a distinction without a difference to a lot of people, and that's totally okay. I'm not saying that's wrong, but it matters to me that the benefits of Linux are specific to the OS, while most of the problems are not.

  • Debian is a snail and its shell
  • I tried out Gentoo for a while, and just using binaries for the web browser and office suite made the compile times a complete non-issue. The problem I had that made me give it up was that when there is software you want that isn't in the official repos there are a thousand different ways of getting it, and all of them suck. Overlays are supposed to be the solution for that, but man that experience was just awful.

    I tried all kinds of things, but in the end all the options basically boiled down to risking breakage, maintaining my own packages, or not using emerge at all, which just feels like it's defeating the whole purpose of being on Gentoo in the first place.

  • zephr_c ZephrC
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